Interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean contains​(int x)
      Checks whether the value in included, which is equivalent to checking if the corresponding bit is set (get in BitSet class).
      int first()
      Get the first (smallest) integer in this RoaringBitmap, that is, returns the minimum of the set.
      void forEach​(IntConsumer ic)
      Visit all values in the bitmap and pass them to the consumer.
      BatchIterator getBatchIterator()
      This iterator may be faster than others
      int getCardinality()
      Returns the number of distinct integers added to the bitmap (e.g., number of bits set).
      PeekableIntIterator getIntIterator()
      For better performance, consider the Use the forEach method.
      long getLongCardinality()
      Returns the number of distinct integers added to the bitmap (e.g., number of bits set).
      long getLongSizeInBytes()
      Estimate of the memory usage of this data structure.
      IntIterator getReverseIntIterator()  
      int getSizeInBytes()
      Estimate of the memory usage of this data structure.
      boolean isEmpty()
      Checks whether the bitmap is empty.
      int last()
      Get the last (largest) integer in this RoaringBitmap, that is, returns the maximum of the set.
      ImmutableBitmapDataProvider limit​(int x)
      Create a new bitmap of the same class, containing at most maxcardinality integers.
      long nextAbsentValue​(int fromValue)
      Returns the first absent value equal to or larger than the provided value (interpreted as an unsigned integer).
      long nextValue​(int fromValue)
      Returns the first value equal to or larger than the provided value (interpreted as an unsigned integer).
      long previousAbsentValue​(int fromValue)
      Returns the first absent value less than or equal to the provided value (interpreted as an unsigned integer).
      long previousValue​(int fromValue)
      Returns the first value less than or equal to the provided value (interpreted as an unsigned integer).
      long rangeCardinality​(long start, long end)
      Computes the number of values in the interval [start,end) where start is included and end excluded.
      int rank​(int x)
      Rank returns the number of integers that are smaller or equal to x (rank(infinity) would be getCardinality()).
      long rankLong​(int x)
      Rank returns the number of integers that are smaller or equal to x (rankLong(infinity) would be getLongCardinality()).
      int select​(int j)
      Return the jth value stored in this bitmap.
      void serialize​( out)
      Serialize this bitmap.
      void serialize​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
      Serialize this bitmap to a ByteBuffer.
      int serializedSizeInBytes()
      Report the number of bytes required to serialize this bitmap.
      int[] toArray()
      Return the set values as an array.
    • Method Detail

      • contains

        boolean contains​(int x)
        Checks whether the value in included, which is equivalent to checking if the corresponding bit is set (get in BitSet class).
        x - integer value
        whether the integer value is included.
      • getCardinality

        int getCardinality()
        Returns the number of distinct integers added to the bitmap (e.g., number of bits set). Internally, this is computed as a 64-bit number.
        the cardinality
      • getLongCardinality

        long getLongCardinality()
        Returns the number of distinct integers added to the bitmap (e.g., number of bits set). This returns a full 64-bit result.
        the cardinality
      • forEach

        void forEach​(IntConsumer ic)
        Visit all values in the bitmap and pass them to the consumer. * Usage:
          bitmap.forEach(new IntConsumer() {
            {@literal @}Override
            public void accept(int value) {
              // do something here
        ic - the consumer
      • getIntIterator

        PeekableIntIterator getIntIterator()
        For better performance, consider the Use the forEach method.
        a custom iterator over set bits, the bits are traversed in ascending sorted order
      • getReverseIntIterator

        IntIterator getReverseIntIterator()
        a custom iterator over set bits, the bits are traversed in descending sorted order
      • getBatchIterator

        BatchIterator getBatchIterator()
        This iterator may be faster than others
        iterator which works on batches of data.
      • getSizeInBytes

        int getSizeInBytes()
        Estimate of the memory usage of this data structure. Internally, this is computed as a 64-bit counter.
        estimated memory usage.
      • getLongSizeInBytes

        long getLongSizeInBytes()
        Estimate of the memory usage of this data structure. Provides full 64-bit number.
        estimated memory usage.
      • isEmpty

        boolean isEmpty()
        Checks whether the bitmap is empty.
        true if this bitmap contains no set bit
      • limit

        ImmutableBitmapDataProvider limit​(int x)
        Create a new bitmap of the same class, containing at most maxcardinality integers.
        x - maximal cardinality
        a new bitmap with cardinality no more than maxcardinality
      • rank

        int rank​(int x)
        Rank returns the number of integers that are smaller or equal to x (rank(infinity) would be getCardinality()). If you provide the smallest value as a parameter, this function will return 1. If provide a value smaller than the smallest value, it will return 0. The value is internally computed as a 64-bit number.
        x - upper limit
        the rank
        See Also:
        Ranking in statistics
      • rankLong

        long rankLong​(int x)
        Rank returns the number of integers that are smaller or equal to x (rankLong(infinity) would be getLongCardinality()). If you provide the smallest value as a parameter, this function will return 1. If provide a value smaller than the smallest value, it will return 0. Same as "rank" but produces a full 64-bit value.
        x - upper limit
        the rank
        See Also:
        Ranking in statistics
      • rangeCardinality

        long rangeCardinality​(long start,
                              long end)
        Computes the number of values in the interval [start,end) where start is included and end excluded. rangeCardinality(0,0x100000000) provides the total cardinality (getLongCardinality). The answer is a 64-bit value between 1 and 0x100000000.
        start - lower limit (included)
        end - upper limit (excluded)
        the number of elements in [start,end), between 0 and 0x100000000.
      • select

        int select​(int j)
        Return the jth value stored in this bitmap. The provided value needs to be smaller than the cardinality otherwise an IllegalArgumentException exception is thrown. The smallest value is at index 0. Note that this function differs in convention from the rank function which returns 1 when ranking the smallest value.
        j - index of the value
        the value
        See Also:
        Selection algorithm
      • first

        int first()
        Get the first (smallest) integer in this RoaringBitmap, that is, returns the minimum of the set.
        the first (smallest) integer
        java.util.NoSuchElementException - if empty
      • last

        int last()
        Get the last (largest) integer in this RoaringBitmap, that is, returns the maximum of the set.
        the last (largest) integer
        java.util.NoSuchElementException - if empty
      • nextValue

        long nextValue​(int fromValue)
        Returns the first value equal to or larger than the provided value (interpreted as an unsigned integer). If no such bit exists then -1 is returned. It is not necessarily a computationally effective way to iterate through the values.
        fromValue - the lower bound (inclusive)
        the smallest value larger than or equal to the specified value, or -1 if there is no such value
      • previousValue

        long previousValue​(int fromValue)
        Returns the first value less than or equal to the provided value (interpreted as an unsigned integer). If no such bit exists then -1 is returned. It is not an efficient way to iterate through the values backwards.
        fromValue - the upper bound (inclusive)
        the largest value less than or equal to the specified value, or -1 if there is no such value
      • nextAbsentValue

        long nextAbsentValue​(int fromValue)
        Returns the first absent value equal to or larger than the provided value (interpreted as an unsigned integer). It is not necessarily a computationally effective way to iterate through the values.
        fromValue - the lower bound (inclusive)
        the smallest absent value larger than or equal to the specified value.
      • previousAbsentValue

        long previousAbsentValue​(int fromValue)
        Returns the first absent value less than or equal to the provided value (interpreted as an unsigned integer). It is not necessarily a computationally effective way to iterate through the values.
        fromValue - the lower bound (inclusive)
        the smallest absent value larger than or equal to the specified value.
      • serialize

        void serialize​( out)
        Serialize this bitmap. The current bitmap is not modified.
        out - the DataOutput stream
        Throws: - Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
      • serialize

        void serialize​(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer)
        Serialize this bitmap to a ByteBuffer. This is the preferred method to serialize to a byte array (byte[]) or to a String (via Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString).. Irrespective of the endianess of the provided buffer, data is written using LITTlE_ENDIAN as per the RoaringBitmap specification. The current bitmap is not modified.
           byte[] array = new byte[mrb.serializedSizeInBytes()];
        buffer - the ByteBuffer
      • serializedSizeInBytes

        int serializedSizeInBytes()
        Report the number of bytes required to serialize this bitmap. This is the number of bytes written out when using the serialize method. When using the writeExternal method, the count will be higher due to the overhead of Java serialization.
        the size in bytes
      • toArray

        int[] toArray()
        Return the set values as an array. The integer values are in sorted order.
        array representing the set values.