Class TransmissionMetricsImpl

    • Method Detail

      • getPacketLengthWidth

        public int getPacketLengthWidth()
        Retrieves the packet length width (in bytes) from the packet length width (in bytes) property.
        Specified by:
        getPacketLengthWidth in interface PacketLengthWidthAccessor
        The packet length width (in bytes) stored by the packet length width (in bytes) property.
      • getAcknowledgeMagicBytes

        public byte[] getAcknowledgeMagicBytes()
        Retrieves the magic bytes from the acknowledge magic bytes property.
        Specified by:
        getAcknowledgeMagicBytes in interface AcknowledgeMagicBytesAccessor
        The magic bytes stored by the acknowledge magic bytes property.
      • getAcknowledgeRetryNumber

        public int getAcknowledgeRetryNumber()
        Retrieves the number of retries from the acknowledge retry number. A acknowledge retry number is the overall number of retries to use when counting retries.
        Specified by:
        getAcknowledgeRetryNumber in interface AcknowledgeRetryNumberAccessor
        The number of retries stored by the acknowledge retry number.
      • getBlockSize

        public int getBlockSize()
        Specified by:
        getBlockSize in interface org.refcodes.mixin.BlockSizeAccessor
      • getClearToSendMagicBytes

        public byte[] getClearToSendMagicBytes()
        Retrieves the magic bytes from the CTS ("clear-to-send") magic bytes property.
        Specified by:
        getClearToSendMagicBytes in interface ClearToSendMagicBytesAccessor
        The magic bytes stored by the CTS ("clear-to-send") magic bytes property.
      • getClearToSendTimeoutInMs

        public long getClearToSendTimeoutInMs()
        The CTS ("clear-to-send") timeout attribute in milliseconds.
        Specified by:
        getClearToSendTimeoutInMs in interface ClearToSendTimeoutInMsAccessor
        An integer with the CTS ("clear-to-send") timeout in milliseconds.
      • getCrcAlgorithm

        public org.refcodes.numerical.CrcAlgorithm getCrcAlgorithm()
        Specified by:
        getCrcAlgorithm in interface org.refcodes.numerical.CrcAlgorithmAccessor
      • getCrcChecksumConcatenateMode

        public org.refcodes.mixin.ConcatenateMode getCrcChecksumConcatenateMode()
        Specified by:
        getCrcChecksumConcatenateMode in interface org.refcodes.numerical.CrcChecksumConcatenateModeAccessor
      • getCrcChecksumValidationMode

        public org.refcodes.numerical.ChecksumValidationMode getCrcChecksumValidationMode()
        Specified by:
        getCrcChecksumValidationMode in interface org.refcodes.numerical.CrcChecksumValidationModeAccessor
      • getEncoding

        public Charset getEncoding()
        Specified by:
        getEncoding in interface org.refcodes.mixin.EncodingAccessor<Charset>
      • getEndianess

        public org.refcodes.numerical.Endianess getEndianess()
        Specified by:
        getEndianess in interface org.refcodes.numerical.EndianessAccessor
      • getEndOfStringByte

        public byte getEndOfStringByte()
        Retrieves the end of string byte from the end of string byte property.
        Specified by:
        getEndOfStringByte in interface EndOfStringByteAccessor
        The end of string byte stored by the end of string byte property.
      • getEnquiryStandbyTimeInMs

        public long getEnquiryStandbyTimeInMs()
        The ENQ ("enquiry") timeout attribute in milliseconds.
        Specified by:
        getEnquiryStandbyTimeInMs in interface EnquiryStandbyTimeInMsAccessor
        An integer with the ENQ ("enquiry") timeout in milliseconds.
      • getLengthWidth

        public int getLengthWidth()
        Retrieves the length width (in bytes) from the length width (in bytes) property.
        Specified by:
        getLengthWidth in interface LengthWidthAccessor
        The length width (in bytes) stored by the length width (in bytes) property.
      • getMagicBytesLength

        public int getMagicBytesLength()
        Retrieves the magic bytes length from the magic bytes magic bytes length property.
        Specified by:
        getMagicBytesLength in interface MagicBytesLengthAccessor
        The magic bytes length stored by the magic bytes magic bytes length property.
      • getPacketMagicBytes

        public byte[] getPacketMagicBytes()
        Retrieves the magic bytes from the packet magic bytes property.
        Specified by:
        getPacketMagicBytes in interface PacketMagicBytesAccessor
        The magic bytes stored by the packet magic bytes property.
      • getReadTimeoutInMs

        public long getReadTimeoutInMs()
        Specified by:
        getReadTimeoutInMs in interface org.refcodes.mixin.ReadTimeoutInMsAccessor
      • getReadyToReceiveMagicBytes

        public byte[] getReadyToReceiveMagicBytes()
        Retrieves the magic bytes from the RTR ("ready-to-receive") magic bytes property.
        Specified by:
        getReadyToReceiveMagicBytes in interface ReadyToReceiveMagicBytesAccessor
        The magic bytes stored by the RTR ("ready-to-receive") magic bytes property.
      • getReadyToReceiveRetryNumber

        public int getReadyToReceiveRetryNumber()
        Retrieves the number of retries from the RTR ("ready-to-receive") retry number. A RTR retry number is the overall number of retries to use when counting retries.
        Specified by:
        getReadyToReceiveRetryNumber in interface ReadyToReceiveRetryNumberAccessor
        The number of retries stored by the RTR ("ready-to-receive") retry number.
      • getReadyToReceiveTimeoutInMs

        public long getReadyToReceiveTimeoutInMs()
        The RTR ("ready-to-receive") timeout attribute in milliseconds.
        Specified by:
        getReadyToReceiveTimeoutInMs in interface ReadyToReceiveTimeoutInMsAccessor
        An integer with the RTR ("ready-to-receive") timeout in milliseconds.
      • getReadyToSendMagicBytes

        public byte[] getReadyToSendMagicBytes()
        Retrieves the magic bytes from the RTS ("ready-to-send") magic bytes property.
        Specified by:
        getReadyToSendMagicBytes in interface ReadyToSendMagicBytesAccessor
        The magic bytes stored by the RTS ("ready-to-send") magic bytes property.
      • getReadyToSendRetryNumber

        public int getReadyToSendRetryNumber()
        Retrieves the number of retries from the RTS ("ready-to-send") retry number. A RTS retry number is the overall number of retries to use when counting retries.
        Specified by:
        getReadyToSendRetryNumber in interface ReadyToSendRetryNumberAccessor
        The number of retries stored by the RTS ("ready-to-send") retry number.
      • getReadyToSendTimeoutInMs

        public long getReadyToSendTimeoutInMs()
        The RTS ("ready-to-send") timeout attribute in milliseconds.
        Specified by:
        getReadyToSendTimeoutInMs in interface ReadyToSendTimeoutInMsAccessor
        An integer with the RTS ("ready-to-send") timeout in milliseconds.
      • getSequenceNumberConcatenateMode

        public org.refcodes.mixin.ConcatenateMode getSequenceNumberConcatenateMode()
        Retrieves the ConcatenateMode from the sequence number ConcatenateMode property.
        Specified by:
        getSequenceNumberConcatenateMode in interface SequenceNumberConcatenateModeAccessor
        The ConcatenateMode stored by the sequence number ConcatenateMode property.
      • getSequenceNumberInitValue

        public int getSequenceNumberInitValue()
        Retrieves the sequence number initial value from the sequence number initial value property.
        Specified by:
        getSequenceNumberInitValue in interface SequenceNumberInitValueAccessor
        The sequence number initial value stored by the sequence number initial value property.
      • getSequenceNumberWidth

        public int getSequenceNumberWidth()
        Retrieves the sequence number width (in bytes) from the sequence number width (in bytes) property.
        Specified by:
        getSequenceNumberWidth in interface SequenceNumberWidthAccessor
        The sequence number width (in bytes) stored by the sequence number width (in bytes) property.
      • getTransmissionRetryNumber

        public int getTransmissionRetryNumber()
        Retrieves the number of retries from the transmission retry number. A transmission retry number is the overall number of retries to use when counting retries.
        Specified by:
        getTransmissionRetryNumber in interface TransmissionRetryNumberAccessor
        The number of retries stored by the transmission retry number.
      • getWriteTimeoutInMs

        public long getWriteTimeoutInMs()
        Specified by:
        getWriteTimeoutInMs in interface org.refcodes.mixin.WriteTimeoutInMsAccessor