Interface PropertiesAccessorMixin.PropertiesMutatorMixin

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default java.lang.String put​(java.lang.Enum<?> aKey, java.lang.String aValue)
      Adds the given element related to the given key.
      default java.lang.String put​(Property aProperty)
      Puts the key/value-pair from the provided Property.
      default java.lang.String putBoolean​(java.lang.Enum<?> aKey, java.lang.Boolean aValue)
      Sets the Boolean value for the property referred to by the key.
      default java.lang.String putBoolean​(java.lang.String aKey, java.lang.Boolean aValue)
      Sets the Boolean value for the property referred to by the key.
      default java.lang.String putByte​(java.lang.Enum<?> aKey, java.lang.Byte aValue)
      Sets the Byte value for the property referred to by the key.
      default java.lang.String putByte​(java.lang.String aKey, java.lang.Byte aValue)
      Sets the Byte value for the property referred to by the key.
      default java.lang.String putDouble​(java.lang.Enum<?> aKey, java.lang.Double aValue)
      Sets the Double value for the property referred to by the key.
      default java.lang.String putDouble​(java.lang.String aKey, java.lang.Double aValue)
      Sets the Double value for the property referred to by the key.
      default java.lang.String putFloat​(java.lang.Enum<?> aKey, java.lang.Float aValue)
      Sets the Float value for the property referred to by the key.
      default java.lang.String putFloat​(java.lang.String aKey, java.lang.Float aValue)
      Sets the Float value for the property referred to by the key.
      default java.lang.String putInteger​(java.lang.Enum<?> aKey, java.lang.Integer aValue)
      Sets the Integer value for the property referred to by the key.
      default java.lang.String putInteger​(java.lang.String aKey, java.lang.Integer aValue)
      Sets the Integer value for the property referred to by the key.
      default java.lang.String putLong​(java.lang.Enum<?> aKey, java.lang.Long aValue)
      Sets the Long value for the property referred to by the key.
      default java.lang.String putLong​(java.lang.String aKey, java.lang.Long aValue)
      Sets the Long value for the property referred to by the key.
      default java.lang.String putShort​(java.lang.Enum<?> aKey, java.lang.Short aValue)
      Sets the Short value for the property referred to by the key.
      default java.lang.String putShort​(java.lang.String aKey, java.lang.Short aValue)
      Sets the Short value for the property referred to by the key.
    • Method Detail

      • put

        default java.lang.String put​(java.lang.Enum<?> aKey,
                                     java.lang.String aValue)
        Adds the given element related to the given key. As the key passed is an enumeration, the Enum.toString() method is used on the enumeration to resolve the enumeration to a {link String} key.
        aKey - The key for which to add the element.
        aValue - The value to be related with the given key.
        The value being replaced by the provided value or null if none value has been replaced.
      • put

        default java.lang.String put​(Property aProperty)
        Puts the key/value-pair from the provided Property.
        aProperty - The property's key/value to be inserted.
        The property value overwritten by the provided property.
      • putBoolean

        default java.lang.String putBoolean​(java.lang.Enum<?> aKey,
                                            java.lang.Boolean aValue)
        Sets the Boolean value for the property referred to by the key. As property keys and values are of type String, the Boolean value is converted accordingly. As the key passed is an enumeration, the Enum.toString() method is used on the enumeration to resolve the enumeration to a {link String} key.
        aKey - The key for which to retrieve the value.
        aValue - The Boolean representation for the String value.
        the string
      • putBoolean

        default java.lang.String putBoolean​(java.lang.String aKey,
                                            java.lang.Boolean aValue)
        Sets the Boolean value for the property referred to by the key. As property keys and values are of type String, the Boolean value is converted accordingly.
        aKey - The key for which to retrieve the value.
        aValue - The Boolean representation for the String value.
        the string
      • putByte

        default java.lang.String putByte​(java.lang.Enum<?> aKey,
                                         java.lang.Byte aValue)
        Sets the Byte value for the property referred to by the key. As property keys and values are of type String, the Byte value is converted accordingly. As the key passed is an enumeration, the Enum.toString() method is used on the enumeration to resolve the enumeration to a {link String} key.
        aKey - The key for which to retrieve the value.
        aValue - The Byte representation for the String value.
        the string
      • putByte

        default java.lang.String putByte​(java.lang.String aKey,
                                         java.lang.Byte aValue)
        Sets the Byte value for the property referred to by the key. As property keys and values are of type String, the Byte value is converted accordingly.
        aKey - The key for which to retrieve the value.
        aValue - The Byte representation for the String value.
        the string
      • putDouble

        default java.lang.String putDouble​(java.lang.Enum<?> aKey,
                                           java.lang.Double aValue)
        Sets the Double value for the property referred to by the key. As property keys and values are of type String, the Double value is converted accordingly. As the key passed is an enumeration, the Enum.toString() method is used on the enumeration to resolve the enumeration to a {link String} key.
        aKey - The key for which to retrieve the value.
        aValue - The Double representation for the String value.
        the string
      • putDouble

        default java.lang.String putDouble​(java.lang.String aKey,
                                           java.lang.Double aValue)
        Sets the Double value for the property referred to by the key. As property keys and values are of type String, the Double value is converted accordingly.
        aKey - The key for which to retrieve the value.
        aValue - The Double representation for the String value.
        the string
      • putFloat

        default java.lang.String putFloat​(java.lang.Enum<?> aKey,
                                          java.lang.Float aValue)
        Sets the Float value for the property referred to by the key. As property keys and values are of type String, the Float value is converted accordingly. As the key passed is an enumeration, the Enum.toString() method is used on the enumeration to resolve the enumeration to a {link String} key.
        aKey - The key for which to retrieve the value.
        aValue - The Float representation for the String value.
        the string
      • putFloat

        default java.lang.String putFloat​(java.lang.String aKey,
                                          java.lang.Float aValue)
        Sets the Float value for the property referred to by the key. As property keys and values are of type String, the Float value is converted accordingly.
        aKey - The key for which to retrieve the value.
        aValue - The Float representation for the String value.
        the string
      • putInteger

        default java.lang.String putInteger​(java.lang.Enum<?> aKey,
                                            java.lang.Integer aValue)
        Sets the Integer value for the property referred to by the key. As property keys and values are of type String, the Integer value is converted accordingly. As the key passed is an enumeration, the Enum.toString() method is used on the enumeration to resolve the enumeration to a {link String} key.
        aKey - The key for which to retrieve the value.
        aValue - The Integer representation for the String value.
        the string
      • putInteger

        default java.lang.String putInteger​(java.lang.String aKey,
                                            java.lang.Integer aValue)
        Sets the Integer value for the property referred to by the key. As property keys and values are of type String, the Integer value is converted accordingly.
        aKey - The key for which to retrieve the value.
        aValue - The Integer representation for the String value.
        the string
      • putLong

        default java.lang.String putLong​(java.lang.Enum<?> aKey,
                                         java.lang.Long aValue)
        Sets the Long value for the property referred to by the key. As property keys and values are of type String, the Long value is converted accordingly. As the key passed is an enumeration, the Enum.toString() method is used on the enumeration to resolve the enumeration to a {link String} key.
        aKey - The key for which to retrieve the value.
        aValue - The Long representation for the String value.
        the string
      • putLong

        default java.lang.String putLong​(java.lang.String aKey,
                                         java.lang.Long aValue)
        Sets the Long value for the property referred to by the key. As property keys and values are of type String, the Long value is converted accordingly.
        aKey - The key for which to retrieve the value.
        aValue - The Long representation for the String value.
        the string
      • putShort

        default java.lang.String putShort​(java.lang.Enum<?> aKey,
                                          java.lang.Short aValue)
        Sets the Short value for the property referred to by the key. As property keys and values are of type String, the Short value is converted accordingly. As the key passed is an enumeration, the Enum.toString() method is used on the enumeration to resolve the enumeration to a {link String} key.
        aKey - The key for which to retrieve the value.
        aValue - The Short representation for the String value.
        the string
      • putShort

        default java.lang.String putShort​(java.lang.String aKey,
                                          java.lang.Short aValue)
        Sets the Short value for the property referred to by the key. As property keys and values are of type String, the Short value is converted accordingly.
        aKey - The key for which to retrieve the value.
        aValue - The Short representation for the String value.
        the string