Enum AnsiEscapeCode

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Comparable<Byte>, org.refcodes.mixin.CodeAccessor<Byte>

    public enum AnsiEscapeCode
    extends Enum<AnsiEscapeCode>
    implements org.refcodes.mixin.CodeAccessor<Byte>
    This enumeration contains ANSI Escape-Codes for modifying the appearance of console output to ANSI enabled terminals. In order to compose your basic ANSI Escape-Code sequences, you may go for toEscapeSequence(AnsiEscapeCode...). Use toEscapedSequence(String) when you wish to print the ANSI Escape-Code sequence without the sequence modifying your terminal output (e.g. helpful in error messages regarding ANSI Escape-Codes).
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • RESET

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode RESET
        Reset / Normal: All attributes off (reset).
      • BOLD

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode BOLD
        Bold or increased intensity:
      • FAINT

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FAINT
        Faint (decreased intensity):
      • ITALIC

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode ITALIC
        Italic: Not widely supported. Sometimes treated as inverse.
      • SLOW_BLINK

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode SLOW_BLINK
        Slow Blink: Less than 150 per minute.

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode RAPID_BLINK
        Rapid Blink: 150+ per minute. Not widely supported.

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode REVERSE_VIDEO
        Reverse Video: Swap foreground and background colors.
      • CONCEAL

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode CONCEAL
        Conceal: Not widely supported.

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode CROSSED_OUT
        Crossed-out: Characters legible but marked for deletion.

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode DEFAULT_FONT
        Primary(default) font
      • FONT_1

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FONT_1
        Font 1: Select alternative font 1.
      • FONT_2

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FONT_2
        Font 2: Select alternative font 2.
      • FONT_3

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FONT_3
        Font 3: Select alternative font 3.
      • FONT_4

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FONT_4
        Font 4: Select alternative font 4.
      • FONT_5

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FONT_5
        Font 5: Select alternative font 5.
      • FONT_6

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FONT_6
        Font 6: Select alternative font 6.
      • FONT_7

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FONT_7
        Font 7: Select alternative font 7.
      • FONT_8

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FONT_8
        Font 8: Select alternative font 8.
      • FONT_9

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FONT_9
        Font 9: Select alternative font 9.
      • FRAKTUR

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FRAKTUR
        Fraktur: Rarely supported.

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode DOUBLY_UNDERLINE_OR_BOLD_OFF
        Doubly underline or Bold off: Double-underline per ECMA-48.

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode NORMAL_COLOR_OR_INTENSITY
        Normal color or intensity: Neither bold nor faint.

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode NOT_ITALIC_NOT_FRAKTUR
        Not italic: Not Fraktur.

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode UNDERLINE_OFF
        Underline off: Not singly or doubly underlined.

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode INVERSE_OFF
        Inverse off
      • REVEAL

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode REVEAL
        Reveal: Conceal off.

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode NOT_CROSSED_OUT
        Not crossed out
      • FG_BLACK

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FG_BLACK
        Foreground Black: Set foreground color.
      • FG_RED

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FG_RED
        Foreground Red: Set foreground color.
      • FG_GREEN

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FG_GREEN
        Foreground Green: Set foreground color.
      • FG_YELLOW

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FG_YELLOW
        Foreground Yellow: Set foreground color.
      • FG_BLUE

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FG_BLUE
        Foreground Blue: Set foreground color.
      • FG_MAGENTA

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FG_MAGENTA
        Foreground Magenta: Set foreground color.
      • FG_CYAN

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FG_CYAN
        Foreground Cyan: Set foreground color.
      • FG_WHITE

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FG_WHITE
        Foreground White: Set foreground color.

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode SET_FOREGROUND_COLOR
        Set foreground color: Next arguments are 5;n or 2;r;g;b, see below:
        • ESC[38:5:(n)m: Select foreground color, (n) represents an index into a predefined 256-color lookup table
        • ESC[38;2;(r);(g);(b)m: Select RGB foreground color, (r) represents the 8 bit red portion of an RGB color, (g) represents the 8 bit green portion of an RGB color, (b) represents the 8 bit blue portion of an RGB color

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode DEFAULT_FOREGROUND_COLOR
        Default foreground color: implementation defined (according to standard)
      • BG_BLACK

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode BG_BLACK
        Background Black: Set background color.
      • BG_RED

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode BG_RED
        Background Red: Set background color.
      • BG_GREEN

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode BG_GREEN
        Background Green: Set background color.
      • BG_YELLOW

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode BG_YELLOW
        Background Yellow: Set background color.
      • BG_BLUE

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode BG_BLUE
        Background Blue: Set background color.
      • BG_MAGENTA

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode BG_MAGENTA
        Background Magenta: Set background color.
      • BG_CYAN

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode BG_CYAN
        Background Cyan: Set background color.
      • BG_WHITE

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode BG_WHITE
        Background White: Set background color.

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode SET_BACKGROUND_COLOR
        Set background color: Next arguments are 5;n or 2;r;g;b, see below:
        • ESC[48:5:(n)m; Select background color, (n) represents an index into a predefined 256-color lookup table
        • ESC[48;2;(r);(g);(b)m: Select RGB background color, (r) represents the 8 bit red portion of an RGB color, (g) represents the 8 bit green portion of an RGB color, (b) represents the 8 bit blue portion of an RGB color

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR
        Default background color: implementation defined (according to standard)
      • NOT_FRAMED

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode NOT_FRAMED
        Not framed or encircled

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode NOT_OVERLINED
        Not overlined

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode IDEOGRAM_UNDERLINE_OR_RIGHT_SIDE_LINE
        Ideogram underline or right side line: Rarely supported.

        Ideogram double underline or double line on the right side : Rarely supported.

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode IDEOGRAM_OVERLINE_OR_LEFT_SIDE_LINE
        Ideogram overline or left side line : Rarely supported.

        Ideogram double overline or double line on the left side : Rarely supported.

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode IDEOGRAM_STRESS_MARKING
        Ideogram stress marking : Rarely supported.

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode IDEOGRAM_ATTRIBUTES_OFF
        Ideogram attributes off: Reset the effects of all of 60–64.

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FG_BRIGHT_BLACK
        Foreground Bright Black: Set bright foreground color (aixterm (not in standard)).

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FG_BRIGHT_RED
        Foreground Bright Red: Set bright foreground color (aixterm (not in standard)).

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FG_BRIGHT_GREEN
        Foreground Bright Green: Set bright foreground color (aixterm (not in standard)).

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FG_BRIGHT_YELLOW
        Foreground Bright Yellow: Set bright foreground color (aixterm (not in standard)).

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FG_BRIGHT_BLUE
        Foreground Bright Blue: Set bright foreground color (aixterm (not in standard)).

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FG_BRIGHT_MAGENTA
        Foreground Bright Magenta: Set bright foreground color (aixterm (not in standard)).

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FG_BRIGHT_CYAN
        Foreground Bright Cyan: Set bright foreground color (aixterm (not in standard)).

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FG_BRIGHT_WHITE
        Foreground Bright White: Set bright foreground color (aixterm (not in standard)).

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode FG_BRIGHT_DEFAULT
        Foreground Bright Default: Set bright foreground color (aixterm (not in standard)).

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode BG_BRIGHT_BLACK
        Background Bright Black: Set bright background color (aixterm (not in standard)).

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode BG_BRIGHT_RED
        Background Bright Red: Set bright background color (aixterm (not in standard)).

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode BG_BRIGHT_GREEN
        Background Bright Green: Set bright background color (aixterm (not in standard)).

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode BG_BRIGHT_YELLOW
        Background Bright Yellow: Set bright background color (aixterm (not in standard)).

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode BG_BRIGHT_BLUE
        Background Bright Blue: Set bright background color (aixterm (not in standard)).

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode BG_BRIGHT_MAGENTA
        Background Bright Magenta: Set bright background color (aixterm (not in standard)).

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode BG_BRIGHT_CYAN
        Background Bright Cyan: Set bright background color (aixterm (not in standard)).

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode BG_BRIGHT_WHITE
        Background Bright White: Set bright background color (aixterm (not in standard)).

        public static final AnsiEscapeCode BG_BRIGHT_DEFAULT
        Background Bright Default: Set bright background color (aixterm (not in standard)).
    • Field Detail

      • ESCAPE

        public static char ESCAPE
        The ANSI Escape-Code with which each ANSI escape sequence is commenced.

        public static char ESCAPE_SUFFIX
        The ANSI Escape-Code with which each ANSI escape sequence is concluded.

        public static char ESCAPE_PARAMETER_DELIMITER
        The delimiter used to separate the parameters of an ANSI Escape-Sequence, e.g. the parameters "0", "1" and ""4" of the sequence "<ESC>[0;1;4m".

        public static char ESCAPE_PREFIX_DELIMITER
        The delimiter used to separate the leading Escape-Code <ESC> of an ANSI Escape-Sequence from the succeeding portion, e.g. "[" separates <ESC> from "[0;1;4m" of the sequence "<ESC>[0;1;4m".
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static AnsiEscapeCode[] values​()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (AnsiEscapeCode c : AnsiEscapeCode.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static AnsiEscapeCode valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • getCode

        public Byte getCode​()
        Specified by:
        getCode in interface org.refcodes.mixin.CodeAccessor<Byte>
      • toEscaped

        public String toEscaped​()
        Returns the escaped ANSI Escape-Code to be printable without triggering the actual ANSI escape commands.
        The escaped ANSI Escape-Code.
      • toEscapeSequence

        public static String toEscapeSequence​(AnsiEscapeCode... aAnsiEscapeCodes)
        Basic functionality to create an ANSI Escape-Code sequence from the provided AnsiEscapeCode elements directly printable to System.out. This method can only provide placeholder such as ${n0}, ${n1}, ... for elements SET_FOREGROUND_COLOR and SET_BACKGROUND_COLOR (the numbers correspond to the order of their appearance). Consider building your sequence manually in case you want to use a RGB value instead of an index into the ANSI Color-Table.
        aAnsiEscapeCodes - The Escape-Codes to be included in the Escape-Code sequence.
        The correctly generated Escape-Code sequence directly printable to System.out.
      • toEscapedSequence

        public static String toEscapedSequence​(String aEscapeSequence)
        Makes the provided Escape-Sequence printable by replacing the ESCAPE code with a printable char sequence. This means that the Escape-Sequence is disabled so that it will be printed out as plain text.
        aEscapeSequence - The Escape-Sequence to be printed out as plain text.
        The plain text representation of the given Escape-Sequence.