Class RowImpl<T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • RowImpl

        public RowImpl​(T... aValues)
        Constructs the RowImpl instance configured with the provided elements.
        aValues - The elements to be contained in the RowImpl in the order as passed.
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public T get​(Header<T> aHeader,
                     String aKey)
              throws HeaderMismatchException,
        This method retrieves a value from the row by taking the index of the according column in the header of the given key (the one with the given key) and returns that value. This is possible as the values in the row and in the header have an order. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TODO: Think about moving this method into the Header (as down with Column.get(Record)). -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Specified by:
        get in interface Row<T>
        aHeader - The header being the reference for retrieval of the value by the given key.
        aKey - The key for which to retrieve the value.
        The value in the row representing the key in the header.
        HeaderMismatchException - Thrown in case there is a mismatch between the given HeaderMismatchException and the Row, i.e. the index for the given key in the header may be out of index of the given row or the given key does not exist in the Header.
        ColumnMismatchException - in case the type defined in the column for that key does not match the type in the row identified by the given key.