Interface ConnectionOpenable<CON>

Type Parameters:
CON - The type of the connection to be used.
All Known Subinterfaces:
ComponentComposite.ExtendedComponentComposite<CTX,CON>, ConnectionComponent<CON>, ConnectionComponent.ConnectionAutomaton<CON>, ConnectionComponent.ConnectionComponentBuilder<CON,B>, ConnectionOpenable.ConnectionOpenAutomaton<CON>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractComponentComposite.ExtendedCompositeComponentImpl, ConnectionAutomatonImpl

public interface ConnectionOpenable<CON>
This mixin might be implemented by a component in order to provide opening connection(s) facilities. The semantics of this interface is very similar to that of the Configurable interface. To clarify the context regarding connections, the ConnectionOpenable interface has been introduced.

In case a no connection is to be provided to the open(Object) method (as it may have been passed via the constructor), you may use the Openable interface with its method, which does not require any arguments specifying a connection.

  • Method Details

    • open

      void open(CON aConnection) throws IOException
      Opens the component with the given connection.
      aConnection - The connection used for opening the connection.
      IOException - Thrown in case opening or accessing an open line (connection, junction, link) caused problems.
    • openUnchecked

      default void openUnchecked(CON aConnection)
      Opens the component by calling open(Object) without you to require catching an IOException.
      aConnection - The connection used for opening the connection.
      org.refcodes.exception.RuntimeIOException - encapsulates the aCause and is thrown upon encountering a IOException exception