Class HttpServerContextBuilder

    • Field Detail


        public static final DEFAULT_SCHEME
    • Constructor Detail

      • HttpServerContextBuilder

        public HttpServerContextBuilder()
        Constructs a HttpClientContext with a default scheme Scheme.HTTP for port 8080.
      • HttpServerContextBuilder

        public HttpServerContextBuilder​(int aPort)
        Constructs a HttpClientContext with a default scheme.
        aPort - The TCP port to be used.
      • HttpServerContextBuilder

        public HttpServerContextBuilder​( aScheme,
                                        int aPort)
        Constructs a HttpClientContext with a default scheme.
        aScheme - The Scheme (HTTP or HTTPS) to be used.
        aPort - The TCP port to be used.
      • HttpServerContextBuilder

        public HttpServerContextBuilder​(String aProtocol,
                                        int aPort)
        Constructs a HttpClientContext with a default scheme.
        aProtocol - The protocol such as the TransportLayerProtocol
        aPort - The TCP port to be used.
      • HttpServerContextBuilder

        public HttpServerContextBuilder​( aScheme,
                                        int aPort,
                                        int aMaxConnections)
        Constructs a HttpClientContext with the given data.
        aScheme - The Scheme (HTTP or HTTPS) to be used.
        aPort - The TCP port to be used.
        aKeyStoreDescriptor - The descriptor describing the keystore to be used.
        aMaxConnections - The maximum allowed open connections.
      • HttpServerContextBuilder

        public HttpServerContextBuilder​(String aProtocol,
                                        int aPort,
                                        int aMaxConnections)
        Constructs a HttpClientContext with the given data.
        aProtocol - The protocol such as the TransportLayerProtocol elements.
        aPort - The TCP port to be used.
        aKeyStoreDescriptor - The descriptor describing the keystore to be used.
        aMaxConnections - The maximum allowed open connections.
    • Method Detail

      • getKeyStoreDescriptor

        public getKeyStoreDescriptor()
        Specified by:
        getKeyStoreDescriptor in interface
      • getMaxConnections

        public int getMaxConnections()
        Specified by:
        getMaxConnections in interface
      • getPort

        public int getPort()
        Specified by:
        getPort in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PortAccessor
      • getScheme

        public getScheme()
        Retrieves the UrlScheme from the URL scheme.
        Specified by:
        getScheme in interface SchemeAccessor
        The UrlScheme stored by the URL scheme.
      • setKeyStoreDescriptor

        public void setKeyStoreDescriptor​( aKeyStoreDescriptor)
        Specified by:
        setKeyStoreDescriptor in interface
      • setMaxConnections

        public void setMaxConnections​(int aMaxConnections)
        Specified by:
        setMaxConnections in interface
      • setPort

        public void setPort​(int aPort)
        Specified by:
        setPort in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PortAccessor.PortMutator
      • setScheme

        public void setScheme​( aScheme)
        Sets the UrlScheme for the URL scheme.
        Specified by:
        setScheme in interface SchemeAccessor.SchemeMutator
        aScheme - The UrlScheme to be stored by the URL scheme.
      • setProtocol

        public void setProtocol​(String aProtocol)
        Sets the protocol String representation for the scheme property. You must provide the scheme's specific part as well. In case of HTTP, provide "http://". In case your provided protocol is unknown by the Scheme enumeration, then the scheme property will not be set, though the SchemeAccessor.toProtocol() still returns your protocol.
        Specified by:
        setProtocol in interface SchemeAccessor.SchemeMutator
        aProtocol - The UrlScheme's String representation to be stored by the URL scheme.
      • withKeyStoreDescriptor

        public HttpServerContextBuilder withKeyStoreDescriptor​( aKeyStoreDescriptor)
        Specified by:
        withKeyStoreDescriptor in interface<HttpServerContextBuilder>