Enum ConfigLocator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Comparable<ConfigLocator>

    public enum ConfigLocator
    extends java.lang.Enum<ConfigLocator>
    This enumeration represents configuration folder locations (of type File) and configuration file retrieval as of the chosen configuration mode.
    • Enum Constant Detail


        public static final ConfigLocator APPLICATION_BASE

        public static final ConfigLocator APPLICATION_BASE_CONFIG

        public static final ConfigLocator APPLICATION_BASE_ETC

        public static final ConfigLocator APPLICATION_BASE_SETTINGS

        public static final ConfigLocator APPLICATION_BASE_DOT_CONFIG

        public static final ConfigLocator APPLICATION_BASE_DOT_ETC

        public static final ConfigLocator APPLICATION_BASE_DOT_SETTINGS

        public static final ConfigLocator APPLICATION_BASE_ALL

        public static final ConfigLocator APPLICATION_PARENT_CONFIG

        public static final ConfigLocator APPLICATION_PARENT_ETC

        public static final ConfigLocator APPLICATION_PARENT_SETTINGS

        public static final ConfigLocator APPLICATION_PARENT_DOT_CONFIG

        public static final ConfigLocator APPLICATION_PARENT_DOT_ETC

        public static final ConfigLocator APPLICATION_PARENT_DOT_SETTINGS

        public static final ConfigLocator APPLICATION_PARENT_ALL

        public static final ConfigLocator APPLICATION_ALL

        public static final ConfigLocator USER_DOT_CONFIG

        public static final ConfigLocator USER_DOT_SETTINGS
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static ConfigLocator[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (ConfigLocator c : ConfigLocator.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static ConfigLocator valueOf​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • isHostEtc

        public boolean isHostEtc()
        Determines whether to consider the host's "/etc" folder.
        True in case the according folder is considered.
      • isApplicationBase

        public boolean isApplicationBase()
        Determines whether to consider the application's base (the folder where the JAR resides) folder.
        True in case the according folder is considered.
      • isApplicationBaseConfig

        public boolean isApplicationBaseConfig()
        Determines whether to consider the application's base (the folder where the JAR resides) "config" subfolder.
        True in case the according folder is considered.
      • isApplicationBaseEtc

        public boolean isApplicationBaseEtc()
        Determines whether to consider the application's base (the folder where the JAR resides) "etc" subfolder.
        True in case the according folder is considered.
      • isApplicationBaseSettings

        public boolean isApplicationBaseSettings()
        Determines whether to consider the application's base (the folder where the JAR resides) "settings" subfolder.
        True in case the according folder is considered.
      • isApplicationBaseDotConfig

        public boolean isApplicationBaseDotConfig()
        Determines whether to consider the application's base (the folder where the JAR resides) ".config" subfolder.
        True in case the according folder is considered.
      • isApplicationBaseDotEtc

        public boolean isApplicationBaseDotEtc()
        Determines whether to consider the application's base (the folder where the JAR resides) ".etc" subfolder.
        True in case the according folder is considered.
      • isApplicationBaseDotSettings

        public boolean isApplicationBaseDotSettings()
        Determines whether to consider the application's base (the folder where the JAR resides) ".settings" subfolder.
        True in case the according folder is considered.
      • isApplicationParentConfig

        public boolean isApplicationParentConfig()
        Determines whether to consider the application's parent (the parent folder of the folder where the JAR resides) "config" subfolder.
        True in case the according folder is considered.
      • isApplicationParentEtc

        public boolean isApplicationParentEtc()
        Determines whether to consider the application's parent (the parent folder of the folder where the JAR resides) "etc" subfolder.
        True in case the according folder is considered.
      • isApplicationParentSettings

        public boolean isApplicationParentSettings()
        Determines whether to consider the application's parent (the parent folder of the folder where the JAR resides) "settings" subfolder.
        True in case the according folder is considered.
      • isApplicationParentDotConfig

        public boolean isApplicationParentDotConfig()
        Determines whether to consider the application's parent (the parent folder of the folder where the JAR resides) ".config" subfolder.
        True in case the according folder is considered.
      • isApplicationParentDotEtc

        public boolean isApplicationParentDotEtc()
        Determines whether to consider the application's parent (the parent folder of the folder where the JAR resides) ".etc" subfolder.
        True in case the according folder is considered.
      • isApplicationParentDotSettings

        public boolean isApplicationParentDotSettings()
        Determines whether to consider the application's parent (the parent folder of the folder where the JAR resides) ".settings" subfolder.
        True in case the according folder is considered.
      • isUser

        public boolean isUser()
        Determines whether to consider the user's home "~" folder.
        True in case the according folder is considered.
      • isUserConfig

        public boolean isUserConfig()
        Determines whether to consider the user's home "~" subfolder "config".
        True in case the according folder is considered.
      • isUserEtc

        public boolean isUserEtc()
        Determines whether to consider the user's home "~" subfolder "etc".
        True in case the according folder is considered.
      • isUserSettings

        public boolean isUserSettings()
        Determines whether to consider the user's home "~" subfolder "settings".
        True in case the according folder is considered.
      • isUserDotConfig

        public boolean isUserDotConfig()
        Determines whether to consider the user's home "~" subfolder ".config".
        True in case the according folder is considered.
      • isUserDotEtc

        public boolean isUserDotEtc()
        Determines whether to consider the user's home "~" subfolder ".etc".
        True in case the according folder is considered.
      • isUserDotSettings

        public boolean isUserDotSettings()
        Determines whether to consider the user's home "~" subfolder ".settings".
        True in case the according folder is considered.
      • toFile

        public java.io.File toFile​(java.lang.String aFileName)
        Retrieves the first File identified by the given filename located in one of the according enumeration's configuration locations. If provided, regards the folder as provided by the system property SystemProperty.CONFIG_DIR with highest priority. Also takes build environment folders into account (least highest priority) when the launch folder points to an according build environment (such as maven's "target" folder).
        aFileName - The filename for which to determine the according File.
        The according File or null if none such file was detected.
      • toFile

        public java.io.File toFile​(java.lang.String aFileName,
                                   java.io.File... aFolders)
        Retrieves the first File identified by the given filename located in one of the according enumeration's configuration locations. If provided, regards the folder as provided by the system property SystemProperty.CONFIG_DIR with highest priority. The programmatically provided folders are regarded with second highest priority. Also takes build environment folders into account (least highest priority) when the launch folder points to an according build environment (such as maven's "target" folder).
        aFileName - The filename for which to determine the according File.
        aFolders - The folders to also take into account.
        The according File or null if none such file was detected.
      • getFolders

        public java.io.File[] getFolders()
        Returns the folders to be examined by the according enumeration's configuration in the order as of evaluation. If provided, regards the folder as provided by the system property SystemProperty.CONFIG_DIR with highest priority. Also takes build environment folders into account (least highest priority) when the launch folder points to an according build environment (such as maven's "target" folder).
        The folders to be examined.
      • getFolders

        public java.io.File[] getFolders​(java.io.File... aFolders)
        Returns the folders to be examined by the according enumeration's configuration in the order as of evaluation. If provided, regards the folder as provided by the system property SystemProperty.CONFIG_DIR with highest priority. The programmatically provided folders are regarded with second highest priority. Also takes build environment folders into account (least highest priority) when the launch folder points to an according build environment (such as maven's "target" folder).
        aFolders - The folders to also take into account.
        The folders to be examined.