Class ApplicationBusImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • ApplicationBusImpl

        public ApplicationBusImpl​()
        Constructs the ApplicationBus with the DispatchStrategy being DispatchStrategy.CASCADE when publishing events.
      • ApplicationBusImpl

        public ApplicationBusImpl​(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService aExecutorService)
        Constructs the ApplicationBus with the DispatchStrategy being DispatchStrategy.CASCADE when publishing events.
        aExecutorService - THe ExecutorService to be used when creating threads.
      • ApplicationBusImpl

        public ApplicationBusImpl​(org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aDispatchStrategy)
        Constructs the ApplicationBus with the given DispatchStrategy when publishing events.
        aDispatchStrategy - THe DispatchStrategy to be used when publishing events.
      • ApplicationBusImpl

        public ApplicationBusImpl​(org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aDispatchStrategy,
                                  java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService aExecutorService)
        Constructs the ApplicationBus with the DispatchStrategy being DispatchStrategy.CASCADE when publishing events.
        aDispatchStrategy - THe DispatchStrategy to be used when publishing events.
        aExecutorService - THe ExecutorService to be used when creating threads.
      • ApplicationBusImpl

        public ApplicationBusImpl​(int aCorePoolSize)
        Constructs the ApplicationBus with the DispatchStrategy being DispatchStrategy.CASCADE when publishing events.
        aCorePoolSize - The number of threads to keep in the pool, even if they are idle.
      • ApplicationBusImpl

        public ApplicationBusImpl​(org.refcodes.eventbus.DispatchStrategy aDispatchStrategy,
                                  int aCorePoolSize)
        Constructs the ApplicationBus with the given DispatchStrategy when publishing events.
        aCorePoolSize - The number of threads to keep in the pool, even if they are idle.
        aDispatchStrategy - THe DispatchStrategy to be used when publishing events.