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Package org.refcodes.jobbus

The refcodes-jobbus artifact makes use of the command pattern and provides a frame to work with commands (jobs) also in a distributed environment (e.g.

See: Description

Package org.refcodes.jobbus Description

The refcodes-jobbus artifact makes use of the command pattern and provides a frame to work with commands (jobs) also in a distributed environment (e.g. REST, SOA, Cloud Computing) and provides do/undo functionality.

The terms "command" and "job" are used interchangeably. To understand the benefits which the job-bus offers, we should briefly understand the command pattern. Below I will describe the command pattern in the context of the job-bus; which might differ slightly from the command pattern as described in literature. Simply speaking, you push a job into your job-bus. You can either wait for the job to be executed and grab its result when done or you us a handle to grab the result later on. The job is being executed asynchronously, it is up to the job-bus where and when it is being executed: For example the job could be transported to some remote JVM to be executed there or the job could get executed as soon as a worker thread is happy to grab the job from a job-queue.

Command (Job):

A command (job) represents an (atomic) operation applied to a context encapsulated in an object (as of object oriented programming). Usually a command also provides means to undo its operation applied before. The command is created by a client (e.g. the business logic) and passed to the job-bus for execution.


The client may be the business logic creating a command (job) to be executed.


The context can be a service, a service-bus (providing a handful of services), a component or a plain POJO (this depends on your requirements and your implementation).


The job-bus takes a client's command (job) to be executed. For asynchronous execution a handle is passed back to the client with which the state (in progress, failure, success) of the command (job) can be determined as well as the command's (job's) result be requested (the actual result or an exception in case of failure). For synchronous operation, the job-bus halts your invoking thread till either the result is (available and) passed back or an exception is thrown.

To invoke a command (job), the job-bus, being the invoker, passes the context to the command (job) and requests the command (job) to apply its operation with regard to the context.

As you can see, the job-bus is responsible for managing the context and for invoking the command (job). This decouples the business logic from the knowledge on how to retrieve a context or where the command is actually being executed (more on this later).

As of the implemented handle paradigm, the job-bus may be used by various parties without revealing their command (job) instances (to each other) being processed by the job-bus.

Job-Bus directory:

The job-bus directory is actually a plain extension of the job-bus providing access to all the handles currently being managed by the job-bus. The job-bus directory provides means to get a full listing of currently known Command (job) instances and the according handles. Only privileged systems should access the job-bus directory as any system having access can intervene with the Command (job) instances without owning those Command (job) instances (without owning the according handle).

Distributed environment:

The operation a command (job) represents is atomic, encapsulated in an object and applied to a context. The job-bus may distribute the command (job) to a different job-bus, probably located on a different machine, where the command (job) eventually gets executed. The result of the command (job) execution then gets passed back to the originating job-bus, which then passes it back to the client.

(this scenario assumes that a) your command (job) is serializable as well as b) your result is serializable)


As a command (job) may also undo things it has done (executed), an undo stack may hold your application's command (job) instances in the order of their execution. Using to undo stack in reverse order, the executed operations can be undone one-by-one or in batch.

Component / Service:

In a component or service driven environment, the job-bus may be one of the services centrally being set up and configured as well as centrally being provided to your application's component (service) instances. So you have one point of command (job) execution; application wide; providing the benefits of the job-bus in a transparent manner to your application.
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