Class FormFields

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Map<String,List<String>>, HttpFields<FormFields>

public class FormFields extends AbstractHttpFields<FormFields> implements HttpFields<FormFields>
The FormFields represent the URL's Query-String by the notation originally used by the GET request of the ancient web forms (see ""). Therefore the name FormFields, as them web forms provided fields with values (see "")
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • FormFields

      public FormFields()
      Instantiates a new form fields impl.
    • FormFields

      public FormFields(Map<String,List<String>> aHttpFields)
      Initializes the instance with the fields provided by the given Map.
      aHttpFields - The Map from which to get the keys and values for initializing this instance.
    • FormFields

      public FormFields(String aHttpFormFields)
      Initializes the instance with the fields provided by the given HTTP Form-Fields (HTTP Query-String).
      aHttpFormFields - The String from which to parse the keys and values for initializing this instance.
  • Method Details

    • fromUrlQueryString

      public void fromUrlQueryString(String aQueryString)
      Processes the HTTP Query-String and retrieves the therein defined Form-Fields and adds them to the FormFields instance.
      aQueryString - The HTTP Query-String from which to extract the form being added to the FormFields instance.
    • fromBodyFormFields

      public void fromBodyFormFields(String aHttpFormFields)
      Processes the HTTP Form-Fields body String and retrieves the therein defined Form-Fields and adds them to the FormFields instance.
      aHttpFormFields - The HTTP Form-Fields String from which to extract the form being added to the FormFields instance.
    • toUrlQueryString

      public String toUrlQueryString()
      Produces an HTTP Query-String form the herein contain HTTP query fields.
      The HTTP Query-String representation of this FormFields instance or null if this instance is empty.
    • toBodyFormFields

      public String toBodyFormFields()
      Produces an HTTP Form-Fields body String form the herein contain HTTP query fields.
      The HTTP Form-Fields String representation of this FormFields instance or null if this instance is empty.
    • toContentLength

      public int toContentLength()
      Calculates the length (number of characters) of the FormFields when used for a HTTP-Body as of toBodyFormFields().
      The length of the HTTP-Body representation of the content of these FormFields.
    • fromUrl

      public void fromUrl(String aUrl)
      Extracts the HTTP Query-String from the provided URL by identifying the first question mark ("?") and retrieves the therein defined Form-Fields and adds them to the FormFields instance.
      aUrl - The URL from which to extract the HTTP Query-String which's Form-Fields are to be added to the FormFields instance.