Class Vfs

  extended by org.reflections.vfs.Vfs

public abstract class Vfs
extends java.lang.Object

a simple virtual file system bridge

use the fromURL( to get a Vfs.Dir and than use Vfs.Dir.getFiles() to iterate over it's Vfs.File

for example:

      Vfs.Dir dir = Vfs.fromURL(url);
      Iterable files = dir.getFiles();
      for (Vfs.File file : files) {
          InputStream is = file.openInputStream();

use findFiles(java.util.Collection, to get an iteration of files matching given name predicate over given list of urls

fromURL( uses static Vfs.DefaultUrlTypes to resolves URLs and it can be plugged in with addDefaultURLTypes(org.reflections.vfs.Vfs.UrlType) or setDefaultURLTypes(java.util.List).

for example:

      Vfs.addDefaultURLTypes(new Vfs.UrlType() {
          public boolean matches(URL url)         {
              return url.getProtocol().equals("http");
          public Vfs.Dir createDir(final URL url) {
              return new HttpDir(url); //implement this type... (check out a naive implementation on VfsTest)

      Vfs.Dir dir = Vfs.fromURL(new URL(""));

Nested Class Summary
static class Vfs.DefaultUrlTypes
          default url types used by fromURL(
static interface Vfs.Dir
          an abstract vfs dir
static interface Vfs.File
          an abstract vfs file
static interface Vfs.UrlType
          a matcher and factory for a url
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void addDefaultURLTypes(Vfs.UrlType urlType)
          add a static default url types.
static java.lang.Iterable<Vfs.File> findFiles(java.util.Collection<> inUrls,<Vfs.File> filePredicate)
          return an iterable of all Vfs.File in given urls, matching filePredicate
static java.lang.Iterable<Vfs.File> findFiles(java.util.Collection<> inUrls, java.lang.String packagePrefix,<java.lang.String> nameFilter)
          return an iterable of all Vfs.File in given urls, starting with given packagePrefix and matching nameFilter
static Vfs.Dir fromURL( url)
          tries to create a Dir from the given url, using the defaultUrlTypes
static Vfs.Dir fromURL( url, java.util.List<Vfs.UrlType> urlTypes)
          tries to create a Dir from the given url, using the given urlTypes
static Vfs.Dir fromURL( url, Vfs.UrlType... urlTypes)
          tries to create a Dir from the given url, using the given urlTypes
static java.util.List<Vfs.UrlType> getDefaultUrlTypes()
          the default url types that will be used when issuing fromURL(
static java.lang.String normalizePath( url)
static void setDefaultURLTypes(java.util.List<Vfs.UrlType> urlTypes)
          sets the static default url types.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Vfs()
Method Detail


public static java.util.List<Vfs.UrlType> getDefaultUrlTypes()
the default url types that will be used when issuing fromURL(


public static void setDefaultURLTypes(java.util.List<Vfs.UrlType> urlTypes)
sets the static default url types. can be used to statically plug in urlTypes


public static void addDefaultURLTypes(Vfs.UrlType urlType)
add a static default url types. can be used to statically plug in urlTypes


public static Vfs.Dir fromURL( url)
tries to create a Dir from the given url, using the defaultUrlTypes


public static Vfs.Dir fromURL( url,
                              java.util.List<Vfs.UrlType> urlTypes)
tries to create a Dir from the given url, using the given urlTypes


public static Vfs.Dir fromURL( url,
                              Vfs.UrlType... urlTypes)
tries to create a Dir from the given url, using the given urlTypes


public static java.lang.Iterable<Vfs.File> findFiles(java.util.Collection<> inUrls,
                                           <Vfs.File> filePredicate)
return an iterable of all Vfs.File in given urls, matching filePredicate


public static java.lang.Iterable<Vfs.File> findFiles(java.util.Collection<> inUrls,
                                                     java.lang.String packagePrefix,
                                           <java.lang.String> nameFilter)
return an iterable of all Vfs.File in given urls, starting with given packagePrefix and matching nameFilter


public static java.lang.String normalizePath( url)

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