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ALIAS_GET - Static variable in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.ReflectionUtility
ALIAS_HAS - Static variable in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.ReflectionUtility
ALIAS_IS - Static variable in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.ReflectionUtility
ALIAS_SET - Static variable in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.ReflectionUtility
ALIAS_TOSTRING - Static variable in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.ReflectionUtility


BeanAttribute - Interface in org.refcodes.runtime
Interface describing a bean's attribute.
BeanAttributeImpl(String, Object) - Constructor for class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.ReflectionUtility.BeanAttributeImpl
Constructs a key-to-value property.


EnvironmentUtility - Class in org.refcodes.runtime.utils
Utility class with helpful methods for working with a system's environment variables.


getCallerStackTraceElement(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Returns the stack trace element belonging to the caller of the callee.
getCallerStackTraceElement(Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Same as RuntimeUtility.getCallerStackTraceElement(Class) with the difference that the passed callees are tried out one after the other until the first caller determined for a callee is returned.
getCallerType(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Returns the type of the (Class) belonging to the caller of the callee.
getComputerName() - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.SystemUtility
Determines the computer's name.
getConsoleWidth() - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.SystemUtility
Determines the width in characters of the system's console in use.
getLineBreak() - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.SystemUtility
Determines the operating system as of SystemUtility.getOperatingSystem() and in case a OperatingSystem.WINDOWS is being detected, then \r\n" (CRLF) is returned, else "\n" (LF) is returned.
getMainClass() - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Returns the main class launching the application.
getOperatingSystem() - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.SystemUtility
Determines the operating system your application is currently running on.
getPid() - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Bad hack to get the JVM's (process ID) PID of the process running your JVM instance.
getStackTraceElement() - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Returns the stack trace element belonging to the direct caller of this method.
getTempDir() - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.SystemUtility
Returns the operating saystem's temp folder.
geType() - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Returns the type of the (Class) belonging to the direct caller of this method.


hasGetterAttribute(Object, String, Class<?>) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.ReflectionUtility
This method tests whether the given java beans getter attribute is found for the given object
hasSetterAttribute(Object, String, Class<?>) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.ReflectionUtility
This method tests whether the given java beans setter attribute is found for the given object


isAnsiSupported() - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.SystemUtility
Determines whether ANSI escape sequences are supported by the console.


kill(Long) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Bad hack to kill an OS thread by PID.
killProcess(Long) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Bad hack to kill an OS thread by PID.


NON_EXISTING_VALUE - Static variable in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.ReflectionUtility
NonExistingValueClass() - Constructor for class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.ReflectionUtility.NonExistingValueClass


OperatingSystem - Enum in org.refcodes.runtime.consts
Enumeration with the (supported) operating systems.
org.refcodes.runtime - package org.refcodes.runtime
org.refcodes.runtime.consts - package org.refcodes.runtime.consts
org.refcodes.runtime.utils - package org.refcodes.runtime.utils


ReflectionUtility - Class in org.refcodes.runtime.utils
ReflectionUtility.BeanAttributeImpl - Class in org.refcodes.runtime.utils
Class describing a beans's attribute.
ReflectionUtility.NonExistingValueClass - Class in org.refcodes.runtime.utils
This class indicates a non existing value in the name-to-value mapping
RuntimeUtility - Class in org.refcodes.runtime.utils
Utility for acquiring runtime information on software systems, classes or objects.


setAttribute(Object, String, Object) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.ReflectionUtility
This method sets a java beans attribute for the given object.
setAttribute(Object, ReflectionUtility.BeanAttributeImpl) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.ReflectionUtility
This method sets a java beans attribute for the given object.
SystemUtility - Class in org.refcodes.runtime.utils


toAbsolutePathFromEnvironment(String, String...) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.EnvironmentUtility
This method converts a relative path to an absolute path relative to the path specified in the first system property provided being set with a value.
toAbsoluteUserHomePath(String) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.EnvironmentUtility
This method converts a relative path to an absolute path relative to the user's home folder.
toAppBaseDir() - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Generates the base path relative to the given class location.
toAppConfigDirs() - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Returns an array of (existing) folders which are candidates for external resources.
toBeanAttributes(Object) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.ReflectionUtility
This method uses reflection on order to analyze a given object.
toClass(StackTraceElement) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Retrieves the Class type to which the StackTraceElement belongs.
toClassName(StackTraceElement) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Returns the class name part from a stack trace element.
toClassName() - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Retrieves the class name of the caller of this method without the fully qualified package name part.
toClassName(String) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Returns the class name part from a fully qualified class name (which has the fully qualified package name as part of its name).
toClone(T) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
A Cloneable object cannot directly be cloned by casting it to be Cloneable :-( Thereforee this method does the job.
toFullyQualifiedClassName(StackTraceElement) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Retrieves the fully qualified class name from a stack trace element.
toFullyQualifiedClassName() - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Retrieves the fully qualified method name of the caller of this method.
toFullyQualifiedMethodName(StackTraceElement) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Retrieves the fully qualified method name from a stack trace element.
toFullyQualifiedMethodName() - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Retrieves the fully qualified method name of the caller of this method.
toFullyQualifiedPackageName() - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Retrieves the fully qualified package name of the caller of this method without the class name part.
toFullyQualifiedPackageName(StackTraceElement) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Retrieves the fully qualified package name from a stack trace element.
toFullyQualifiedPackageName(String) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Returns the fully qualified package name part from a fully qualified class name (which has the fully qualified package name as part of its name).
toMethodName(StackTraceElement) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Retrieves the method name from a stack trace element.
toMethodName() - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Retrieves the fully qualified method name of the caller of this method.
toPlatformSpecificPath(String) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.EnvironmentUtility
This method concerts the given path to a platform specific path, mainly replacing the path separator accordingly.
toStackTrace() - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Gets the stack trace for the current thread.
toString(String, String) - Static method in class org.refcodes.runtime.utils.RuntimeUtility
Creates a string of a super class's Object.toString() method and the provided "toString" text.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.refcodes.runtime.consts.OperatingSystem
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.refcodes.runtime.consts.OperatingSystem
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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