Interface ProgressHandle<H>

Type Parameters:
H - the generic type
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ProgressHandle<H>
Whenever a handle is associated with a progress, then a component providing such handles should implement this interface.

The handle reference requires the ProgressAccessor interface to be implemented.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getProgress(H aHandle)
    The progress of a handle can be queried by this method.
    hasProgress(H aHandle)
    Determines whether the handle reference provides a progress by implementing the ProgressAccessor interface.
  • Method Details

    • hasProgress

      boolean hasProgress(H aHandle) throws UnknownHandleRuntimeException
      Determines whether the handle reference provides a progress by implementing the ProgressAccessor interface.
      aHandle - The handle to test whether the reference provides the according functionality.
      True in case the reference provides the according functionality.
      UnknownHandleRuntimeException - Thrown in case the handle is unknown (there is none reference for this handle).
    • getProgress

      The progress of a handle can be queried by this method. A value of zero ("0") indicates that there was no progress so far, a value of one ("1") indicates that the progress is 100%. The handle association requires the ProgressAccessor interface to be implemented.
      aHandle - The handle for which to determine the current progress.
      A value between zero ("0") and one ("1") determining the progress related to the given handle.
      UnsupportedHandleOperationRuntimeException - in case the reference of the handle does not support the requested operation.
      UnknownHandleRuntimeException - Thrown in case the handle is unknown (there is none reference for this handle).