Class SimpleDbLoggerFactory<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The type of the Record instances managed by the Logger.

    public class SimpleDbLoggerFactory<T>
    extends Object
    Ready to use LoggerFactory to create Logger instances directly attached to Amazon SimpleDb.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpleDbLoggerFactory

        public SimpleDbLoggerFactory​(String aDomainPrefix,
                                     String aAccessKey,
                                     String aSecretKey,
                                     String aEndPoint,
                                     org.refcodes.tabular.ColumnFactory<T> aColumnFactory)
        Instantiates a new simple db logger factory impl.
        aDomainPrefix - the domain prefix
        aAccessKey - the access key
        aSecretKey - the secret key
        aEndPoint - the end point
        aColumnFactory - the column factory
    • Method Detail

      • createInstance

        public org.refcodes.logger.Logger<T> createInstance​(String aSchemaSuffix)
      • createInstance

        public L createInstance​(String aDomainSuffix,
                                Map<String,String> aProperties)
        Specified by:
        createInstance in interface org.refcodes.factory.LookupFactory<L extends org.refcodes.logger.Logger<T>,T>
      • getSchemaPrefix

        protected String getSchemaPrefix​()
        Provides access to the schema prefix.
        The schema prefix
      • getAccessKey

        protected String getAccessKey​()
        Retrieves the Amazon access key.
        The Amazon access key.
      • getSecretKey

        protected String getSecretKey​()
        Retrieves the Amazon secret key.
        The Amazon secret key.
      • getEndPoint

        protected String getEndPoint​()
        Retrieves the Amazon SimpleDB end-point.
        The Amazon SimpleDB end-point.
      • getColumnFactory

        protected org.refcodes.tabular.ColumnFactory<T> getColumnFactory​()
        Retrieves the ColumnFactory to be used.
        The ColumnFactory to be used.