Class JobBusDirectoryImpl<CTX>

  • Type Parameters:
    CTX - The context type to use, can by any Component, service or POJO.
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.refcodes.component.FlushHandle<CTX>, org.refcodes.component.HandleDirectory<H,org.refcodes.command.Undoable<CTX,?,?>>, org.refcodes.component.HandleLookup<CTX,H>, org.refcodes.component.ProgressHandle<CTX>, org.refcodes.component.ResetHandle<CTX>, JobBus<CTX,H>, JobBusDirectory<CTX,java.lang.String>

    public class JobBusDirectoryImpl<CTX>
    extends AbstractJobBusDirectory<CTX,java.lang.String>
    The JobBusDirectoryImpl is a ready to use implementation of a composite JobBusDirectory extending the AbstractJobBusDirectory.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JobBusDirectoryImpl

        public JobBusDirectoryImpl​(CTX aContext)
        Instantiates the JobBusDirectoryImpl with the provided context and and a pre-defined String objects generating HandleGenerator. It is up to you which context (service, Component, POJO) you want to provide to a job (Undoable) when being executed.
        aContext - The context which is passed to the job (Undoable) instances when being executed.