Interface HeaderTemplate<T,C extends Column<? extends T>>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The type managed by the HeaderTemplate.
    C - the generic type
    All Superinterfaces:
    org.refcodes.structure.Clearable, java.util.Collection<C>, ColumnsTemplate<T,C>, java.lang.Iterable<C>, org.refcodes.structure.Keys<java.lang.String,C>, org.refcodes.structure.Keys.MutableKeys<java.lang.String,C>, java.util.List<C>
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    FormattedHeader<T>, Header<T>
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractHeader, FormattedHeaderImpl, HeaderImpl

    public interface HeaderTemplate<T,C extends Column<? extends T>>
    extends ColumnsTemplate<T,C>, java.util.List<C>
    A list of Column instances, for example describing the elements of a CSV file (visually speaking the of the CSV file's header line), is represented by the HeaderTemplate. The HeaderTemplate preserves an order for a list of Column instances. A HeaderTemplate provides the semantics for related Row instances.

    The Keys.keySet() method must provide a predictable order as ensured by the LinkedHashSet class as of the ordered nature of the HeaderTemplate.

    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.refcodes.structure.Keys

        org.refcodes.structure.Keys.MutableKeys<K extends java.lang.Object,V extends java.lang.Object>, org.refcodes.structure.Keys.MutableValues<K extends java.lang.Object,V extends java.lang.Object>
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Record<T> fromStorageString​(Record<java.lang.String> aStringRecord)
      A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
      Row<T> fromStorageString​(Row<java.lang.String> aStringRow)
      A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
      Row<T> fromStorageStringRecord​(Record<java.lang.String> aStringRecord)
      A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
      Record<T> fromStorageStringRow​(Row<java.lang.String> aStringRow)
      A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
      Record<T> fromStorageStrings​(Record<java.lang.String[]> aStringsRecord)
      A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
      Row<T> fromStorageStrings​(Row<java.lang.String[]> aStringsRow)
      A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
      Row<T> fromStorageStringsRecord​(Record<java.lang.String[]> aStringsRecord)
      A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
      Record<T> fromStorageStringsRow​(Row<java.lang.String[]> aStringsRow)
      A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
      int indexOf​(java.lang.String aKey)
      Determines the index of the column with the given key or -1 if there is none such column.
      Record<java.lang.String> toPrintable​(Record<? extends T> aRecord)
      A special Column implementation might provide its own printable format of the given objects; for example a human readable text representation of the value (or in very specialized cases even enriched with ANSI Escape-Codes).
      Row<java.lang.String> toPrintable​(Row<? extends T> aRow)
      A special Column implementation might provide its own printable format of the given objects; for example a human readable text representation of the value (or in very specialized cases even enriched with ANSI Escape-Codes).
      Record<java.lang.String> toPrintableRecord​(Row<? extends T> aRow)
      A special Column implementation might provide its own printable format of the given objects; for example a human readable text representation of the value (or in very specialized cases even enriched with ANSI Escape-Codes).
      Row<java.lang.String> toPrintableRow​(Record<? extends T> aRecord)
      A special Column implementation might provide its own printable format of the given objects; for example a human readable text representation of the value (or in very specialized cases even enriched with ANSI Escape-Codes).
      Record<T> toRecord​(Row<? extends T> aRow)
      Creates a Record of the Row with the values in the order of the HeaderTemplate.
      Record<?> toRecordIgnoreType​(Row<?> aRow)
      Similar to toRecord(Row) with the difference that conversion is done ignoring the type of the HeaderTemplate Column instances and the according value(s).
      Row<T> toRow​(Record<? extends T> aRecord)
      Creates a Row of the Record with the values in the order of the HeaderTemplate.
      Row<?> toRowIgnoreType​(Record<?> aRecord)
      Similar to toRow(Record) with the difference that conversion is done ignoring the type of the HeaderTemplate Column instances and the according value(s).
      Record<java.lang.String> toStorageString​(Record<? extends T> aRecord)
      A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
      Row<java.lang.String> toStorageString​(Row<? extends T> aRow)
      A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
      Record<java.lang.String> toStorageStringRecord​(Row<? extends T> aRow)
      A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
      Row<java.lang.String> toStorageStringRow​(Record<? extends T> aRecord)
      A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
      Record<java.lang.String[]> toStorageStrings​(Record<? extends T> aRecord)
      A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
      Row<java.lang.String[]> toStorageStrings​(Row<? extends T> aRow)
      A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
      Record<java.lang.String[]> toStorageStringsRecord​(Row<? extends T> aRow)
      A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
      Row<java.lang.String[]> toStorageStringsRow​(Record<? extends T> aRecord)
      A special Column implementation might provide its own text exchange format for the given objects.
      • Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.structure.Clearable

      • Methods inherited from interface java.util.Collection

        parallelStream, removeIf, stream
      • Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable

      • Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.structure.Keys

        containsKey, get, get, keySet, use, values
      • Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.structure.Keys.MutableKeys

      • Methods inherited from interface java.util.List

        add, add, addAll, addAll, clear, contains, containsAll, equals, get, hashCode, indexOf, isEmpty, iterator, lastIndexOf, listIterator, listIterator, remove, remove, removeAll, replaceAll, retainAll, set, size, sort, spliterator, subList, toArray, toArray