Class RoaringBitmap

All Implemented Interfaces:
Externalizable, Serializable, Cloneable, Iterable<Integer>, AppendableStorage<Container>, BitmapDataProvider, ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
Direct Known Subclasses:

RoaringBitmap, a compressed alternative to the BitSet.
      import org.roaringbitmap.*;


      RoaringBitmap rr = RoaringBitmap.bitmapOf(1,2,3,1000);
      RoaringBitmap rr2 = new RoaringBitmap();
      for(int k = 4000; k<4255;++k) rr2.add(k);
      RoaringBitmap rror = RoaringBitmap.or(rr, rr2);

      DataOutputStream wheretoserialize = ...
      rr.runOptimize(); // can help compression
Integers are added in unsigned sorted order. That is, they are treated as unsigned integers (see Java 8's Integer.toUnsignedLong function). Up to 4294967296 integers can be stored.
See Also:
Serialized Form
  • Constructor Details

    • RoaringBitmap

      public RoaringBitmap()
      Create an empty bitmap
    • RoaringBitmap

      public RoaringBitmap(ImmutableRoaringBitmap rb)
      Create a RoaringBitmap from a MutableRoaringBitmap or ImmutableRoaringBitmap. The source is not modified.
      rb - the original bitmap
  • Method Details

    • addOffset

      public static RoaringBitmap addOffset(RoaringBitmap x, long offset)
      Generate a copy of the provided bitmap, but with all its values incremented by offset. The parameter offset can be negative. Values that would fall outside of the valid 32-bit range are discarded so that the result can have lower cardinality. This method can be relatively expensive when offset is not divisible by 65536. Use sparingly.
      x - source bitmap
      offset - increment
      a new bitmap
    • add

      public static RoaringBitmap add(RoaringBitmap rb, long rangeStart, long rangeEnd)
      Generate a new bitmap with all integers in [rangeStart,rangeEnd) added.
      rb - initial bitmap (will not be modified)
      rangeStart - inclusive beginning of range
      rangeEnd - exclusive ending of range
      new bitmap
    • add

      @Deprecated public static RoaringBitmap add(RoaringBitmap rb, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd)
      use the version where longs specify the range
      Generate a new bitmap with all integers in [rangeStart,rangeEnd) added.
      rb - initial bitmap (will not be modified)
      rangeStart - inclusive beginning of range
      rangeEnd - exclusive ending of range
      new bitmap
    • and

      public static RoaringBitmap and(RoaringBitmap x1, RoaringBitmap x2)
      Bitwise AND (intersection) operation. The provided bitmaps are *not* modified. This operation is thread-safe as long as the provided bitmaps remain unchanged. If you have more than 2 bitmaps, consider using the FastAggregation class.
      x1 - first bitmap
      x2 - other bitmap
      result of the operation
      See Also:
    • andCardinality

      public static int andCardinality(RoaringBitmap x1, RoaringBitmap x2)
      Cardinality of Bitwise AND (intersection) operation. The provided bitmaps are *not* modified. This operation is thread-safe as long as the provided bitmaps remain unchanged.
      x1 - first bitmap
      x2 - other bitmap
      as if you did and(x2,x2).getCardinality()
      See Also:
    • andNot

      public static RoaringBitmap andNot(RoaringBitmap x1, RoaringBitmap x2)
      Bitwise ANDNOT (difference) operation. The provided bitmaps are *not* modified. This operation is thread-safe as long as the provided bitmaps remain unchanged.
      x1 - first bitmap
      x2 - other bitmap
      result of the operation
    • add

      public void add(int... dat)
      Set all the specified values to true. This can be expected to be slightly faster than calling "add" repeatedly. The provided integers values don't have to be in sorted order, but it may be preferable to sort them from a performance point of view.
      dat - set values
    • addN

      public void addN(int[] dat, int offset, int n)
      Set the specified values to true, within given boundaries. This can be expected to be slightly faster than calling "add" repeatedly on the values dat[offset], dat[offset+1],..., dat[offset+n-1]. The provided integers values don't have to be in sorted order, but it may be preferable to sort them from a performance point of view.
      dat - set values
      offset - from which index the values should be set to true
      n - how many values should be set to true
    • bitmapOf

      public static RoaringBitmap bitmapOf(int... dat)
      Generate a bitmap with the specified values set to true. The provided integers values don't have to be in sorted order, but it may be preferable to sort them from a performance point of view.
      dat - set values
      a new bitmap
    • bitmapOfUnordered

      public static RoaringBitmap bitmapOfUnordered(int... data)
      Efficiently builds a RoaringBitmap from unordered data
      data - unsorted data
      a new bitmap
    • bitmapOfRange

      public static RoaringBitmap bitmapOfRange(long min, long max)
      See Also:
      add(long, long)
    • flip

      public static RoaringBitmap flip(RoaringBitmap bm, long rangeStart, long rangeEnd)
      Complements the bits in the given range, from rangeStart (inclusive) rangeEnd (exclusive). The given bitmap is unchanged.
      bm - bitmap being negated
      rangeStart - inclusive beginning of range, in [0, 0xffffffff]
      rangeEnd - exclusive ending of range, in [0, 0xffffffff + 1]
      a new Bitmap
    • flip

      @Deprecated public static RoaringBitmap flip(RoaringBitmap rb, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd)
      use the version where longs specify the range
      Complements the bits in the given range, from rangeStart (inclusive) rangeEnd (exclusive). The given bitmap is unchanged.
      rb - bitmap being negated
      rangeStart - inclusive beginning of range, in [0, 0xffffffff]
      rangeEnd - exclusive ending of range, in [0, 0xffffffff + 1]
      a new Bitmap
    • intersects

      public static boolean intersects(RoaringBitmap x1, RoaringBitmap x2)
      Checks whether the two bitmaps intersect. This can be much faster than calling "and" and checking the cardinality of the result.
      x1 - first bitmap
      x2 - other bitmap
      true if they intersect
    • lazyor

      protected static RoaringBitmap lazyor(RoaringBitmap x1, RoaringBitmap x2)
    • lazyorfromlazyinputs

      protected static RoaringBitmap lazyorfromlazyinputs(RoaringBitmap x1, RoaringBitmap x2)
    • or

      public static RoaringBitmap or(Iterator<? extends RoaringBitmap> bitmaps)
      Compute overall OR between bitmaps. (Effectively calls FastAggregation.or(java.util.Iterator<? extends org.roaringbitmap.RoaringBitmap>))
      bitmaps - input bitmaps
      aggregated bitmap
    • or

      public static RoaringBitmap or(RoaringBitmap... bitmaps)
      Compute overall OR between bitmaps. (Effectively calls FastAggregation.or(java.util.Iterator<? extends org.roaringbitmap.RoaringBitmap>))
      bitmaps - input bitmaps
      aggregated bitmap
    • or

      public static RoaringBitmap or(RoaringBitmap x1, RoaringBitmap x2)
      Bitwise OR (union) operation. The provided bitmaps are *not* modified. This operation is thread-safe as long as the provided bitmaps remain unchanged. If you have more than 2 bitmaps, consider using the FastAggregation class.
      x1 - first bitmap
      x2 - other bitmap
      result of the operation
      See Also:
      FastAggregation.or(RoaringBitmap...), FastAggregation.horizontal_or(RoaringBitmap...)
    • orCardinality

      public static int orCardinality(RoaringBitmap x1, RoaringBitmap x2)
      Cardinality of the bitwise OR (union) operation. The provided bitmaps are *not* modified. This operation is thread-safe as long as the provided bitmaps remain unchanged. If you have more than 2 bitmaps, consider using the FastAggregation class.
      x1 - first bitmap
      x2 - other bitmap
      cardinality of the union
      See Also:
      FastAggregation.or(RoaringBitmap...), FastAggregation.horizontal_or(RoaringBitmap...)
    • xorCardinality

      public static int xorCardinality(RoaringBitmap x1, RoaringBitmap x2)
      Cardinality of the bitwise XOR (symmetric difference) operation. The provided bitmaps are *not* modified. This operation is thread-safe as long as the provided bitmaps remain unchanged.
      x1 - first bitmap
      x2 - other bitmap
      cardinality of the symmetric difference
    • andNotCardinality

      public static int andNotCardinality(RoaringBitmap x1, RoaringBitmap x2)
      Cardinality of the bitwise ANDNOT (left difference) operation. The provided bitmaps are *not* modified. This operation is thread-safe as long as the provided bitmaps remain unchanged.
      x1 - first bitmap
      x2 - other bitmap
      cardinality of the left difference
    • remove

      public static RoaringBitmap remove(RoaringBitmap rb, long rangeStart, long rangeEnd)
      Generate a new bitmap with all integers in [rangeStart,rangeEnd) removed.
      rb - initial bitmap (will not be modified)
      rangeStart - inclusive beginning of range
      rangeEnd - exclusive ending of range
      new bitmap
    • remove

      @Deprecated public static RoaringBitmap remove(RoaringBitmap rb, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd)
      use the version where longs specify the range
      Generate a new bitmap with all integers in [rangeStart,rangeEnd) removed.
      rb - initial bitmap (will not be modified)
      rangeStart - inclusive beginning of range
      rangeEnd - exclusive ending of range
      new bitmap
    • xor

      public static RoaringBitmap xor(RoaringBitmap x1, RoaringBitmap x2)
      Bitwise XOR (symmetric difference) operation. The provided bitmaps are *not* modified. This operation is thread-safe as long as the provided bitmaps remain unchanged. If you have more than 2 bitmaps, consider using the FastAggregation class.
      x1 - first bitmap
      x2 - other bitmap
      result of the operation
      See Also:
      FastAggregation.xor(RoaringBitmap...), FastAggregation.horizontal_xor(RoaringBitmap...)
    • add

      public void add(int x)
      Add the value to the container (set the value to "true"), whether it already appears or not. Java lacks native unsigned integers but the x argument is considered to be unsigned. Within bitmaps, numbers are ordered according toInteger.compareUnsigned(int, int). We order the numbers like 0, 1, ..., 2147483647, -2147483648, -2147483647,..., -1.
      Specified by:
      add in interface BitmapDataProvider
      x - integer value
    • add

      public void add(long rangeStart, long rangeEnd)
      Add to the current bitmap all integers in [rangeStart,rangeEnd).
      Specified by:
      add in interface BitmapDataProvider
      rangeStart - inclusive beginning of range
      rangeEnd - exclusive ending of range
    • add

      @Deprecated public void add(int rangeStart, int rangeEnd)
      use the version where longs specify the range
      Add to the current bitmap all integers in [rangeStart,rangeEnd).
      rangeStart - inclusive beginning of range
      rangeEnd - exclusive ending of range
    • intersects

      public boolean intersects(long minimum, long supremum)
      Checks if the range intersects with the bitmap.
      minimum - the inclusive unsigned lower bound of the range
      supremum - the exclusive unsigned upper bound of the range
      whether the bitmap intersects with the range
    • and

      public void and(RoaringBitmap x2)
      In-place bitwise AND (intersection) operation. The current bitmap is modified.
      x2 - other bitmap
    • and

      public static RoaringBitmap and(Iterator<? extends RoaringBitmap> bitmaps, long rangeStart, long rangeEnd)
      Computes AND between input bitmaps in the given range, from rangeStart (inclusive) to rangeEnd (exclusive)
      bitmaps - input bitmaps, these are not modified
      rangeStart - inclusive beginning of range
      rangeEnd - exclusive ending of range
      new result bitmap
    • and

      @Deprecated public static RoaringBitmap and(Iterator<? extends RoaringBitmap> bitmaps, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd)
      use the version where longs specify the range. Negative range end are illegal.
      Computes AND between input bitmaps in the given range, from rangeStart (inclusive) to rangeEnd (exclusive)
      bitmaps - input bitmaps, these are not modified
      rangeStart - inclusive beginning of range
      rangeEnd - exclusive ending of range
      new result bitmap
    • andNot

      public void andNot(RoaringBitmap x2)
      In-place bitwise ANDNOT (difference) operation. The current bitmap is modified.
      x2 - other bitmap
    • andNot

      public static RoaringBitmap andNot(RoaringBitmap x1, RoaringBitmap x2, long rangeStart, long rangeEnd)
      Bitwise ANDNOT (difference) operation for the given range, rangeStart (inclusive) and rangeEnd (exclusive). The provided bitmaps are *not* modified. This operation is thread-safe as long as the provided bitmaps remain unchanged.
      x1 - first bitmap
      x2 - other bitmap
      rangeStart - starting point of the range (inclusive)
      rangeEnd - end point of the range (exclusive)
      result of the operation
    • andNot

      @Deprecated public static RoaringBitmap andNot(RoaringBitmap x1, RoaringBitmap x2, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd)
      use the version where longs specify the range. Negative values for range endpoints are not allowed.
      Bitwise ANDNOT (difference) operation for the given range, rangeStart (inclusive) and rangeEnd (exclusive). The provided bitmaps are *not* modified. This operation is thread-safe as long as the provided bitmaps remain unchanged.
      x1 - first bitmap
      x2 - other bitmap
      rangeStart - starting point of the range (inclusive)
      rangeEnd - end point of the range (exclusive)
      result of the operation
    • orNot

      public void orNot(RoaringBitmap other, long rangeEnd)
      In-place bitwise ORNOT operation. The current bitmap is modified.
      other - the other bitmap
      rangeEnd - end point of the range (exclusive).
    • orNot

      public static RoaringBitmap orNot(RoaringBitmap x1, RoaringBitmap x2, long rangeEnd)
      Bitwise ORNOT operation for the given range, rangeStart (inclusive) and rangeEnd (exclusive). The provided bitmaps are *not* modified. This operation is thread-safe as long as the provided bitmaps remain unchanged.
      x1 - first bitmap
      x2 - other bitmap
      rangeEnd - end point of the range (exclusive)
      result of the operation
    • checkedAdd

      public boolean checkedAdd(int x)
      Add the value to the container (set the value to "true"), whether it already appears or not.
      x - integer value
      true if the added int wasn't already contained in the bitmap. False otherwise.
    • checkedRemove

      public boolean checkedRemove(int x)
      If present remove the specified integer (effectively, sets its bit value to false)
      x - integer value representing the index in a bitmap
      true if the unset bit was already in the bitmap
    • clear

      public void clear()
      reset to an empty bitmap; result occupies as much space a newly created bitmap.
    • clone

      public RoaringBitmap clone()
      clone in class Object
    • contains

      public boolean contains(int x)
      Checks whether the value is included, which is equivalent to checking if the corresponding bit is set (get in BitSet class).
      Specified by:
      contains in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      x - integer value
      whether the integer value is included.
    • contains

      public boolean contains(long minimum, long supremum)
      Checks if the bitmap contains the range.
      minimum - the inclusive lower bound of the range
      supremum - the exclusive upper bound of the range
      whether the bitmap contains the range
    • deserialize

      public void deserialize(DataInput in, byte[] buffer) throws IOException
      Deserialize (retrieve) this bitmap. See format specification at The current bitmap is overwritten.
      in - the DataInput stream
      buffer - The buffer gets overwritten with data during deserialization. You can pass a NULL reference as a buffer. A buffer containing at least 8192 bytes might be ideal for performance. It is recommended to reuse the buffer between calls to deserialize (in a single-threaded context) for best performance.
      IOException - Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
    • deserialize

      public void deserialize(DataInput in) throws IOException
      Deserialize (retrieve) this bitmap. See format specification at The current bitmap is overwritten.
      in - the DataInput stream
      IOException - Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
    • deserialize

      public void deserialize(ByteBuffer bbf) throws IOException
      Deserialize (retrieve) this bitmap. See format specification at The current bitmap is overwritten. It is not necessary that limit() on the input ByteBuffer indicates the end of the serialized data. After loading this RoaringBitmap, you can advance to the rest of the data (if there is more) by setting bbf.position(bbf.position() + bitmap.serializedSizeInBytes()); Note that the input ByteBuffer is effectively copied (with the slice operation) so you should expect the provided ByteBuffer to remain unchanged.
      bbf - the byte buffer (can be mapped, direct, array backed etc.
      IOException - Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • isHammingSimilar

      public boolean isHammingSimilar(RoaringBitmap other, int tolerance)
      Returns true if the other bitmap has no more than tolerance bits differing from this bitmap. The other may be transformed into a bitmap equal to this bitmap in no more than tolerance bit flips if this method returns true.
      other - the bitmap to compare to
      tolerance - the maximum number of bits that may differ
      true if the number of differing bits is smaller than tolerance
    • flip

      public void flip(int x)
      Add the value if it is not already present, otherwise remove it.
      x - integer value
    • flip

      public void flip(long rangeStart, long rangeEnd)
      Modifies the current bitmap by complementing the bits in the given range, from rangeStart (inclusive) rangeEnd (exclusive).
      rangeStart - inclusive beginning of range
      rangeEnd - exclusive ending of range
    • flip

      @Deprecated public void flip(int rangeStart, int rangeEnd)
      use the version where longs specify the range
      Modifies the current bitmap by complementing the bits in the given range, from rangeStart (inclusive) rangeEnd (exclusive).
      rangeStart - inclusive beginning of range
      rangeEnd - exclusive ending of range
    • getLongCardinality

      public long getLongCardinality()
      Returns the number of distinct integers added to the bitmap (e.g., number of bits set).
      Specified by:
      getLongCardinality in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      the cardinality
    • getCardinality

      public int getCardinality()
      Description copied from interface: ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      Returns the number of distinct integers added to the bitmap (e.g., number of bits set). Internally, this is computed as a 64-bit number.
      Specified by:
      getCardinality in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      the cardinality
    • cardinalityExceeds

      public boolean cardinalityExceeds(long threshold)
      Returns true if the bitmap's cardinality exceeds the threshold.
      threshold - threshold
      true if the cardinality exceeds the threshold.
    • forEach

      public void forEach(IntConsumer ic)
      Description copied from interface: ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      Visit all values in the bitmap and pass them to the consumer. * Usage:
        bitmap.forEach(new IntConsumer() {
          {@literal @}Override
          public void accept(int value) {
            // do something here
      Specified by:
      forEach in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      ic - the consumer
    • forAllInRange

      public void forAllInRange(int uStart, int length, RelativeRangeConsumer rrc)
      Consume presence information for all values in the range [start, start + length).
      uStart - Lower bound of values to consume.
      length - Maximum number of values to consume.
      rrc - Code to be executed for each present or absent value.
    • forEachInRange

      public void forEachInRange(int start, int length, IntConsumer ic)
      Consume each value present in the range [start, start + length).
      start - Lower bound of values to consume.
      length - Maximum number of values to consume.
      ic - Code to be executed for each present value.
    • getContainerPointer

      public ContainerPointer getContainerPointer()
      Return a low-level container pointer that can be used to access the underlying data structure.
      container pointer
    • getIntIterator

      public PeekableIntIterator getIntIterator()
      For better performance, consider the Use the forEach method.
      Specified by:
      getIntIterator in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      a custom iterator over set bits, the bits are traversed in ascending sorted order
    • getReverseIntIterator

      public IntIterator getReverseIntIterator()
      Specified by:
      getReverseIntIterator in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      a custom iterator over set bits, the bits are traversed in descending sorted order
    • getBatchIterator

      public RoaringBatchIterator getBatchIterator()
      Description copied from interface: ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      This iterator may be faster than others
      Specified by:
      getBatchIterator in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      iterator which works on batches of data.
    • getLongSizeInBytes

      public long getLongSizeInBytes()
      Estimate of the memory usage of this data structure. This can be expected to be within 1% of the true memory usage in common usage scenarios. If exact measures are needed, we recommend using dedicated libraries such as ehcache-sizeofengine. In adversarial cases, this estimate may be 10x the actual memory usage. For example, if you insert a single random value in a bitmap, then over a 100 bytes may be used by the JVM whereas this function may return an estimate of 32 bytes. The same will be true in the "sparse" scenario where you have a small set of random-looking integers spanning a wide range of values. These are considered adversarial cases because, as a general rule, if your data looks like a set of random integers, Roaring bitmaps are probably not the right data structure. Note that you can serialize your Roaring Bitmaps to disk and then construct ImmutableRoaringBitmap instances from a ByteBuffer. In such cases, the Java heap usage will be significantly less than what is reported. If your main goal is to compress arrays of integers, there are other libraries that are maybe more appropriate such as JavaFastPFOR. Note, however, that in general, random integers (as produced by random number generators or hash functions) are not compressible. Trying to compress random data is an adversarial use case.
      Specified by:
      getLongSizeInBytes in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      estimated memory usage.
      See Also:
    • getSizeInBytes

      public int getSizeInBytes()
      Estimate of the memory usage of this data structure. This can be expected to be within 1% of the true memory usage in common usage scenarios. If exact measures are needed, we recommend using dedicated libraries such as ehcache-sizeofengine. In adversarial cases, this estimate may be 10x the actual memory usage. For example, if you insert a single random value in a bitmap, then over a 100 bytes may be used by the JVM whereas this function may return an estimate of 32 bytes. The same will be true in the "sparse" scenario where you have a small set of random-looking integers spanning a wide range of values. These are considered adversarial cases because, as a general rule, if your data looks like a set of random integers, Roaring bitmaps are probably not the right data structure. Note that you can serialize your Roaring Bitmaps to disk and then construct ImmutableRoaringBitmap instances from a ByteBuffer. In such cases, the Java heap usage will be significantly less than what is reported. If your main goal is to compress arrays of integers, there are other libraries that are maybe more appropriate such as JavaFastPFOR. Note, however, that in general, random integers (as produced by random number generators or hash functions) are not compressible. Trying to compress random data is an adversarial use case.
      Specified by:
      getSizeInBytes in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      estimated memory usage.
      See Also:
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Compute the hashCode() of this bitmap. For performance reasons, this method deliberately violates the Java contract regarding hashCode/equals in the following manner: If the two bitmaps are equal *and* they have the same hasRunCompression() result, then they have the same hashCode(). Thus, for the Java contract to be satisfied, you should either call runOptimize() on all your bitmaps, or on none of your bitmaps.
      hashCode in class Object
      the hash code
    • hasRunCompression

      public boolean hasRunCompression()
      Check whether this bitmap has had its runs compressed.
      whether this bitmap has run compression
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
      Checks whether the bitmap is empty.
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      true if this bitmap contains no set bit
    • iterator

      public Iterator<Integer> iterator()
      iterate over the positions of the true values.
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<Integer>
      the iterator
    • lazyor

      protected void lazyor(RoaringBitmap x2)
    • naivelazyor

      protected void naivelazyor(RoaringBitmap x2)
    • limit

      public RoaringBitmap limit(int maxcardinality)
      Create a new Roaring bitmap containing at most maxcardinality integers.
      Specified by:
      limit in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      maxcardinality - maximal cardinality
      a new bitmap with cardinality no more than maxcardinality
    • or

      public void or(RoaringBitmap x2)
      In-place bitwise OR (union) operation. The current bitmap is modified.
      x2 - other bitmap
    • or

      public static RoaringBitmap or(Iterator<? extends RoaringBitmap> bitmaps, long rangeStart, long rangeEnd)
      Computes OR between input bitmaps in the given range, from rangeStart (inclusive) to rangeEnd (exclusive)
      bitmaps - input bitmaps, these are not modified
      rangeStart - inclusive beginning of range
      rangeEnd - exclusive ending of range
      new result bitmap
    • or

      @Deprecated public static RoaringBitmap or(Iterator<? extends RoaringBitmap> bitmaps, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd)
      use the version where longs specify the range. Negative range points are forbidden.
      Computes OR between input bitmaps in the given range, from rangeStart (inclusive) to rangeEnd (exclusive)
      bitmaps - input bitmaps, these are not modified
      rangeStart - inclusive beginning of range
      rangeEnd - exclusive ending of range
      new result bitmap
    • rankLong

      public long rankLong(int x)
      Rank returns the number of integers that are smaller or equal to x (Rank(infinity) would be GetCardinality()). If you provide the smallest value as a parameter, this function will return 1. If provide a value smaller than the smallest value, it will return 0.
      Specified by:
      rankLong in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      x - upper limit
      the rank
      See Also:
      Ranking in statistics
    • rangeCardinality

      public long rangeCardinality(long start, long end)
      Description copied from interface: ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      Computes the number of values in the interval [start,end) where start is included and end excluded. rangeCardinality(0,0x100000000) provides the total cardinality (getLongCardinality). The answer is a 64-bit value between 1 and 0x100000000.
      Specified by:
      rangeCardinality in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      start - lower limit (included)
      end - upper limit (excluded)
      the number of elements in [start,end), between 0 and 0x100000000.
    • rank

      public int rank(int x)
      Description copied from interface: ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      Rank returns the number of integers that are smaller or equal to x (rank(infinity) would be getCardinality()). If you provide the smallest value as a parameter, this function will return 1. If provide a value smaller than the smallest value, it will return 0. The value is internally computed as a 64-bit number.
      Specified by:
      rank in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      x - upper limit
      the rank
      See Also:
      Ranking in statistics
    • readExternal

      public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      readExternal in interface Externalizable
    • remove

      public void remove(int x)
      If present remove the specified integer (effectively, sets its bit value to false)
      Specified by:
      remove in interface BitmapDataProvider
      x - integer value representing the index in a bitmap
    • remove

      public void remove(long rangeStart, long rangeEnd)
      Remove from the current bitmap all integers in [rangeStart,rangeEnd).
      rangeStart - inclusive beginning of range
      rangeEnd - exclusive ending of range
    • remove

      @Deprecated public void remove(int rangeStart, int rangeEnd)
      use the version where longs specify the range
      Remove from the current bitmap all integers in [rangeStart,rangeEnd).
      rangeStart - inclusive beginning of range
      rangeEnd - exclusive ending of range
    • removeRunCompression

      public boolean removeRunCompression()
      Remove run-length encoding even when it is more space efficient
      whether a change was applied
    • repairAfterLazy

      protected void repairAfterLazy()
    • runOptimize

      public boolean runOptimize()
      Use a run-length encoding where it is more space efficient
      whether a change was applied
    • contains

      public boolean contains(RoaringBitmap subset)
      Checks whether the parameter is a subset of this RoaringBitmap or not
      subset - the potential subset
      true if the parameter is a subset of this RoaringBitmap
    • select

      public int select(int j)
      Return the jth value stored in this bitmap. The provided value needs to be smaller than the cardinality otherwise an IllegalArgumentException exception is thrown. The smallest value is at index 0. Note that this function differs in convention from the rank function which returns 1 when ranking the smallest value.
      Specified by:
      select in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      j - index of the value
      the value
      See Also:
      Selection algorithm
    • nextValue

      public long nextValue(int fromValue)
      Description copied from interface: ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      Returns the first value equal to or larger than the provided value (interpreted as an unsigned integer). If no such bit exists then -1 is returned. It is not necessarily a computationally effective way to iterate through the values.
      Specified by:
      nextValue in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      fromValue - the lower bound (inclusive)
      the smallest value larger than or equal to the specified value, or -1 if there is no such value
    • previousValue

      public long previousValue(int fromValue)
      Description copied from interface: ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      Returns the first value less than or equal to the provided value (interpreted as an unsigned integer). If no such bit exists then -1 is returned. It is not an efficient way to iterate through the values backwards.
      Specified by:
      previousValue in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      fromValue - the upper bound (inclusive)
      the largest value less than or equal to the specified value, or -1 if there is no such value
    • nextAbsentValue

      public long nextAbsentValue(int fromValue)
      Description copied from interface: ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      Returns the first absent value equal to or larger than the provided value (interpreted as an unsigned integer). It is not necessarily a computationally effective way to iterate through the values.
      Specified by:
      nextAbsentValue in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      fromValue - the lower bound (inclusive)
      the smallest absent value larger than or equal to the specified value.
    • previousAbsentValue

      public long previousAbsentValue(int fromValue)
      Description copied from interface: ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      Returns the first absent value less than or equal to the provided value (interpreted as an unsigned integer). It is not necessarily a computationally effective way to iterate through the values.
      Specified by:
      previousAbsentValue in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      fromValue - the lower bound (inclusive)
      the smallest absent value larger than or equal to the specified value.
    • first

      public int first()
      Description copied from interface: ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      Get the first (smallest) integer in this RoaringBitmap, that is, return the minimum of the set.
      Specified by:
      first in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      the first (smallest) integer
    • last

      public int last()
      Description copied from interface: ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      Get the last (largest) integer in this RoaringBitmap, that is, return the maximum of the set.
      Specified by:
      last in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      the last (largest) integer
    • serialize

      public void serialize(DataOutput out) throws IOException
      Serialize this bitmap. See format specification at Consider calling runOptimize() before serialization to improve compression. The current bitmap is not modified. There is a distinct and dedicated method to serialize to a ByteBuffer. Note: Java's data structures are in big endian format. Roaring serializes to a little endian format, so the bytes are flipped by the library during serialization to ensure that what is stored is in little endian---despite Java's big endianness. You can defeat this process by reflipping the bytes again in a custom DataOutput which could lead to serialized Roaring objects with an incorrect byte order.
      Specified by:
      serialize in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      out - the DataOutput stream
      IOException - Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
    • serialize

      public void serialize(ByteBuffer buffer)
      Description copied from interface: ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      Serialize this bitmap to a ByteBuffer. This is the preferred method to serialize to a byte array (byte[]) or to a String (via Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString).. Irrespective of the endianess of the provided buffer, data is written using LITTlE_ENDIAN as per the RoaringBitmap specification. The current bitmap is not modified.
         byte[] array = new byte[mrb.serializedSizeInBytes()];
      Specified by:
      serialize in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      buffer - the ByteBuffer
    • maximumSerializedSize

      public static long maximumSerializedSize(long cardinality, long universe_size)
      Assume that one wants to store "cardinality" integers in [0, universe_size), this function returns an upper bound on the serialized size in bytes.
      cardinality - maximal cardinality
      universe_size - maximal value
      upper bound on the serialized size in bytes of the bitmap
    • serializedSizeInBytes

      public int serializedSizeInBytes()
      Report the number of bytes required to serialize this bitmap. This is the number of bytes written out when using the serialize method. When using the writeExternal method, the count will be higher due to the overhead of Java serialization.
      Specified by:
      serializedSizeInBytes in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      the size in bytes
    • toArray

      public int[] toArray()
      Return the set values as an array, if the cardinality is smaller than 2147483648. The integer values are in sorted order.
      Specified by:
      toArray in interface ImmutableBitmapDataProvider
      array representing the set values.
    • append

      public void append(char key, Container container)
      Description copied from interface: AppendableStorage
      Appends the key and container to the storage, throws if the key is less than the current mark.
      Specified by:
      append in interface AppendableStorage<Container>
      key - the key to append
      container - the data to append
    • toMutableRoaringBitmap

      public MutableRoaringBitmap toMutableRoaringBitmap()
      Convert (copies) to a mutable roaring bitmap.
      a copy of this bitmap as a MutableRoaringBitmap
    • toString

      public String toString()
      A string describing the bitmap.
      toString in class Object
      the string
    • trim

      public void trim()
      Recover allocated but unused memory.
      Specified by:
      trim in interface BitmapDataProvider
    • writeExternal

      public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      writeExternal in interface Externalizable
    • xor

      public void xor(RoaringBitmap x2)
      In-place bitwise XOR (symmetric difference) operation. The current bitmap is modified.
      x2 - other bitmap
    • xor

      public static RoaringBitmap xor(Iterator<? extends RoaringBitmap> bitmaps, long rangeStart, long rangeEnd)
      Computes XOR between input bitmaps in the given range, from rangeStart (inclusive) to rangeEnd (exclusive)
      bitmaps - input bitmaps, these are not modified
      rangeStart - inclusive beginning of range
      rangeEnd - exclusive ending of range
      new result bitmap
    • xor

      @Deprecated public static RoaringBitmap xor(Iterator<? extends RoaringBitmap> bitmaps, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd)
      use the version where longs specify the range. Negative values not allowed for rangeStart and rangeEnd
      Computes XOR between input bitmaps in the given range, from rangeStart (inclusive) to rangeEnd (exclusive)
      bitmaps - input bitmaps, these are not modified
      rangeStart - inclusive beginning of range
      rangeEnd - exclusive ending of range
      new result bi