Interface CipherVersion

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Comparable<CipherVersion>, org.refcodes.mixin.UniversalIdAccessor
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface CipherVersion
    extends org.refcodes.mixin.UniversalIdAccessor, Comparable<CipherVersion>
    A CipherVersion represents a cipher (used for symmetric encryption respectively decryption) related to a cypher's version (UID). Implementation specific specializations might add attributes to determine whether a CipherVersion is outdated and must be replaced by a new CipherVersion or other attributes helpful for housekeeping and management of CipherVersion instances. The CipherVersion instances are (indirectly) bound to a namespace.
    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.UniversalIdAccessor

        org.refcodes.mixin.UniversalIdAccessor.UniversalIdBuilder<B extends org.refcodes.mixin.UniversalIdAccessor.UniversalIdBuilder<B>>, org.refcodes.mixin.UniversalIdAccessor.UniversalIdMutator, org.refcodes.mixin.UniversalIdAccessor.UniversalIdProperty
    • Method Detail

      • getCipher

        String getCipher()
        Returns the cipher attribute.
        The actual cipher.