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AbstractCompactionFilter<T extends AbstractSlice<?>> - Class in org.rocksdb
A CompactionFilter allows an application to modify/delete a key-value at the time of compaction.
AbstractCompactionFilter(long) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.AbstractCompactionFilter
AbstractComparator<T extends AbstractSlice<?>> - Class in org.rocksdb
Comparators are used by RocksDB to determine the ordering of keys.
AbstractComparator() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.AbstractComparator
AbstractImmutableNativeReference - Class in org.rocksdb
Offers functionality for implementations of AbstractNativeReference which have an immutable reference to the underlying native C++ object
AbstractImmutableNativeReference(boolean) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.AbstractImmutableNativeReference
AbstractNativeReference - Class in org.rocksdb
AbstractNativeReference is the base-class of all RocksDB classes that have a pointer to a native C++ rocksdb object.
AbstractNativeReference() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.AbstractNativeReference
AbstractRocksIterator<P extends RocksObject> - Class in org.rocksdb
Base class implementation for Rocks Iterators in the Java API
AbstractRocksIterator(P, long) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.AbstractRocksIterator
AbstractSlice<T> - Class in org.rocksdb
Slices are used by RocksDB to provide efficient access to keys and values.
AbstractSlice() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.AbstractSlice
AbstractSlice(long) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.AbstractSlice
AbstractWriteBatch - Class in org.rocksdb
AbstractWriteBatch(long) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.AbstractWriteBatch
add(Slice, Slice) - Method in class org.rocksdb.SstFileWriter
add(DirectSlice, DirectSlice) - Method in class org.rocksdb.SstFileWriter
addFileWithFileInfo(ColumnFamilyHandle, List<ExternalSstFileInfo>) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
addFileWithFileInfo(ColumnFamilyHandle, List<ExternalSstFileInfo>, boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
addFileWithFileInfo(List<ExternalSstFileInfo>) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
addFileWithFileInfo(List<ExternalSstFileInfo>, boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
addFileWithFileInfo(ColumnFamilyHandle, ExternalSstFileInfo) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
addFileWithFileInfo(ColumnFamilyHandle, ExternalSstFileInfo, boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
addFileWithFileInfo(ExternalSstFileInfo) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
addFileWithFileInfo(ExternalSstFileInfo, boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
addFileWithFilePath(ColumnFamilyHandle, List<String>) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
addFileWithFilePath(ColumnFamilyHandle, List<String>, boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
addFileWithFilePath(List<String>) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
addFileWithFilePath(List<String>, boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
addFileWithFilePath(ColumnFamilyHandle, String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
addFileWithFilePath(ColumnFamilyHandle, String, boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
addFileWithFilePath(String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
addFileWithFilePath(String, boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
adviseRandomOnOpen() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
adviseRandomOnOpen() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
If set true, will hint the underlying file system that the file access pattern is random, when a sst file is opened.
adviseRandomOnOpen() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
allowConcurrentMemtableWrite() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
allowConcurrentMemtableWrite() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
If true, allow multi-writers to update mem tables in parallel.
allowConcurrentMemtableWrite() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
allowFallocate() - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
allowMmapReads() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
allowMmapReads() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Allow the OS to mmap file for reading sst tables.
allowMmapReads() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
allowMmapWrites() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
allowMmapWrites() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Allow the OS to mmap file for writing.
allowMmapWrites() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
arenaBlockSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
arenaBlockSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
arenaBlockSize() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
The size of one block in arena memory allocation.
arenaBlockSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options


BackupableDB - Class in org.rocksdb
A subclass of RocksDB which supports backup-related operations.
BackupableDB(long) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.BackupableDB
A protected construction that will be used in the static factory method BackupableDB.open(Options, BackupableDBOptions, String).
BackupableDBOptions - Class in org.rocksdb
BackupableDBOptions to control the behavior of a backupable database.
BackupableDBOptions(String) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.BackupableDBOptions
BackupableDBOptions constructor.
backupDir() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDBOptions
Returns the path to the BackupableDB directory.
BackupEngine - Class in org.rocksdb
BackupEngine allows you to backup and restore the database Be aware, that `new BackupEngine` takes time proportional to the amount of backups.
BackupEngine(long) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.BackupEngine
backupId() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupInfo
BackupInfo - Class in org.rocksdb
Instances of this class describe a Backup made by BackupableDB.
backupLogFiles() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDBOptions
Return information if log files shall be persisted.
backupRateLimit() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDBOptions
Return backup rate limit which described the max bytes that can be transferred in a second during backup.
baseBackgroundCompactions() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
baseBackgroundCompactions() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Suggested number of concurrent background compaction jobs, submitted to the default LOW priority thread pool.
baseBackgroundCompactions() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
BlockBasedTableConfig - Class in org.rocksdb
The config for plain table sst format.
BlockBasedTableConfig() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
blockCacheCompressedNumShardBits() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
Controls the number of shards for the block compressed cache.
blockCacheCompressedSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
Size of compressed block cache.
blockCacheSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
blockRestartInterval() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
blockSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
blockSizeDeviation() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
bloomBitsPerKey() - Method in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
BloomFilter - Class in org.rocksdb
Bloom filter policy that uses a bloom filter with approximately the specified number of bits per key.
BloomFilter() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.BloomFilter
BloomFilter constructor
BloomFilter(int) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.BloomFilter
BloomFilter constructor
BloomFilter(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.BloomFilter
BloomFilter constructor
bloomLocality() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
bloomLocality() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Control locality of bloom filter probes to improve cache miss rate.
bloomLocality() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
branchingFactor() - Method in class org.rocksdb.HashSkipListMemTableConfig
bucketCount() - Method in class org.rocksdb.HashLinkedListMemTableConfig
Returns the number of buckets that will be used in the memtable created based on this config.
bucketCount() - Method in class org.rocksdb.HashSkipListMemTableConfig
bucketEntriesLoggingThreshold() - Method in class org.rocksdb.HashLinkedListMemTableConfig
Returns the maximum number of entries in one bucket before logging starts.
build() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
builder() - Static method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions
Creates a builder which allows you to set MutableColumnFamilyOptions in a fluent manner
BuiltinComparator - Enum in org.rocksdb
Builtin RocksDB comparators BYTEWISE_COMPARATOR - Sorts all keys in ascending bytewise order. REVERSE_BYTEWISE_COMPARATOR - Sorts all keys in descending bytewise order
bytesPerSync() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
bytesPerSync() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Allows OS to incrementally sync files to disk while they are being written, asynchronously, in the background.
bytesPerSync() - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
bytesPerSync() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
BytewiseComparator - Class in org.rocksdb.util
This is a Java Native implementation of the C++ equivalent BytewiseComparatorImpl using Slice The performance of Comparators implemented in Java is always less than their C++ counterparts due to the bridging overhead, as such you likely don't want to use this apart from benchmarking and you most likely instead wanted BuiltinComparator.BYTEWISE_COMPARATOR
BytewiseComparator(ComparatorOptions) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.util.BytewiseComparator


cacheIndexAndFilterBlocks() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
Indicating if we'd put index/filter blocks to the block cache.
cacheNumShardBits() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
Returns the number of shard bits used in the block cache.
Checkpoint - Class in org.rocksdb
Provides Checkpoint functionality.
checksumType() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
ChecksumType - Enum in org.rocksdb
Checksum types used in conjunction with BlockBasedTable.
clear() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractWriteBatch
clear() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DirectSlice
Clears the backing slice
clear() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.WriteBatchInterface
Clear all updates buffered in this batch
close() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractImmutableNativeReference
close() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractNativeReference
Frees the underlying C++ object
close() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDB
Close the BackupableDB instance and release resource.
close() - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksMutableObject
close() - Method in class org.rocksdb.TtlDB
Close the TtlDB instance and release resource.
ColumnFamilyDescriptor - Class in org.rocksdb
Describes a column family with a name and respective Options.
ColumnFamilyDescriptor(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyDescriptor
Creates a new Column Family using a name and default options,
ColumnFamilyDescriptor(byte[], ColumnFamilyOptions) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyDescriptor
Creates a new Column Family using a name and custom options.
ColumnFamilyHandle - Class in org.rocksdb
ColumnFamilyHandle class to hold handles to underlying rocksdb ColumnFamily Pointers.
columnFamilyName() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyDescriptor
Retrieve name of column family.
columnFamilyOptions() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyDescriptor
Retrieve assigned options instance.
ColumnFamilyOptions - Class in org.rocksdb
ColumnFamilyOptions to control the behavior of a database.
ColumnFamilyOptions() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
Construct ColumnFamilyOptions.
ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface - Interface in org.rocksdb
COMPACTION_POOL - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.Env
compactionReadaheadSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
compactionStyle() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
compactionStyle() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Compaction style for DB.
CompactionStyle - Enum in org.rocksdb
Enum CompactionStyle RocksDB supports different styles of compaction.
compactionStyle() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
compactRange() - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Range compaction of database.
compactRange(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Range compaction of database.
compactRange(boolean, int, int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Range compaction of database.
compactRange(byte[], byte[], boolean, int, int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Range compaction of database.
compactRange(ColumnFamilyHandle) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Range compaction of column family.
compactRange(ColumnFamilyHandle, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Range compaction of column family.
compactRange(ColumnFamilyHandle, boolean, int, int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Range compaction of column family.
compactRange(ColumnFamilyHandle, byte[], byte[], boolean, int, int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Range compaction of column family.
Comparator - Class in org.rocksdb
Base class for comparators which will receive byte[] based access via org.rocksdb.Slice in their compare method implementation.
Comparator(ComparatorOptions) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.Comparator
ComparatorOptions - Class in org.rocksdb
This class controls the behaviour of Java implementations of AbstractComparator Note that dispose() must be called before a ComparatorOptions instance becomes out-of-scope to release the allocated memory in C++.
ComparatorOptions() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.ComparatorOptions
compare(T, T) - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractComparator
Three-way key comparison
compare(AbstractSlice<?>) - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractSlice
Three-way key comparison
compare(Slice, Slice) - Method in class org.rocksdb.util.BytewiseComparator
compare(DirectSlice, DirectSlice) - Method in class org.rocksdb.util.DirectBytewiseComparator
compare(Slice, Slice) - Method in class org.rocksdb.util.ReverseBytewiseComparator
compressionPerLevel() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
compressionPerLevel() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Return the currently set CompressionType per instances.
compressionPerLevel() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
compressionType() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
compressionType() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Compress blocks using the specified compression algorithm.
CompressionType - Enum in org.rocksdb
Enum CompressionType
compressionType() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
continueBackgroundWork() - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Resumes backround work which was suspended by previously calling RocksDB.pauseBackgroundWork()
count() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractWriteBatch
count() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.WriteBatchInterface
Returns the number of updates in the batch.
create(RocksDB) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.Checkpoint
Creates a Checkpoint object to be used for creating open-able snapshots.
createCheckpoint(String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Checkpoint
Builds an open-able snapshot of RocksDB on the same disk, which accepts an output directory on the same disk, and under the directory (1) hard-linked SST files pointing to existing live SST files (2) a copied manifest files and other files
createColumnFamily(ColumnFamilyDescriptor) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Creates a new column family with the name columnFamilyName and allocates a ColumnFamilyHandle within an internal structure.
createColumnFamilyWithTtl(ColumnFamilyDescriptor, int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.TtlDB
Creates a new ttl based column family with a name defined in given ColumnFamilyDescriptor and allocates a ColumnFamilyHandle within an internal structure.
createIfMissing() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
createIfMissing() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Return true if the create_if_missing flag is set to true.
createIfMissing() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
createMissingColumnFamilies() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
createMissingColumnFamilies() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Return true if the create_missing_column_families flag is set to true.
createMissingColumnFamilies() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
createNewBackup(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDB
Captures the state of the database in the latest backup.
createNewBackup(long, boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDB
createNewBackup(RocksDB) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupEngine
Captures the state of the database in the latest backup Just a convenience for BackupEngine.createNewBackup(RocksDB, boolean) with the flushBeforeBackup parameter set to false
createNewBackup(RocksDB, boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupEngine
Captures the state of the database in the latest backup
createNewLoggerDbOptions(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Logger
createNewLoggerOptions(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Logger
createNewSliceFromString(String) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractSlice
createStatistics() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
createStatistics() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Creates statistics object which collects metrics about database operations.
createStatistics() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options


data() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractSlice
Returns the data of the slice.
data0(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractSlice
Access to the data is provided by the subtype as it needs to handle the generic typing.
data0(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DirectSlice
data0(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Slice
dbLogDir() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
dbLogDir() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Returns the directory of info log.
dbLogDir() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
DBOptions - Class in org.rocksdb
DBOptions to control the behavior of a database.
DBOptions() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
Construct DBOptions.
DBOptionsInterface - Interface in org.rocksdb
DEFAUL_THRESHOLD_USE_SKIPLIST - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.HashLinkedListMemTableConfig
DEFAULT_BLOOM_BITS_PER_KEY - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
DEFAULT_BRANCHING_FACTOR - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.HashSkipListMemTableConfig
DEFAULT_BUCKET_COUNT - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.HashLinkedListMemTableConfig
DEFAULT_BUCKET_COUNT - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.HashSkipListMemTableConfig
DEFAULT_BUCKET_ENTRIES_LOG_THRES - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.HashLinkedListMemTableConfig
DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
DEFAULT_COMPACTION_MEMTABLE_MEMORY_BUDGET - Static variable in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
DEFAULT_ENCODING_TYPE - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
DEFAULT_FULL_SCAN_MODE - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
DEFAULT_HASH_TABLE_RATIO - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
DEFAULT_HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.HashSkipListMemTableConfig
DEFAULT_HUGE_PAGE_TLB_SIZE - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.HashLinkedListMemTableConfig
DEFAULT_HUGE_TLB_SIZE - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
DEFAULT_IF_LOG_BUCKET_DIST_WHEN_FLUSH - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.HashLinkedListMemTableConfig
DEFAULT_INDEX_SPARSENESS - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
DEFAULT_LOOKAHEAD - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.SkipListMemTableConfig
DEFAULT_RESERVED_SIZE - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.VectorMemTableConfig
DEFAULT_STORE_INDEX_IN_FILE - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
delayedWriteRate() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
delete(byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Delete the database entry (if any) for "key".
delete(ColumnFamilyHandle, byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Delete the database entry (if any) for "key".
delete(WriteOptions, byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Delete the database entry (if any) for "key".
delete(ColumnFamilyHandle, WriteOptions, byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Delete the database entry (if any) for "key".
delete(long, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
delete(long, byte[], int, int, long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
delete(long, long, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
delete(long, long, byte[], int, int, long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
delete(byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.WriteBatch.Handler
deleteBackup(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDB
Deletes a specific backup.
deleteBackup(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupEngine
Deletes a backup
deleteBackup(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RestoreBackupableDB
Deletes a specific backup.
deleteObsoleteFilesPeriodMicros() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
deleteObsoleteFilesPeriodMicros() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
The periodicity when obsolete files get deleted.
deleteObsoleteFilesPeriodMicros() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
destroyOldData() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDBOptions
Returns if old data will be destroyed will performing new backups.
DirectBytewiseComparator - Class in org.rocksdb.util
This is a Java Native implementation of the C++ equivalent BytewiseComparatorImpl using DirectSlice The performance of Comparators implemented in Java is always less than their C++ counterparts due to the bridging overhead, as such you likely don't want to use this apart from benchmarking and you most likely instead wanted BuiltinComparator.BYTEWISE_COMPARATOR
DirectBytewiseComparator(ComparatorOptions) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.util.DirectBytewiseComparator
DirectComparator - Class in org.rocksdb
Base class for comparators which will receive ByteBuffer based access via org.rocksdb.DirectSlice in their compare method implementation.
DirectComparator(ComparatorOptions) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.DirectComparator
DirectSlice - Class in org.rocksdb
Base class for slices which will receive direct ByteBuffer based access to the underlying data.
DirectSlice(String) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.DirectSlice
Constructs a slice where the data is taken from a String.
DirectSlice(ByteBuffer, int) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.DirectSlice
Constructs a slice where the data is read from the provided ByteBuffer up to a certain length
DirectSlice(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.DirectSlice
Constructs a slice where the data is read from the provided ByteBuffer
disableAutoCompactions() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
disableAutoCompactions() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
disableAutoCompactions() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Disable automatic compactions.
disableAutoCompactions() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
disableDataSync() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
disableDataSync() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
If true, then the contents of data files are not synced to stable storage.
disableDataSync() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
disableFileDeletions() - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Prevent file deletions.
disableWAL() - Method in class org.rocksdb.WriteOptions
If true, writes will not first go to the write ahead log, and the write may got lost after a crash.
disOwnNativeHandle() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractImmutableNativeReference
Releases this AbstractNativeReference from the responsibility of freeing the underlying native C++ object
dispose() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractNativeReference
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractCompactionFilter
Deletes underlying C++ compaction pointer.
disposeInternal() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractComparator
Deletes underlying C++ comparator pointer.
disposeInternal() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractImmutableNativeReference
The helper function of AbstractNativeReference.dispose() which all subclasses of AbstractImmutableNativeReference must implement to release their underlying native C++ objects.
disposeInternal() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractRocksIterator
Deletes underlying C++ iterator pointer.
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractSlice
Deletes underlying C++ slice pointer.
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDBOptions
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupEngine
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Checkpoint
disposeInternal() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle
Deletes underlying C++ iterator pointer.
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ComparatorOptions
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ExternalSstFileInfo
disposeInternal() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Filter
Deletes underlying C++ filter pointer.
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Filter
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.FlushOptions
disposeInternal() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Logger
Deletes underlying C++ slice pointer.
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RateLimiter
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ReadOptions
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RestoreBackupableDB
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RestoreOptions
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksEnv
The helper function of AbstractNativeReference.dispose() which all subclasses of RocksObject must implement to release their associated C++ resource.
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksIterator
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksMemEnv
disposeInternal() - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksMutableObject
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksMutableObject
disposeInternal() - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksObject
Deletes underlying C++ object pointer.
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksObject
disposeInternal() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Slice
Deletes underlying C++ slice pointer and any buffered data.
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Snapshot
Dont release C++ Snapshot pointer.
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.SstFileWriter
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.TransactionLogIterator
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.WBWIRocksIterator
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.WriteBatch
disposeInternal() - Method in class org.rocksdb.WriteBatch.Handler
Deletes underlying C++ handler pointer.
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.WriteBatchWithIndex
disposeInternal(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.WriteOptions
dropColumnFamily(ColumnFamilyHandle) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Drops the column family identified by columnFamilyName.


empty() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractSlice
Return true if the length of the data is zero.
enableFileDeletions(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Allow compactions to delete obsolete files.
enableWriteThreadAdaptiveYield() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
enableWriteThreadAdaptiveYield() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
If true, threads synchronizing with the write batch group leader will wait for up to DBOptionsInterface.writeThreadMaxYieldUsec() before blocking on a mutex.
enableWriteThreadAdaptiveYield() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
EncodingType - Enum in org.rocksdb
encodingType() - Method in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
Returns the active EncodingType
entry() - Method in class org.rocksdb.WBWIRocksIterator
Get the current entry The WriteEntry is only valid until the iterator is repositioned.
Env - Class in org.rocksdb
Base class for all Env implementations in RocksDB.
Env(long) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.Env
Environment - Class in org.rocksdb.util
Environment() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.util.Environment
EnvOptions - Class in org.rocksdb
EnvOptions() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractSlice
If other is a slice object, then we defer to compare to check equality, otherwise we return false.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.rocksdb.WBWIRocksIterator.WriteEntry
errorIfExists() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
errorIfExists() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
If true, an error will be thrown during RocksDB.open() if the database already exists.
errorIfExists() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
Experimental - Annotation Type in org.rocksdb
Marks a feature as experimental, meaning that it is likely to change or even be removed/re-engineered in the future
ExternalSstFileInfo - Class in org.rocksdb
ExternalSstFileInfo() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.ExternalSstFileInfo
ExternalSstFileInfo(String, String, String, long, long, int, int) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.ExternalSstFileInfo


fallocateWithKeepSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
filePath() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ExternalSstFileInfo
fileSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ExternalSstFileInfo
fillCache() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ReadOptions
Fill the cache when loading the block-based sst formated db.
Filter - Class in org.rocksdb
Filters are stored in rocksdb and are consulted automatically by rocksdb to decide whether or not to read some information from disk.
Filter(long) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.Filter
finalize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractNativeReference
You should not rely on GC of Rocks objects, and instead should either call AbstractNativeReference.close() manually or make use of some sort of ARM (Automatic Resource Management) such as Java 7's try-with-resources statement
finalize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDB
finalize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.TtlDB
findShortestSeparator(String, T) - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractComparator
Used to reduce the space requirements for internal data structures like index blocks.
findShortestSeparator(String, Slice) - Method in class org.rocksdb.util.BytewiseComparator
findShortestSeparator(String, DirectSlice) - Method in class org.rocksdb.util.DirectBytewiseComparator
findShortSuccessor(String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractComparator
Used to reduce the space requirements for internal data structures like index blocks.
findShortSuccessor(String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.util.BytewiseComparator
findShortSuccessor(String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.util.DirectBytewiseComparator
finish() - Method in class org.rocksdb.SstFileWriter
flush(FlushOptions) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Flush all memory table data.
flush(FlushOptions, ColumnFamilyHandle) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Flush all memory table data.
FLUSH_POOL - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.Env
FlushOptions - Class in org.rocksdb
FlushOptions to be passed to flush operations of RocksDB.
FlushOptions() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.FlushOptions
Construct a new instance of FlushOptions.
formatVersion() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
fromId(byte) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.WBWIRocksIterator.WriteType
fromString(String, String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
fullScanMode() - Method in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
Return if full scan mode is active


garbageCollect() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDB
Will delete all the files we don't need anymore.
garbageCollect() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupEngine
Will delete all the files we don't need anymore.
garbageCollect() - Method in class org.rocksdb.RestoreBackupableDB
Will delete all the files we don't need anymore.
GB - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.util.SizeUnit
GenericRateLimiterConfig - Class in org.rocksdb
obsolete. See: RateLimiter.
GenericRateLimiterConfig(long, long, int) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.GenericRateLimiterConfig
GenericRateLimiterConfig constructor
GenericRateLimiterConfig(long) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.GenericRateLimiterConfig
GenericRateLimiterConfig constructor
get(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DirectSlice
Retrieves the byte at a specific offset from the underlying data
get(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Get the value associated with the specified key within column family*
get(ColumnFamilyHandle, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Get the value associated with the specified key within column family.
get(ReadOptions, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Get the value associated with the specified key.
get(ColumnFamilyHandle, ReadOptions, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Get the value associated with the specified key within column family.
get(byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
The simplified version of get which returns a new byte array storing the value associated with the specified input key if any.
get(ColumnFamilyHandle, byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
The simplified version of get which returns a new byte array storing the value associated with the specified input key if any.
get(ReadOptions, byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
The simplified version of get which returns a new byte array storing the value associated with the specified input key if any.
get(ColumnFamilyHandle, ReadOptions, byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
The simplified version of get which returns a new byte array storing the value associated with the specified input key if any.
get(long, byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
get(long, byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int, long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
get(long, long, byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
get(long, long, byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int, long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
get(long, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
get(long, byte[], int, int, long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
get(long, long, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
get(long, long, byte[], int, int, long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
getAverage() - Method in class org.rocksdb.HistogramData
getBackupInfo(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDB
getBackupInfo() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupEngine
Gets information about the available backups
getBackupInfos() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDB
Returns a list of BackupInfo instances, which describe already made backups.
getBackupInfos() - Method in class org.rocksdb.RestoreBackupableDB
Returns a list of BackupInfo instances, which describe already made backups.
getBatch() - Method in class org.rocksdb.TransactionLogIterator
If iterator position is valid, return the current write_batch and the sequence number of the earliest transaction contained in the batch.
getCallback() - Method in class org.rocksdb.StatsCollectorInput
getCode(byte) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.Status.Code
getCode() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Status
getCodeString() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Status
getColumnFamilyOptionsFromProps(Properties) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
Method to get a options instance by using pre-configured property values.
getCompressionType(String) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.CompressionType
Get the CompressionType enumeration value by passing the library name to this method.
getCompressionType(byte) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.CompressionType
Get the CompressionType enumeration value by passing the byte identifier to this method.
getCorruptedBackups() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDB
Returns a list of corrupted backup ids.
getCorruptedBackups() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupEngine
Returns a list of corrupted backup ids.
getCorruptedBackups() - Method in class org.rocksdb.RestoreBackupableDB
Returns a list of corrupted backup ids.
getDBOptionsFromProps(Properties) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
Method to get a options instance by using pre-configured property values.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.rocksdb.Env
Returns the default environment suitable for the current operating system.
getDefaultColumnFamily() - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Gets the handle for the default column family
getEnv() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
Returns the set RocksEnv instance.
getFromBatch(ColumnFamilyHandle, DBOptions, byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.WriteBatchWithIndex
Similar to RocksDB.get(ColumnFamilyHandle, byte[]) but will only read the key from this batch.
getFromBatch(DBOptions, byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.WriteBatchWithIndex
Similar to RocksDB.get(byte[]) but will only read the key from this batch.
getFromBatchAndDB(RocksDB, ColumnFamilyHandle, ReadOptions, byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.WriteBatchWithIndex
Similar to RocksDB.get(ColumnFamilyHandle, byte[]) but will also read writes from this batch.
getFromBatchAndDB(RocksDB, ReadOptions, byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.WriteBatchWithIndex
Similar to RocksDB.get(byte[]) but will also read writes from this batch.
getHistogramData(HistogramType) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Statistics
getInfoLogLevel(byte) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.InfoLogLevel
Get InfoLogLevel by byte value.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.rocksdb.NativeLibraryLoader
Get a reference to the NativeLibraryLoader
getJniLibraryExtension() - Static method in class org.rocksdb.util.Environment
getJniLibraryFileName(String) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.util.Environment
getJniLibraryName(String) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.util.Environment
getKey() - Method in class org.rocksdb.WBWIRocksIterator.WriteEntry
Returns the key of the Write Entry
getLatestSequenceNumber() - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
The sequence number of the most recent transaction.
getLibraryName() - Method in enum org.rocksdb.CompressionType
Returns the library name of the compression type identified by the enumeration value.
getLongProperty(String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Similar to GetProperty(), but only works for a subset of properties whose return value is a numerical value.
getLongProperty(ColumnFamilyHandle, String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Similar to GetProperty(), but only works for a subset of properties whose return value is a numerical value.
getLongProperty(long, String, int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
getLongProperty(long, long, String, int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
getMedian() - Method in class org.rocksdb.HistogramData
getNativeHandle() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractComparator
getNativeHandle() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Comparator
getNativeHandle() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DirectComparator
getNativeHandle() - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksMutableObject
Gets the value of the C++ pointer pointing to the underlying native C++ object
getPercentile95() - Method in class org.rocksdb.HistogramData
getPercentile99() - Method in class org.rocksdb.HistogramData
getProperty(ColumnFamilyHandle, String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
DB implements can export properties about their state via this method on a per column family level.
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
DB implementations can export properties about their state via this method.
getProperty0(long, String, int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
getProperty0(long, long, String, int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
getReadTier(byte) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.ReadTier
Get ReadTier by byte value.
getSequenceNumber() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Snapshot
Return the associated sequence number;
getSharedLibraryFileName(String) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.util.Environment
getSharedLibraryName(String) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.util.Environment
getSingleBurstBytes() - Method in class org.rocksdb.RateLimiter
Max bytes can be granted in a single burst.
getSnapshot() - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Return a handle to the current DB state.
getSnapshot(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
getStandardDeviation() - Method in class org.rocksdb.HistogramData
getState() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Status
getStatistics() - Method in class org.rocksdb.StatsCollectorInput
getStatus() - Method in exception org.rocksdb.RocksDBException
Get the status returned from RocksDB
getSubCode() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Status
getSubCode(byte) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.Status.SubCode
getThreadPoolQueueLen(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Env
Returns the length of the queue associated with the specified thread pool.
getTickerCount(TickerType) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Statistics
getTotalBytesThrough() - Method in class org.rocksdb.RateLimiter
Total bytes that go though rate limiter.
getTotalRequests() - Method in class org.rocksdb.RateLimiter
Total # of requests that go though rate limiter.
getType() - Method in class org.rocksdb.WBWIRocksIterator.WriteEntry
Returns the type of the Write Entry
getUpdatesSince(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Returns an iterator that is positioned at a write-batch containing seq_number.
getValue() - Method in enum org.rocksdb.ChecksumType
Returns the byte value of the enumerations value
getValue() - Method in enum org.rocksdb.CompactionStyle
Returns the byte value of the enumerations value
getValue() - Method in enum org.rocksdb.CompressionType
Returns the byte value of the enumerations value.
getValue() - Method in enum org.rocksdb.EncodingType
Returns the byte value of the enumerations value
getValue() - Method in enum org.rocksdb.HistogramType
getValue() - Method in enum org.rocksdb.IndexType
Returns the byte value of the enumerations value
getValue() - Method in enum org.rocksdb.InfoLogLevel
Returns the byte value of the enumerations value
getValue() - Method in enum org.rocksdb.ReadTier
Returns the byte value of the enumerations value
getValue() - Method in enum org.rocksdb.TickerType
getValue() - Method in class org.rocksdb.WBWIRocksIterator.WriteEntry
Returns the value of the Write Entry
getValueType() - Method in enum org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.CompactionOption
getValueType() - Method in enum org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MemtableOption
getValueType() - Method in enum org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MiscOption


hardPendingCompactionBytesLimit() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
hardPendingCompactionBytesLimit() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
hardPendingCompactionBytesLimit() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
All writes are stopped if estimated bytes needed to be compaction exceed this threshold.
hardPendingCompactionBytesLimit() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
hardRateLimit() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
hardRateLimit() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Puts are delayed 1ms at a time when any level has a compaction score that exceeds hard_rate_limit.
hardRateLimit() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
hardRateLimit() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
hardRateLimit() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
hashCode() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractSlice
hashCode() - Method in class org.rocksdb.WBWIRocksIterator.WriteEntry
Generates a hash code for the Write Entry.
hashIndexAllowCollision() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
Influence the behavior when kHashSearch is used.
HashLinkedListMemTableConfig - Class in org.rocksdb
The config for hash linked list memtable representation Such memtable contains a fix-sized array of buckets, where each bucket points to a sorted singly-linked list (or null if the bucket is empty).
HashLinkedListMemTableConfig() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.HashLinkedListMemTableConfig
HashLinkedListMemTableConfig constructor
HashSkipListMemTableConfig - Class in org.rocksdb
The config for hash skip-list mem-table representation.
HashSkipListMemTableConfig() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.HashSkipListMemTableConfig
HashSkipListMemTableConfig constructor
hashTableRatio() - Method in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
height() - Method in class org.rocksdb.HashSkipListMemTableConfig
histogramCallback(HistogramType, HistogramData) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.StatisticsCollectorCallback
Callback function to get histogram values.
HistogramData - Class in org.rocksdb
HistogramData(double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.HistogramData
HistogramType - Enum in org.rocksdb
hugePageTlbSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.HashLinkedListMemTableConfig
Returns the size value of hugePageTlbSize.
hugePageTlbSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
Returns the value for huge page tlb size


ifLogBucketDistWhenFlush() - Method in class org.rocksdb.HashLinkedListMemTableConfig
Returns information about logging the distribution of number of entries on flush.
indexSparseness() - Method in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
indexType() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
IndexType - Enum in org.rocksdb
IndexType used in conjunction with BlockBasedTable.
infoLogLevel() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
infoLogLevel() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Returns currently set log level.
InfoLogLevel - Enum in org.rocksdb
RocksDB log levels.
infoLogLevel() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Logger
Return the loggers log level.
infoLogLevel(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Logger
infoLogLevel() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
inplaceUpdateNumLocks() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
inplaceUpdateNumLocks() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
inplaceUpdateNumLocks() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Number of locks used for inplace update Default: 10000, if inplace_update_support = true, else 0.
inplaceUpdateNumLocks() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
inplaceUpdateSupport() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
inplaceUpdateSupport() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Allows thread-safe inplace updates.
inplaceUpdateSupport() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
is64Bit() - Static method in class org.rocksdb.util.Environment
isFdCloseOnExec() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
isFdCloseOnExec() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Disable child process inherit open files.
isFdCloseOnExec() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
isMac() - Static method in class org.rocksdb.util.Environment
isOwningHandle() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractImmutableNativeReference
isOwningHandle() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractNativeReference
Returns true if we are responsible for freeing the underlying C++ object
isOwningHandle() - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksMutableObject
isSolaris() - Static method in class org.rocksdb.util.Environment
isUnix() - Static method in class org.rocksdb.util.Environment
isValid() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractRocksIterator
isValid() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.RocksIteratorInterface
An iterator is either positioned at an entry, or not valid.
isValid() - Method in class org.rocksdb.TransactionLogIterator
An iterator is either positioned at a WriteBatch or not valid.
isWindows() - Static method in class org.rocksdb.util.Environment
iterate(WriteBatch.Handler) - Method in class org.rocksdb.WriteBatch
Support for iterating over the contents of a batch.
iterator(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
iterator(long, long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
iteratorCF(long, long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
iteratorCF(long, long, long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
iterators(long, long[], long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB


KB - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.util.SizeUnit
keepLogFileNum() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
keepLogFileNum() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Returns the maximum number of info log files to be kept.
keepLogFileNum() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
key() - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksIterator
Return the key for the current entry.
keyMayExist(byte[], StringBuffer) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
If the key definitely does not exist in the database, then this method returns false, else true.
keyMayExist(ColumnFamilyHandle, byte[], StringBuffer) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
If the key definitely does not exist in the database, then this method returns false, else true.
keyMayExist(ReadOptions, byte[], StringBuffer) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
If the key definitely does not exist in the database, then this method returns false, else true.
keyMayExist(ReadOptions, ColumnFamilyHandle, byte[], StringBuffer) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
If the key definitely does not exist in the database, then this method returns false, else true.
keyMayExist(long, byte[], int, int, StringBuffer) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
keyMayExist(long, byte[], int, int, long, StringBuffer) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
keyMayExist(long, long, byte[], int, int, StringBuffer) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
keyMayExist(long, long, byte[], int, int, long, StringBuffer) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
keySize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig


largestKey() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ExternalSstFileInfo
level0FileNumCompactionTrigger() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
level0FileNumCompactionTrigger() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
level0FileNumCompactionTrigger() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Number of files to trigger level-0 compaction.
level0FileNumCompactionTrigger() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
level0SlowdownWritesTrigger() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
level0SlowdownWritesTrigger() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
level0SlowdownWritesTrigger() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Soft limit on number of level-0 files.
level0SlowdownWritesTrigger() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
level0StopWritesTrigger() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
level0StopWritesTrigger() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
level0StopWritesTrigger() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Maximum number of level-0 files.
level0StopWritesTrigger() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
levelCompactionDynamicLevelBytes() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
levelCompactionDynamicLevelBytes() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Return if LevelCompactionDynamicLevelBytes is enabled.
levelCompactionDynamicLevelBytes() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
levelZeroFileNumCompactionTrigger() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
levelZeroFileNumCompactionTrigger() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
The number of files in level 0 to trigger compaction from level-0 to level-1.
levelZeroFileNumCompactionTrigger() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
levelZeroSlowdownWritesTrigger() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
levelZeroSlowdownWritesTrigger() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Soft limit on the number of level-0 files.
levelZeroSlowdownWritesTrigger() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
levelZeroStopWritesTrigger() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
levelZeroStopWritesTrigger() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Maximum number of level-0 files.
levelZeroStopWritesTrigger() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
listColumnFamilies(Options, String) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Static method to determine all available column families for a rocksdb database identified by path
listColumnFamilies(long, String) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
loadLibrary(String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.NativeLibraryLoader
Firstly attempts to load the library from java.library.path, if that fails then it falls back to extracting the library from the classpath NativeLibraryLoader.loadLibraryFromJar(java.lang.String)
loadLibrary() - Static method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Loads the necessary library files.
loadLibrary(List<String>) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Tries to load the necessary library files from the given list of directories.
log(InfoLogLevel, String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Logger
logData(byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.WriteBatch.Handler
logFileTimeToRoll() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
logFileTimeToRoll() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Returns the time interval for the info log file to roll (in seconds).
logFileTimeToRoll() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
Logger - Class in org.rocksdb
This class provides a custom logger functionality in Java which wraps RocksDB logging facilities.
Logger(Options) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.Logger
AbstractLogger constructor.
Logger(DBOptions) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.Logger
AbstractLogger constructor.
lookahead() - Method in class org.rocksdb.SkipListMemTableConfig
Returns the currently set lookahead value.


managed() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ReadOptions
Returns whether managed iterators will be used.
manifestPreallocationSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
manifestPreallocationSize() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Number of bytes to preallocate (via fallocate) the manifest files.
manifestPreallocationSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
maxBackgroundCompactions() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
maxBackgroundCompactions() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Returns the maximum number of concurrent background compaction jobs, submitted to the default LOW priority thread pool.
maxBackgroundCompactions() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
maxBackgroundFlushes() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
maxBackgroundFlushes() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Returns the maximum number of concurrent background flush jobs.
maxBackgroundFlushes() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
maxBytesForLevelBase() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
maxBytesForLevelBase() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
maxBytesForLevelBase() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
The upper-bound of the total size of level-1 files in bytes.
maxBytesForLevelBase() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
maxBytesForLevelMultiplier() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
maxBytesForLevelMultiplier() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
The ratio between the total size of level-(L+1) files and the total size of level-L files for all L.
maxBytesForLevelMultiplier() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
maxBytesForLevelMultiplier() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
The ratio between the total size of level-(L+1) files and the total size of level-L files for all L.
maxBytesForLevelMultiplier() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
maxBytesForLevelMultiplierAdditional() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
maxBytesForLevelMultiplierAdditional() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
maxBytesForLevelMultiplierAdditional() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Different max-size multipliers for different levels.
maxBytesForLevelMultiplierAdditional() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
maxCompactionBytes() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
maxCompactionBytes() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Control maximum size of each compaction (not guaranteed)
maxCompactionBytes() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
maxCompactionBytes() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
We try to limit number of bytes in one compaction to be lower than this threshold.
maxCompactionBytes() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
maxLogFileSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
maxLogFileSize() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Returns the maximum size of a info log file.
maxLogFileSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
maxManifestFileSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
maxManifestFileSize() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Manifest file is rolled over on reaching this limit.
maxManifestFileSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
maxMemCompactionLevel() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
maxMemCompactionLevel() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
maxMemCompactionLevel() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
maxOpenFiles() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
maxOpenFiles() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Number of open files that can be used by the DB.
maxOpenFiles() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
maxSequentialSkipInIterations() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
maxSequentialSkipInIterations() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
maxSequentialSkipInIterations() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
An iteration->Next() sequentially skips over keys with the same user-key unless this option is set.
maxSequentialSkipInIterations() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
maxSubcompactions() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
maxSubcompactions() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
This value represents the maximum number of threads that will concurrently perform a compaction job by breaking it into multiple, smaller ones that are run simultaneously.
maxSubcompactions() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
maxSuccessiveMerges() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
maxSuccessiveMerges() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
maxSuccessiveMerges() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Maximum number of successive merge operations on a key in the memtable.
maxSuccessiveMerges() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
maxTableFilesSizeFIFO() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
maxTableFilesSizeFIFO() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
FIFO compaction option.
maxTableFilesSizeFIFO() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
maxTotalWalSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
maxTotalWalSize() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Returns the max total wal size.
maxTotalWalSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
maxWriteBufferNumber() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
maxWriteBufferNumber() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
maxWriteBufferNumber() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Returns maximum number of write buffers.
maxWriteBufferNumber() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
MB - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.util.SizeUnit
MemTableConfig - Class in org.rocksdb
MemTableConfig is used to config the internal mem-table of a RocksDB.
MemTableConfig() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.MemTableConfig
memTableFactoryName() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
memTableFactoryName() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Returns the name of the current mem table representation.
memTableFactoryName() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
memtableHugePageSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
memtableHugePageSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
memtableHugePageSize() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Page size for huge page TLB for bloom in memtable.
memtableHugePageSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
memtablePrefixBloomSizeRatio() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
memtablePrefixBloomSizeRatio() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
memtablePrefixBloomSizeRatio() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
if prefix_extractor is set and memtable_prefix_bloom_size_ratio is not 0, create prefix bloom for memtable with the size of write_buffer_size * memtable_prefix_bloom_size_ratio.
memtablePrefixBloomSizeRatio() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
merge(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractWriteBatch
merge(ColumnFamilyHandle, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractWriteBatch
merge(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Add merge operand for key/value pair.
merge(ColumnFamilyHandle, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Add merge operand for key/value pair in a ColumnFamily.
merge(WriteOptions, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Add merge operand for key/value pair.
merge(ColumnFamilyHandle, WriteOptions, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Add merge operand for key/value pair.
merge(long, byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
merge(long, byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int, long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
merge(long, long, byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
merge(long, long, byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int, long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
merge(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.WriteBatch.Handler
merge(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.WriteBatchInterface
Merge "value" with the existing value of "key" in the database.
merge(ColumnFamilyHandle, byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.WriteBatchInterface
Merge "value" with the existing value of "key" in given column family.
MergeOperator - Interface in org.rocksdb
MergeOperator holds an operator to be applied when compacting two merge operands held under the same key in order to obtain a single value.
minPartialMergeOperands() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
minPartialMergeOperands() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
The number of partial merge operands to accumulate before partial merge will be performed.
minPartialMergeOperands() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
minWriteBufferNumberToMerge() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
minWriteBufferNumberToMerge() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
The minimum number of write buffers that will be merged together before writing to storage.
minWriteBufferNumberToMerge() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
multiGet(List<byte[]>) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Returns a map of keys for which values were found in DB.
multiGet(List<ColumnFamilyHandle>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Returns a map of keys for which values were found in DB.
multiGet(ReadOptions, List<byte[]>) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Returns a map of keys for which values were found in DB.
multiGet(ReadOptions, List<ColumnFamilyHandle>, List<byte[]>) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Returns a map of keys for which values were found in DB.
multiGet(long, byte[][], int[], int[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
multiGet(long, byte[][], int[], int[], long[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
multiGet(long, long, byte[][], int[], int[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
multiGet(long, long, byte[][], int[], int[], long[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
MutableColumnFamilyOptions - Class in org.rocksdb
MutableColumnFamilyOptions.CompactionOption - Enum in org.rocksdb
MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MemtableOption - Enum in org.rocksdb
MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MiscOption - Enum in org.rocksdb
MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder - Class in org.rocksdb
MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
MutableColumnFamilyOptions.ValueType - Enum in org.rocksdb
MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface - Interface in org.rocksdb


name() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractComparator
The name of the comparator.
name() - Method in class org.rocksdb.util.BytewiseComparator
name() - Method in class org.rocksdb.util.DirectBytewiseComparator
name() - Method in class org.rocksdb.util.ReverseBytewiseComparator
nativeHandle_ - Variable in class org.rocksdb.RocksObject
An immutable reference to the value of the C++ pointer pointing to some underlying native RocksDB C++ object.
NativeLibraryLoader - Class in org.rocksdb
This class is used to load the RocksDB shared library from within the jar.
newIterator() - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Return a heap-allocated iterator over the contents of the database.
newIterator(ReadOptions) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Return a heap-allocated iterator over the contents of the database.
newIterator(ColumnFamilyHandle) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Return a heap-allocated iterator over the contents of the database.
newIterator(ColumnFamilyHandle, ReadOptions) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Return a heap-allocated iterator over the contents of the database.
newIterator(ColumnFamilyHandle) - Method in class org.rocksdb.WriteBatchWithIndex
Create an iterator of a column family.
newIterator() - Method in class org.rocksdb.WriteBatchWithIndex
Create an iterator of the default column family.
newIterators(List<ColumnFamilyHandle>) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Returns iterators from a consistent database state across multiple column families.
newIterators(List<ColumnFamilyHandle>, ReadOptions) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Returns iterators from a consistent database state across multiple column families.
newIteratorWithBase(ColumnFamilyHandle, RocksIterator) - Method in class org.rocksdb.WriteBatchWithIndex
Provides Read-Your-Own-Writes like functionality by creating a new Iterator that will use WBWIRocksIterator as a delta and baseIterator as a base
newIteratorWithBase(RocksIterator) - Method in class org.rocksdb.WriteBatchWithIndex
Provides Read-Your-Own-Writes like functionality by creating a new Iterator that will use WBWIRocksIterator as a delta and baseIterator as a base.
newMemTableFactoryHandle() - Method in class org.rocksdb.HashLinkedListMemTableConfig
newMemTableFactoryHandle() - Method in class org.rocksdb.HashSkipListMemTableConfig
newMemTableFactoryHandle() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MemTableConfig
This function should only be called by Options.setMemTableConfig(), which will create a c++ shared-pointer to the c++ MemTableRepFactory that associated with the Java MemTableConfig.
newMemTableFactoryHandle() - Method in class org.rocksdb.SkipListMemTableConfig
newMemTableFactoryHandle() - Method in class org.rocksdb.VectorMemTableConfig
newMergeOperatorHandle() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MergeOperator
newMergeOperatorHandle() - Method in class org.rocksdb.StringAppendOperator
newRateLimiterHandle() - Method in class org.rocksdb.GenericRateLimiterConfig
newRateLimiterHandle() - Method in class org.rocksdb.RateLimiterConfig
This function should only be called by DBOptions.setRateLimiter(long, long), which will create a c++ shared-pointer to the c++ RateLimiter that is associated with a Java RateLimiterConfig.
newTableFactoryHandle() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
newTableFactoryHandle() - Method in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
newTableFactoryHandle() - Method in class org.rocksdb.TableFormatConfig
This function should only be called by Options.setTableFormatConfig(), which will create a c++ shared-pointer to the c++ TableFactory that associated with the Java TableFormatConfig.
next() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractRocksIterator
next() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.RocksIteratorInterface
Moves to the next entry in the source.
next() - Method in class org.rocksdb.TransactionLogIterator
Moves the iterator to the next WriteBatch.
noBlockCache() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
NONE - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.DirectSlice
NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
numberFiles() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupInfo
numEntries() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ExternalSstFileInfo
numLevels() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
numLevels() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
If level-styled compaction is used, then this number determines the total number of levels.
numLevels() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options


open(Options, BackupableDBOptions, String) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDB
Open a BackupableDB under the specified path.
open(long, long) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDB
open(Env, BackupableDBOptions) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.BackupEngine
Opens a new Backup Engine
open(String) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
The factory constructor of RocksDB that opens a RocksDB instance given the path to the database using the default options w/ createIfMissing set to true.
open(String, List<ColumnFamilyDescriptor>, List<ColumnFamilyHandle>) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
The factory constructor of RocksDB that opens a RocksDB instance given the path to the database using the specified options and db path and a list of column family names.
open(Options, String) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
The factory constructor of RocksDB that opens a RocksDB instance given the path to the database using the specified options and db path.
open(DBOptions, String, List<ColumnFamilyDescriptor>, List<ColumnFamilyHandle>) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
The factory constructor of RocksDB that opens a RocksDB instance given the path to the database using the specified options and db path and a list of column family names.
open(long, String) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
open(long, String, byte[][], long[]) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
open(String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.SstFileWriter
open(Options, String) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.TtlDB
Opens a TtlDB.
open(Options, String, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.TtlDB
Opens a TtlDB.
open(DBOptions, String, List<ColumnFamilyDescriptor>, List<ColumnFamilyHandle>, List<Integer>, boolean) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.TtlDB
Opens a TtlDB.
openReadOnly(String) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
The factory constructor of RocksDB that opens a RocksDB instance in Read-Only mode given the path to the database using the default options.
openReadOnly(String, List<ColumnFamilyDescriptor>, List<ColumnFamilyHandle>) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
The factory constructor of RocksDB that opens a RocksDB instance in Read-Only mode given the path to the database using the default options.
openReadOnly(Options, String) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
The factory constructor of RocksDB that opens a RocksDB instance in Read-Only mode given the path to the database using the specified options and db path.
openReadOnly(DBOptions, String, List<ColumnFamilyDescriptor>, List<ColumnFamilyHandle>) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
The factory constructor of RocksDB that opens a RocksDB instance in Read-Only mode given the path to the database using the specified options and db path.
openROnly(long, String) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
openROnly(long, String, byte[][], long[]) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
optimizeFiltersForHits() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
optimizeFiltersForHits() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Returns the current state of the optimize_filters_for_hits setting.
optimizeFiltersForHits() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
optimizeForPointLookup(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
optimizeForPointLookup(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Use this if you don't need to keep the data sorted, i.e.
optimizeForPointLookup(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
optimizeLevelStyleCompaction() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
optimizeLevelStyleCompaction(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
optimizeLevelStyleCompaction() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Default values for some parameters in ColumnFamilyOptions are not optimized for heavy workloads and big datasets, which means you might observe write stalls under some conditions.
optimizeLevelStyleCompaction(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Default values for some parameters in ColumnFamilyOptions are not optimized for heavy workloads and big datasets, which means you might observe write stalls under some conditions.
optimizeLevelStyleCompaction() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
optimizeLevelStyleCompaction(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
optimizeUniversalStyleCompaction() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
optimizeUniversalStyleCompaction(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
optimizeUniversalStyleCompaction() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Default values for some parameters in ColumnFamilyOptions are not optimized for heavy workloads and big datasets, which means you might observe write stalls under some conditions.
optimizeUniversalStyleCompaction(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Default values for some parameters in ColumnFamilyOptions are not optimized for heavy workloads and big datasets, which means you might observe write stalls under some conditions.
optimizeUniversalStyleCompaction() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
optimizeUniversalStyleCompaction(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
Options - Class in org.rocksdb
Options to control the behavior of a database.
Options() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.Options
Construct options for opening a RocksDB.
Options(DBOptions, ColumnFamilyOptions) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.Options
Construct options for opening a RocksDB.
options_ - Variable in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
org.rocksdb - package org.rocksdb
org.rocksdb.util - package org.rocksdb.util


paranoidChecks() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
paranoidChecks() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
If true, the implementation will do aggressive checking of the data it is processing and will stop early if it detects any errors.
paranoidChecks() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
paranoidFileChecks() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
paranoidFileChecks() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
paranoidFileChecks() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
After writing every SST file, reopen it and read all the keys.
paranoidFileChecks() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
parse(String) - Static method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions
Parses a String representation of MutableColumnFamilyOptions The format is: key1=value1;key2=value2;key3=value3 etc For int[] values, each int should be separated by a comma, e.g.
pauseBackgroundWork() - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
This function will wait until all currently running background processes finish.
PB - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.util.SizeUnit
pinData() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ReadOptions
Returns whether the blocks loaded by the iterator will be pinned in memory
pinL0FilterAndIndexBlocksInCache() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
Indicating if we'd like to pin L0 index/filter blocks to the block cache.
PlainTableConfig - Class in org.rocksdb
The config for plain table sst format.
PlainTableConfig() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
prefixSameAsStart() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ReadOptions
Returns whether the iterator only iterates over the same prefix as the seek
prepareForBulkLoad() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
Set appropriate parameters for bulk loading.
prev() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractRocksIterator
prev() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.RocksIteratorInterface
Moves to the previous entry in the source.
purgeOldBackups(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDB
Deletes old backups, keeping latest numBackupsToKeep alive.
purgeOldBackups(long, int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDB
purgeOldBackups(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupEngine
Deletes old backups, keeping just the latest numBackupsToKeep
purgeOldBackups(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RestoreBackupableDB
Deletes old backups, keeping latest numBackupsToKeep alive.
purgeRedundantKvsWhileFlush() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
purgeRedundantKvsWhileFlush() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Purge duplicate/deleted keys when a memtable is flushed to storage.
purgeRedundantKvsWhileFlush() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
put(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractWriteBatch
put(ColumnFamilyHandle, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractWriteBatch
put(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Set the database entry for "key" to "value".
put(ColumnFamilyHandle, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Set the database entry for "key" to "value" in the specified column family.
put(WriteOptions, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Set the database entry for "key" to "value".
put(ColumnFamilyHandle, WriteOptions, byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Set the database entry for "key" to "value" for the specified column family.
put(long, byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
put(long, byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int, long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
put(long, long, byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
put(long, long, byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int, long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
put(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.WriteBatch.Handler
put(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.WriteBatchInterface
Store the mapping "key->value" in the database.
put(ColumnFamilyHandle, byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.WriteBatchInterface
Store the mapping "key->value" within given column family.
putLogData(byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractWriteBatch
putLogData(byte[]) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.WriteBatchInterface
Append a blob of arbitrary size to the records in this batch.


randomAccessMaxBufferSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
rateLimitDelayMaxMilliseconds() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
rateLimitDelayMaxMilliseconds() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
The maximum time interval a put will be stalled when hard_rate_limit is enforced.
rateLimitDelayMaxMilliseconds() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
RateLimiter - Class in org.rocksdb
RateLimiter, which is used to control write rate of flush and compaction.
RateLimiter(long, long, int) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.RateLimiter
RateLimiter constructor
RateLimiter(long) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.RateLimiter
RateLimiter constructor
rateLimiterConfig() - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
RateLimiterConfig - Class in org.rocksdb
obsolete. See: RateLimiter.
RateLimiterConfig() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.RateLimiterConfig
ReadOptions - Class in org.rocksdb
The class that controls the get behavior.
ReadOptions() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.ReadOptions
readTier() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ReadOptions
Returns the current read tier.
ReadTier - Enum in org.rocksdb
RocksDB ReadOptions read tiers.
releaseSnapshot(Snapshot) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Release a previously acquired snapshot.
releaseSnapshot(long, long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
remove(byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractWriteBatch
remove(ColumnFamilyHandle, byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractWriteBatch
remove(byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
remove(ColumnFamilyHandle, byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
remove(WriteOptions, byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
remove(ColumnFamilyHandle, WriteOptions, byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
remove(byte[]) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.WriteBatchInterface
If the database contains a mapping for "key", erase it.
remove(ColumnFamilyHandle, byte[]) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.WriteBatchInterface
If column family contains a mapping for "key", erase it.
RemoveEmptyValueCompactionFilter - Class in org.rocksdb
Just a Java wrapper around EmptyValueCompactionFilter implemented in C++
RemoveEmptyValueCompactionFilter() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.RemoveEmptyValueCompactionFilter
removePrefix(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DirectSlice
Drops the specified n number of bytes from the start of the backing slice
request(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RateLimiter
Request for token to write bytes.
reservedSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.VectorMemTableConfig
Returns the initial size of the vector used by the memtable created based on this config.
RestoreBackupableDB - Class in org.rocksdb
This class is used to access information about backups and restore from them.
RestoreBackupableDB(BackupableDBOptions) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.RestoreBackupableDB
Construct new estoreBackupableDB instance.
restoreDbFromBackup(int, String, String, RestoreOptions) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupEngine
Restore the database from a backup IMPORTANT: if options.share_table_files == true and you restore the DB from some backup that is not the latest, and you start creating new backups from the new DB, they will probably fail! Example: Let's say you have backups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and you restore 3.
restoreDBFromBackup(long, String, String, RestoreOptions) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RestoreBackupableDB
Restore from backup with backup_id.
restoreDbFromLatestBackup(String, String, RestoreOptions) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupEngine
Restore the database from the latest backup
restoreDBFromLatestBackup(String, String, RestoreOptions) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RestoreBackupableDB
Restore from the latest backup.
RestoreOptions - Class in org.rocksdb
RestoreOptions to control the behavior of restore.
RestoreOptions(boolean) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.RestoreOptions
restoreRateLimit() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDBOptions
Return restore rate limit which described the max bytes that can be transferred in a second during restore.
ReverseBytewiseComparator - Class in org.rocksdb.util
This is a Java Native implementation of the C++ equivalent ReverseBytewiseComparatorImpl using Slice The performance of Comparators implemented in Java is always less than their C++ counterparts due to the bridging overhead, as such you likely don't want to use this apart from benchmarking and you most likely instead wanted BuiltinComparator.REVERSE_BYTEWISE_COMPARATOR
ReverseBytewiseComparator(ComparatorOptions) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.util.ReverseBytewiseComparator
RocksDB - Class in org.rocksdb
A RocksDB is a persistent ordered map from keys to values.
RocksDB(long) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Private constructor.
RocksDBException - Exception in org.rocksdb
A RocksDBException encapsulates the error of an operation.
RocksDBException(String) - Constructor for exception org.rocksdb.RocksDBException
The private construct used by a set of public static factory method.
RocksDBException(String, Status) - Constructor for exception org.rocksdb.RocksDBException
RocksDBException(Status) - Constructor for exception org.rocksdb.RocksDBException
RocksEnv - Class in org.rocksdb
A RocksEnv is an interface used by the rocksdb implementation to access operating system functionality like the filesystem etc.
RocksIterator - Class in org.rocksdb
An iterator that yields a sequence of key/value pairs from a source.
RocksIterator(RocksDB, long) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.RocksIterator
RocksIteratorInterface - Interface in org.rocksdb
Defines the interface for an Iterator which provides access to data one entry at a time.
RocksMemEnv - Class in org.rocksdb
RocksDB memory environment.
RocksMemEnv() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.RocksMemEnv
Creates a new RocksDB environment that stores its data in memory and delegates all non-file-storage tasks to base_env.
RocksMutableObject - Class in org.rocksdb
RocksMutableObject is an implementation of AbstractNativeReference whose reference to the underlying native C++ object can change.
RocksMutableObject() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.RocksMutableObject
RocksMutableObject(long) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.RocksMutableObject
RocksObject - Class in org.rocksdb
RocksObject is an implementation of AbstractNativeReference which has an immutable and therefore thread-safe reference to the underlying native C++ RocksDB object.
RocksObject(long) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.RocksObject
rollbackToSavePoint() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractWriteBatch
rollbackToSavePoint() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.WriteBatchInterface
Remove all entries in this batch (Put, Merge, Delete, PutLogData) since the most recent call to SetSavePoint() and removes the most recent save point.


seek(byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractRocksIterator
seek(byte[]) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.RocksIteratorInterface
Position at the first entry in the source whose key is that or past target.
seekToFirst() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractRocksIterator
seekToFirst() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.RocksIteratorInterface
Position at the first entry in the source.
seekToLast() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractRocksIterator
seekToLast() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.RocksIteratorInterface
Position at the last entry in the source.
sequenceNumber() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ExternalSstFileInfo
sequenceNumber() - Method in class org.rocksdb.TransactionLogIterator.BatchResult
Return sequence number related to this BatchResult.
setAdviseRandomOnOpen(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setAdviseRandomOnOpen(boolean) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
If set true, will hint the underlying file system that the file access pattern is random, when a sst file is opened.
setAdviseRandomOnOpen(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setAllowConcurrentMemtableWrite(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setAllowConcurrentMemtableWrite(boolean) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
If true, allow multi-writers to update mem tables in parallel.
setAllowConcurrentMemtableWrite(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setAllowFallocate(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
setAllowMmapReads(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setAllowMmapReads(boolean) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Allow the OS to mmap file for reading sst tables.
setAllowMmapReads(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setAllowMmapWrites(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setAllowMmapWrites(boolean) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Allow the OS to mmap file for writing.
setAllowMmapWrites(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setArenaBlockSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setArenaBlockSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setArenaBlockSize(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
The size of one block in arena memory allocation.
setArenaBlockSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setBackgroundThreads(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Env
Sets the number of background worker threads of the flush pool for this environment.
setBackgroundThreads(int, int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Env
Sets the number of background worker threads of the specified thread pool for this environment.
setBackupLogFiles(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDBOptions
Set if log files shall be persisted.
setBackupRateLimit(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDBOptions
Set backup rate limit.
setBaseBackgroundCompactions(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setBaseBackgroundCompactions(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Suggested number of concurrent background compaction jobs, submitted to the default LOW priority thread pool.
setBaseBackgroundCompactions(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setBlockCacheCompressedNumShardBits(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
Controls the number of shards for the block compressed cache.
setBlockCacheCompressedSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
Size of compressed block cache.
setBlockCacheSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
Set the amount of cache in bytes that will be used by RocksDB.
setBlockRestartInterval(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
Set block restart interval
setBlockSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
Approximate size of user data packed per block.
setBlockSizeDeviation(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
This is used to close a block before it reaches the configured 'block_size'.
setBloomBitsPerKey(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
Set the number of bits per key used by the internal bloom filter in the plain table sst format.
setBloomLocality(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setBloomLocality(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Control locality of bloom filter probes to improve cache miss rate.
setBloomLocality(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setBranchingFactor(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.HashSkipListMemTableConfig
Set the branching factor used in the hash skip-list memtable.
setBucketCount(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.HashLinkedListMemTableConfig
Set the number of buckets in the fixed-size array used in the hash linked-list mem-table.
setBucketCount(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.HashSkipListMemTableConfig
Set the number of hash buckets used in the hash skiplist memtable.
setBucketEntriesLoggingThreshold(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.HashLinkedListMemTableConfig
If number of entries in one bucket exceeds that setting, log about it.
setBytesPerSecond(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RateLimiter
This API allows user to dynamically change rate limiter's bytes per second.
setBytesPerSync(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setBytesPerSync(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Allows OS to incrementally sync files to disk while they are being written, asynchronously, in the background.
setBytesPerSync(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
setBytesPerSync(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setCacheIndexAndFilterBlocks(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
Indicating if we'd put index/filter blocks to the block cache.
setCacheNumShardBits(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
Controls the number of shards for the block cache.
setChecksumType(ChecksumType) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
Sets the checksum type to be used with this table.
setCompactionFilter(AbstractCompactionFilter<? extends AbstractSlice<?>>) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setCompactionReadaheadSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
setCompactionStyle(CompactionStyle) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setCompactionStyle(CompactionStyle) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Set compaction style for DB.
setCompactionStyle(CompactionStyle) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setComparator(BuiltinComparator) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setComparator(AbstractComparator<? extends AbstractSlice<?>>) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setComparator(BuiltinComparator) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Set BuiltinComparator to be used with RocksDB.
setComparator(AbstractComparator<? extends AbstractSlice<?>>) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Use the specified comparator for key ordering.
setComparator(BuiltinComparator) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setComparator(AbstractComparator<? extends AbstractSlice<?>>) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setCompressionPerLevel(List<CompressionType>) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setCompressionPerLevel(List<CompressionType>) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Different levels can have different compression policies.
setCompressionPerLevel(List<CompressionType>) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setCompressionType(CompressionType) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setCompressionType(CompressionType) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Compress blocks using the specified compression algorithm.
setCompressionType(CompressionType) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setCreateIfMissing(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setCreateIfMissing(boolean) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
If this value is set to true, then the database will be created if it is missing during RocksDB.open().
setCreateIfMissing(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setCreateMissingColumnFamilies(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setCreateMissingColumnFamilies(boolean) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
If true, missing column families will be automatically created
setCreateMissingColumnFamilies(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setDbLogDir(String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setDbLogDir(String) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
This specifies the info LOG dir.
setDbLogDir(String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setDelayedWriteRate(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setDeleteObsoleteFilesPeriodMicros(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setDeleteObsoleteFilesPeriodMicros(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
The periodicity when obsolete files get deleted.
setDeleteObsoleteFilesPeriodMicros(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setDestroyOldData(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDBOptions
Set if old data will be destroyed.
setDisableAutoCompactions(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setDisableAutoCompactions(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setDisableAutoCompactions(boolean) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Disable automatic compactions.
setDisableAutoCompactions(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setDisableDataSync(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setDisableDataSync(boolean) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
If true, then the contents of manifest and data files are not synced to stable storage.
setDisableDataSync(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setDisableWAL(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.WriteOptions
If true, writes will not first go to the write ahead log, and the write may got lost after a crash.
setEnableWriteThreadAdaptiveYield(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setEnableWriteThreadAdaptiveYield(boolean) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
If true, threads synchronizing with the write batch group leader will wait for up to DBOptionsInterface.writeThreadMaxYieldUsec() before blocking on a mutex.
setEnableWriteThreadAdaptiveYield(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setEncodingType(EncodingType) - Method in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
Sets the encoding type.
setEnv(Env) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
Use the specified object to interact with the environment, e.g.
setErrorIfExists(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setErrorIfExists(boolean) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
If true, an error will be thrown during RocksDB.open() if the database already exists.
setErrorIfExists(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setFallocateWithKeepSize(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
setFdCloexec() - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
setFilePath(String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ExternalSstFileInfo
setFileSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ExternalSstFileInfo
setFillCache(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ReadOptions
Fill the cache when loading the block-based sst formatted db.
setFilter(Filter) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
Use the specified filter policy to reduce disk reads.
setFormatVersion(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
We currently have three versions:
setFullScanMode(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
Set full scan mode, if true the whole file will be read one record by one without using the index.
setHardPendingCompactionBytesLimit(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setHardPendingCompactionBytesLimit(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setHardPendingCompactionBytesLimit(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
All writes are stopped if estimated bytes needed to be compaction exceed this threshold.
setHardPendingCompactionBytesLimit(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setHardRateLimit(double) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setHardRateLimit(double) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Puts are delayed 1ms at a time when any level has a compaction score that exceeds hard_rate_limit.
setHardRateLimit(double) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setHardRateLimit(double) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
setHardRateLimit(double) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setHashIndexAllowCollision(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
Influence the behavior when kHashSearch is used.
setHashTableRatio(double) - Method in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
hashTableRatio is the desired utilization of the hash table used for prefix hashing.
setHeight(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.HashSkipListMemTableConfig
Set the height of the skip list.
setHugePageTlbSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.HashLinkedListMemTableConfig
Set the size of huge tlb or allocate the hashtable bytes from malloc if size <= 0.
setHugePageTlbSize(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
huge_page_tlb_size: if ≤0, allocate hash indexes and blooms from malloc otherwise from huge page TLB.
setIfLogBucketDistWhenFlush(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.HashLinkedListMemTableConfig
If true the distrubition of number of entries will be logged.
setIncreaseParallelism(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setIncreaseParallelism(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
By default, RocksDB uses only one background thread for flush and compaction.
setIncreaseParallelism(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setIndexSparseness(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
Index sparseness determines the index interval for keys inside the same prefix.
setIndexType(IndexType) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
Sets the index type to used with this table.
setInfoLogLevel(InfoLogLevel) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setInfoLogLevel(InfoLogLevel) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Sets the RocksDB log level.
setInfoLogLevel(InfoLogLevel) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Logger
Set InfoLogLevel to AbstractLogger.
setInfoLogLevel(long, byte) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Logger
setInfoLogLevel(InfoLogLevel) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setInplaceUpdateNumLocks(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setInplaceUpdateNumLocks(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setInplaceUpdateNumLocks(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Number of locks used for inplace update Default: 10000, if inplace_update_support = true, else 0.
setInplaceUpdateNumLocks(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setInplaceUpdateSupport(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setInplaceUpdateSupport(boolean) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Allows thread-safe inplace updates.
setInplaceUpdateSupport(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setIsFdCloseOnExec(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setIsFdCloseOnExec(boolean) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Disable child process inherit open files.
setIsFdCloseOnExec(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setKeepLogFileNum(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setKeepLogFileNum(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Specifies the maximum number of info log files to be kept.
setKeepLogFileNum(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setKeySize(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
Set the length of the user key.
setLargestKey(String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ExternalSstFileInfo
setLevel0FileNumCompactionTrigger(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setLevel0FileNumCompactionTrigger(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setLevel0FileNumCompactionTrigger(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Number of files to trigger level-0 compaction.
setLevel0FileNumCompactionTrigger(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setLevel0SlowdownWritesTrigger(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setLevel0SlowdownWritesTrigger(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setLevel0SlowdownWritesTrigger(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Soft limit on number of level-0 files.
setLevel0SlowdownWritesTrigger(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setLevel0StopWritesTrigger(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setLevel0StopWritesTrigger(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setLevel0StopWritesTrigger(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Maximum number of level-0 files.
setLevel0StopWritesTrigger(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setLevelCompactionDynamicLevelBytes(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setLevelCompactionDynamicLevelBytes(boolean) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
If true, RocksDB will pick target size of each level dynamically.
setLevelCompactionDynamicLevelBytes(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setLevelZeroFileNumCompactionTrigger(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setLevelZeroFileNumCompactionTrigger(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Number of files to trigger level-0 compaction.
setLevelZeroFileNumCompactionTrigger(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setLevelZeroSlowdownWritesTrigger(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setLevelZeroSlowdownWritesTrigger(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Soft limit on number of level-0 files.
setLevelZeroSlowdownWritesTrigger(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setLevelZeroStopWritesTrigger(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setLevelZeroStopWritesTrigger(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Maximum number of level-0 files.
setLevelZeroStopWritesTrigger(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setLogFileTimeToRoll(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setLogFileTimeToRoll(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Specifies the time interval for the info log file to roll (in seconds).
setLogFileTimeToRoll(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setLogger(Logger) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setLogger(Logger) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Any internal progress/error information generated by the db will be written to the Logger if it is non-nullptr, or to a file stored in the same directory as the DB contents if info_log is nullptr.
setLogger(Logger) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setLookahead(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.SkipListMemTableConfig
Sets lookahead for SkipList
setManaged(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ReadOptions
Specify to create a managed iterator -- a special iterator that uses less resources by having the ability to free its underlying resources on request.
setManifestPreallocationSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setManifestPreallocationSize(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Number of bytes to preallocate (via fallocate) the manifest files.
setManifestPreallocationSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMaxBackgroundCompactions(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setMaxBackgroundCompactions(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent background compaction jobs, submitted to the default LOW priority thread pool.
setMaxBackgroundCompactions(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMaxBackgroundFlushes(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setMaxBackgroundFlushes(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent background flush jobs.
setMaxBackgroundFlushes(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMaxBytesForLevelBase(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setMaxBytesForLevelBase(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setMaxBytesForLevelBase(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
The upper-bound of the total size of level-1 files in bytes.
setMaxBytesForLevelBase(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMaxBytesForLevelMultiplier(double) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setMaxBytesForLevelMultiplier(double) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
The ratio between the total size of level-(L+1) files and the total size of level-L files for all L.
setMaxBytesForLevelMultiplier(double) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setMaxBytesForLevelMultiplier(double) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
The ratio between the total size of level-(L+1) files and the total size of level-L files for all L.
setMaxBytesForLevelMultiplier(double) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMaxBytesForLevelMultiplierAdditional(int[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setMaxBytesForLevelMultiplierAdditional(int[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setMaxBytesForLevelMultiplierAdditional(int[]) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Different max-size multipliers for different levels.
setMaxBytesForLevelMultiplierAdditional(int[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMaxCompactionBytes(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setMaxCompactionBytes(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Maximum size of each compaction (not guarantee)
setMaxCompactionBytes(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setMaxCompactionBytes(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
We try to limit number of bytes in one compaction to be lower than this threshold.
setMaxCompactionBytes(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMaxLogFileSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setMaxLogFileSize(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Specifies the maximum size of a info log file.
setMaxLogFileSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMaxManifestFileSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setMaxManifestFileSize(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Manifest file is rolled over on reaching this limit.
setMaxManifestFileSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMaxMemCompactionLevel(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setMaxMemCompactionLevel(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
setMaxMemCompactionLevel(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMaxOpenFiles(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setMaxOpenFiles(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Number of open files that can be used by the DB.
setMaxOpenFiles(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMaxSequentialSkipInIterations(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setMaxSequentialSkipInIterations(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setMaxSequentialSkipInIterations(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
An iteration->Next() sequentially skips over keys with the same user-key unless this option is set.
setMaxSequentialSkipInIterations(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMaxSubcompactions(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setMaxSubcompactions(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
This value represents the maximum number of threads that will concurrently perform a compaction job by breaking it into multiple, smaller ones that are run simultaneously.
setMaxSubcompactions(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMaxSuccessiveMerges(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setMaxSuccessiveMerges(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setMaxSuccessiveMerges(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Maximum number of successive merge operations on a key in the memtable.
setMaxSuccessiveMerges(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMaxTableFilesSizeFIFO(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setMaxTableFilesSizeFIFO(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
FIFO compaction option.
setMaxTableFilesSizeFIFO(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMaxTotalWalSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setMaxTotalWalSize(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Once write-ahead logs exceed this size, we will start forcing the flush of column families whose memtables are backed by the oldest live WAL file (i.e.
setMaxTotalWalSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMaxWriteBufferNumber(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setMaxWriteBufferNumber(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setMaxWriteBufferNumber(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
The maximum number of write buffers that are built up in memory.
setMaxWriteBufferNumber(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMemTableConfig(MemTableConfig) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setMemTableConfig(MemTableConfig) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Set the config for mem-table.
setMemTableConfig(MemTableConfig) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMemtableHugePageSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setMemtableHugePageSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setMemtableHugePageSize(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Page size for huge page TLB for bloom in memtable.
setMemtableHugePageSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMemtablePrefixBloomSizeRatio(double) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setMemtablePrefixBloomSizeRatio(double) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setMemtablePrefixBloomSizeRatio(double) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
if prefix_extractor is set and memtable_prefix_bloom_size_ratio is not 0, create prefix bloom for memtable with the size of write_buffer_size * memtable_prefix_bloom_size_ratio.
setMemtablePrefixBloomSizeRatio(double) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMergeOperator(MergeOperator) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setMergeOperator(MergeOperator) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Set the merge operator to be used for merging two different key/value pairs that share the same key.
setMergeOperator(MergeOperator) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMergeOperatorName(String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setMergeOperatorName(String) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Set the merge operator to be used for merging two merge operands of the same key.
setMergeOperatorName(String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMinPartialMergeOperands(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setMinPartialMergeOperands(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
The number of partial merge operands to accumulate before partial merge will be performed.
setMinPartialMergeOperands(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setMinWriteBufferNumberToMerge(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setMinWriteBufferNumberToMerge(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
The minimum number of write buffers that will be merged together before writing to storage.
setMinWriteBufferNumberToMerge(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setNativeHandle(long, boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksMutableObject
setNoBlockCache(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
Disable block cache.
setNumEntries(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ExternalSstFileInfo
setNumLevels(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setNumLevels(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Set the number of levels for this database If level-styled compaction is used, then this number determines the total number of levels.
setNumLevels(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setOptimizeFiltersForHits(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setOptimizeFiltersForHits(boolean) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
This flag specifies that the implementation should optimize the filters mainly for cases where keys are found rather than also optimize for keys missed.
setOptimizeFiltersForHits(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setOptions(ColumnFamilyHandle, MutableColumnFamilyOptions) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
setParanoidChecks(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setParanoidChecks(boolean) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
If true, the implementation will do aggressive checking of the data it is processing and will stop early if it detects any errors.
setParanoidChecks(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setParanoidFileChecks(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setParanoidFileChecks(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setParanoidFileChecks(boolean) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
After writing every SST file, reopen it and read all the keys.
setParanoidFileChecks(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setPinData(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ReadOptions
Keep the blocks loaded by the iterator pinned in memory as long as the iterator is not deleted, If used when reading from tables created with BlockBasedTableOptions::use_delta_encoding = false, Iterator's property "rocksdb.iterator.is-key-pinned" is guaranteed to return 1.
setPinL0FilterAndIndexBlocksInCache(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
Indicating if we'd like to pin L0 index/filter blocks to the block cache.
setPrefixSameAsStart(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ReadOptions
Enforce that the iterator only iterates over the same prefix as the seek.
setPurgeRedundantKvsWhileFlush(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setPurgeRedundantKvsWhileFlush(boolean) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Purge duplicate/deleted keys when a memtable is flushed to storage.
setPurgeRedundantKvsWhileFlush(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setRandomAccessMaxBufferSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
setRateLimitDelayMaxMilliseconds(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setRateLimitDelayMaxMilliseconds(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
The maximum time interval a put will be stalled when hard_rate_limit is enforced.
setRateLimitDelayMaxMilliseconds(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setRateLimiter(RateLimiter) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setRateLimiter(RateLimiter) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Use to control write rate of flush and compaction.
setRateLimiter(RateLimiter) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setRateLimiterConfig(RateLimiterConfig) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setRateLimiterConfig(RateLimiterConfig) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
setRateLimiterConfig(RateLimiterConfig) - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
setRateLimiterConfig(RateLimiterConfig) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setReadTier(ReadTier) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ReadOptions
Specify if this read request should process data that ALREADY resides on a particular cache.
setReservedSize(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.VectorMemTableConfig
Set the initial size of the vector that will be used by the memtable created based on this config.
setRestoreRateLimit(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDBOptions
Set restore rate limit.
setSavePoint() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractWriteBatch
setSavePoint() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.WriteBatchInterface
Records the state of the batch for future calls to RollbackToSavePoint().
setSequenceNumber(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ExternalSstFileInfo
setSetFdCloexec(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
setShareFilesWithChecksum(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDBOptions
Only used if share_table_files is set to true.
setShareTableFiles(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDBOptions
Share table files between backups.
setSmallestKey(String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ExternalSstFileInfo
setSnapshot(Snapshot) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ReadOptions
If "snapshot" is non-nullptr, read as of the supplied snapshot (which must belong to the DB that is being read and which must not have been released).
setSoftPendingCompactionBytesLimit(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setSoftPendingCompactionBytesLimit(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setSoftPendingCompactionBytesLimit(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
All writes will be slowed down to at least delayed_write_rate if estimated bytes needed to be compaction exceed this threshold.
setSoftPendingCompactionBytesLimit(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setSoftRateLimit(double) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setSoftRateLimit(double) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Puts are delayed 0-1 ms when any level has a compaction score that exceeds soft_rate_limit.
setSoftRateLimit(double) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setSoftRateLimit(double) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
setSoftRateLimit(double) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setStatsDumpPeriodSec(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setStatsDumpPeriodSec(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
if not zero, dump rocksdb.stats to LOG every stats_dump_period_sec Default: 3600 (1 hour)
setStatsDumpPeriodSec(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setStoreIndexInFile(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
If set to true: compute plain table index and bloom filter during file building and store it in file.
setSync(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDBOptions
Set synchronous backups.
setSync(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.WriteOptions
If true, the write will be flushed from the operating system buffer cache (by calling WritableFile::Sync()) before the write is considered complete.
setTableCacheNumshardbits(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setTableCacheNumshardbits(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Number of shards used for table cache.
setTableCacheNumshardbits(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setTableFormatConfig(TableFormatConfig) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setTableFormatConfig(TableFormatConfig) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Set the config for table format.
setTableFormatConfig(TableFormatConfig) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setTailing(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ReadOptions
Specify to create a tailing iterator -- a special iterator that has a view of the complete database (i.e.
setTargetFileSizeBase(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setTargetFileSizeBase(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setTargetFileSizeBase(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
The target file size for compaction.
setTargetFileSizeBase(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setTargetFileSizeMultiplier(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setTargetFileSizeMultiplier(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setTargetFileSizeMultiplier(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
targetFileSizeMultiplier defines the size ratio between a level-L file and level-(L+1) file.
setTargetFileSizeMultiplier(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setThresholdUseSkiplist(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.HashLinkedListMemTableConfig
Set maximum number of entries in one bucket.
setTotalOrderSeek(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ReadOptions
Enable a total order seek regardless of index format (e.g.
setUseAdaptiveMutex(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ComparatorOptions
Use adaptive mutex, which spins in the user space before resorting to kernel.
setUseAdaptiveMutex(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setUseAdaptiveMutex(boolean) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Use adaptive mutex, which spins in the user space before resorting to kernel.
setUseAdaptiveMutex(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setUseDirectReads(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setUseDirectReads(boolean) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Enable the OS to use direct I/O for reading sst tables.
setUseDirectReads(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
setUseDirectReads(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setUseDirectWrites(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setUseDirectWrites(boolean) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Enable the OS to use direct I/O for writing sst tables.
setUseDirectWrites(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
setUseDirectWrites(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setUseFsync(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setUseFsync(boolean) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
If true, then every store to stable storage will issue a fsync.
setUseFsync(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setUseMmapReads(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
setUseMmapWrites(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
setUseOsBuffer(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
setVerifyChecksums(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ReadOptions
If true, all data read from underlying storage will be verified against corresponding checksums.
setVerifyChecksumsInCompaction(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setVerifyChecksumsInCompaction(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setVerifyChecksumsInCompaction(boolean) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
If true, compaction will verify checksum on every read that happens as part of compaction Default: true
setVerifyChecksumsInCompaction(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setVersion(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ExternalSstFileInfo
setWaitForFlush(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.FlushOptions
Set if the flush operation shall block until it terminates.
setWalDir(String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setWalDir(String) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
This specifies the absolute dir path for write-ahead logs (WAL).
setWalDir(String) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setWalSizeLimitMB(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setWalSizeLimitMB(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
WalTtlSeconds() and walSizeLimitMB() affect how archived logs will be deleted.
setWalSizeLimitMB(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setWalTtlSeconds(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setWalTtlSeconds(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
DBOptionsInterface.walTtlSeconds() and DBOptionsInterface.walSizeLimitMB() affect how archived logs will be deleted.
setWalTtlSeconds(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setWholeKeyFiltering(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
If true, place whole keys in the filter (not just prefixes).
setWritableFileMaxBufferSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
setWriteBufferSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
setWriteBufferSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
setWriteBufferSize(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Amount of data to build up in memory (backed by an unsorted log on disk) before converting to a sorted on-disk file.
setWriteBufferSize(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setWriteThreadMaxYieldUsec(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setWriteThreadMaxYieldUsec(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
The maximum number of microseconds that a write operation will use a yielding spin loop to coordinate with other write threads before blocking on a mutex.
setWriteThreadMaxYieldUsec(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
setWriteThreadSlowYieldUsec(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
setWriteThreadSlowYieldUsec(long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
The latency in microseconds after which a std::this_thread::yield call (sched_yield on Linux) is considered to be a signal that other processes or threads would like to use the current core.
setWriteThreadSlowYieldUsec(long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
shareFilesWithChecksum() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDBOptions
Return of share files with checksum is active.
shareTableFiles() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDBOptions
Share table files between backups.
shouldContinue() - Method in class org.rocksdb.WriteBatch.Handler
shouldContinue is called by the underlying iterator WriteBatch::Iterate.
shutDown(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.StatisticsCollector
Shuts down statistics collector.
singleDelete(byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Remove the database entry for key.
singleDelete(ColumnFamilyHandle, byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Remove the database entry for key.
singleDelete(WriteOptions, byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Remove the database entry for key.
singleDelete(ColumnFamilyHandle, WriteOptions, byte[]) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Remove the database entry for key.
singleDelete(long, byte[], int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
singleDelete(long, byte[], int, long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
singleDelete(long, long, byte[], int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
singleDelete(long, long, byte[], int, long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
size() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractSlice
Return the length (in bytes) of the data.
size() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupInfo
SizeUnit - Class in org.rocksdb.util
SkipListMemTableConfig - Class in org.rocksdb
The config for skip-list memtable representation.
SkipListMemTableConfig() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.SkipListMemTableConfig
SkipListMemTableConfig constructor
Slice - Class in org.rocksdb
Base class for slices which will receive byte[] based access to the underlying data.
Slice(String) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.Slice
Constructs a slice where the data is taken from a String.
Slice(byte[], int) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.Slice
Constructs a slice where the data is a copy of the byte array from a specific offset.
Slice(byte[]) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.Slice
Constructs a slice where the data is a copy of the byte array.
smallestKey() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ExternalSstFileInfo
snapshot() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ReadOptions
Returns the currently assigned Snapshot instance.
Snapshot - Class in org.rocksdb
Snapshot of database
softPendingCompactionBytesLimit() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
softPendingCompactionBytesLimit() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
softPendingCompactionBytesLimit() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
All writes will be slowed down to at least delayed_write_rate if estimated bytes needed to be compaction exceed this threshold.
softPendingCompactionBytesLimit() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
softRateLimit() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
softRateLimit() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Puts are delayed 0-1 ms when any level has a compaction score that exceeds soft_rate_limit.
softRateLimit() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
softRateLimit() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
softRateLimit() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
SstFileWriter - Class in org.rocksdb
SstFileWriter(EnvOptions, Options, AbstractComparator<? extends AbstractSlice<?>>) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.SstFileWriter
start() - Method in class org.rocksdb.StatisticsCollector
startsWith(AbstractSlice<?>) - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractSlice
Determines whether this slice starts with another slice
Statistics - Class in org.rocksdb
Statistics to analyze the performance of a db.
Statistics(long) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.Statistics
StatisticsCollector - Class in org.rocksdb
Helper class to collect DB statistics periodically at a period specified in constructor.
StatisticsCollector(List<StatsCollectorInput>, int) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.StatisticsCollector
Constructor for statistics collector.
StatisticsCollectorCallback - Interface in org.rocksdb
Callback interface provided to StatisticsCollector.
statisticsPtr() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
statisticsPtr() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Returns statistics object.
statisticsPtr() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
StatsCollectorInput - Class in org.rocksdb
Contains all information necessary to collect statistics from one instance of DB statistics.
StatsCollectorInput(Statistics, StatisticsCollectorCallback) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.StatsCollectorInput
Constructor for StatsCollectorInput.
statsDumpPeriodSec() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
statsDumpPeriodSec() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
If not zero, dump rocksdb.stats to LOG every stats_dump_period_sec Default: 3600 (1 hour)
statsDumpPeriodSec() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
status() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractRocksIterator
status() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.RocksIteratorInterface
If an error has occurred, return it.
Status - Class in org.rocksdb
Represents the status returned by a function call in RocksDB.
Status(Status.Code, Status.SubCode, String) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.Status
status() - Method in class org.rocksdb.TransactionLogIterator
Throws RocksDBException if something went wrong.
Status.Code - Enum in org.rocksdb
Status.SubCode - Enum in org.rocksdb
storeIndexInFile() - Method in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
Return a boolean value indicating if index shall be stored in a file.
StringAppendOperator - Class in org.rocksdb
StringAppendOperator is a merge operator that concatenates two strings.
StringAppendOperator() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.StringAppendOperator
sync() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupableDBOptions
Are synchronous backups activated.
sync() - Method in class org.rocksdb.WriteOptions
If true, the write will be flushed from the operating system buffer cache (by calling WritableFile::Sync()) before the write is considered complete.


tableCacheNumshardbits() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
tableCacheNumshardbits() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Number of shards used for table cache.
tableCacheNumshardbits() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
tableFactoryName() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
tableFactoryName() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
tableFactoryName() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
TableFormatConfig - Class in org.rocksdb
TableFormatConfig is used to config the internal Table format of a RocksDB.
TableFormatConfig() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.TableFormatConfig
tailing() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ReadOptions
Specify to create a tailing iterator -- a special iterator that has a view of the complete database (i.e.
targetFileSizeBase() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
targetFileSizeBase() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
targetFileSizeBase() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
The target file size for compaction.
targetFileSizeBase() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
targetFileSizeMultiplier() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
targetFileSizeMultiplier() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
targetFileSizeMultiplier() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
targetFileSizeMultiplier defines the size ratio between a level-(L+1) file and level-L file.
targetFileSizeMultiplier() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
TB - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.util.SizeUnit
thresholdUseSkiplist() - Method in class org.rocksdb.HashLinkedListMemTableConfig
Returns entries per bucket threshold before LinkedList is replaced by SkipList usage for that bucket.
tickerCallback(TickerType, long) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.StatisticsCollectorCallback
Callback function to get ticker values.
TickerType - Enum in org.rocksdb
timestamp() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BackupInfo
toString(boolean) - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractSlice
Creates a string representation of the data
toString() - Method in class org.rocksdb.AbstractSlice
toString() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions
Returns a string representation of MutableColumnFamilyOptions which is suitable for consumption by MutableColumnFamilyOptions.parse(String)
totalOrderSeek() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ReadOptions
Returns whether a total seek order will be used
TransactionLogIterator - Class in org.rocksdb
A TransactionLogIterator is used to iterate over the transactions in a db.
TransactionLogIterator.BatchResult - Class in org.rocksdb
BatchResult represents a data structure returned by a TransactionLogIterator containing a sequence number and a WriteBatch instance.
TransactionLogIterator.BatchResult(long, long) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.TransactionLogIterator.BatchResult
Constructor of BatchResult class.
TtlDB - Class in org.rocksdb
Database with TTL support.
TtlDB(long) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.TtlDB


useAdaptiveMutex() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ComparatorOptions
Use adaptive mutex, which spins in the user space before resorting to kernel.
useAdaptiveMutex() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
useAdaptiveMutex() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Use adaptive mutex, which spins in the user space before resorting to kernel.
useAdaptiveMutex() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
useCappedPrefixExtractor(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
useCappedPrefixExtractor(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Same as fixed length prefix extractor, except that when slice is shorter than the fixed length, it will use the full key.
useCappedPrefixExtractor(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
useDirectReads() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
useDirectReads() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Enable the OS to use direct I/O for reading sst tables.
useDirectReads() - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
useDirectReads() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
useDirectWrites() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
useDirectWrites() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Enable the OS to use direct I/O for writing sst tables.
useDirectWrites() - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
useDirectWrites() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
useFixedLengthPrefixExtractor(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
useFixedLengthPrefixExtractor(int) - Method in interface org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
This prefix-extractor uses the first n bytes of a key as its prefix.
useFixedLengthPrefixExtractor(int) - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
useFsync() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
useFsync() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
If true, then every store to stable storage will issue a fsync.
useFsync() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
useMmapReads() - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
useMmapWrites() - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
useOsBuffer() - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions


value() - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksIterator
Return the value for the current entry.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.BuiltinComparator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.ChecksumType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.CompactionStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.CompressionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.EncodingType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.HistogramType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.IndexType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.InfoLogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.CompactionOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MemtableOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MiscOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.ValueType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.ReadTier
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.Status.Code
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.Status.SubCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.TickerType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.WBWIRocksIterator.WriteType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.BuiltinComparator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.ChecksumType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.CompactionStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.CompressionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.EncodingType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.HistogramType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.IndexType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.InfoLogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.CompactionOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MemtableOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MiscOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.ValueType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.ReadTier
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.Status.Code
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.Status.SubCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.TickerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.rocksdb.WBWIRocksIterator.WriteType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VARIABLE_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.rocksdb.PlainTableConfig
VectorMemTableConfig - Class in org.rocksdb
The config for vector memtable representation.
VectorMemTableConfig() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.VectorMemTableConfig
VectorMemTableConfig constructor
verifyChecksums() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ReadOptions
If true, all data read from underlying storage will be verified against corresponding checksums.
verifyChecksumsInCompaction() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
verifyChecksumsInCompaction() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
verifyChecksumsInCompaction() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
If true, compaction will verify checksum on every read that happens as part of compaction Default: true
verifyChecksumsInCompaction() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
version() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ExternalSstFileInfo


waitForFlush() - Method in class org.rocksdb.FlushOptions
Wait for flush to finished.
walDir() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
walDir() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
Returns the path to the write-ahead-logs (WAL) directory.
walDir() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
walSizeLimitMB() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
walSizeLimitMB() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
DBOptionsInterface.walTtlSeconds() and #walSizeLimitMB() affect how archived logs will be deleted.
walSizeLimitMB() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
walTtlSeconds() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
walTtlSeconds() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
WalTtlSeconds() and walSizeLimitMB() affect how archived logs will be deleted.
walTtlSeconds() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
WBWIRocksIterator - Class in org.rocksdb
WBWIRocksIterator(WriteBatchWithIndex, long) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.WBWIRocksIterator
WBWIRocksIterator.WriteEntry - Class in org.rocksdb
Represents an entry returned by WBWIRocksIterator.entry() It is worth noting that a WriteEntry with the type WBWIRocksIterator.WriteType.DELETE or WBWIRocksIterator.WriteType.LOG will not have a value.
WBWIRocksIterator.WriteEntry(WBWIRocksIterator.WriteType, DirectSlice, DirectSlice) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.WBWIRocksIterator.WriteEntry
WBWIRocksIterator.WriteType - Enum in org.rocksdb
Enumeration of the Write operation that created the record in the Write Batch
wholeKeyFiltering() - Method in class org.rocksdb.BlockBasedTableConfig
writableFileMaxBufferSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.EnvOptions
write(WriteOptions, WriteBatch) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Apply the specified updates to the database.
write(WriteOptions, WriteBatchWithIndex) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
Apply the specified updates to the database.
write0(long, long, long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
write1(long, long, long) - Method in class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
writeBatch() - Method in class org.rocksdb.TransactionLogIterator.BatchResult
Return contained WriteBatch instance
WriteBatch - Class in org.rocksdb
WriteBatch holds a collection of updates to apply atomically to a DB.
WriteBatch() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.WriteBatch
Constructs a WriteBatch instance.
WriteBatch(int) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.WriteBatch
Constructs a WriteBatch instance with a given size.
WriteBatch.Handler - Class in org.rocksdb
Handler callback for iterating over the contents of a batch.
WriteBatch.Handler() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.WriteBatch.Handler
WriteBatchInterface - Interface in org.rocksdb
Defines the interface for a Write Batch which holds a collection of updates to apply atomically to a DB.
WriteBatchWithIndex - Class in org.rocksdb
Similar to WriteBatch but with a binary searchable index built for all the keys inserted.
WriteBatchWithIndex() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.WriteBatchWithIndex
Creates a WriteBatchWithIndex where no bytes are reserved up-front, bytewise comparison is used for fallback key comparisons, and duplicate keys operations are retained
WriteBatchWithIndex(boolean) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.WriteBatchWithIndex
Creates a WriteBatchWithIndex where no bytes are reserved up-front, bytewise comparison is used for fallback key comparisons, and duplicate key assignment is determined by the constructor argument
WriteBatchWithIndex(AbstractComparator<? extends AbstractSlice<?>>, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.WriteBatchWithIndex
Creates a WriteBatchWithIndex
writeBufferSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
writeBufferSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptions.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsBuilder
writeBufferSize() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.MutableColumnFamilyOptionsInterface
Return size of write buffer size.
writeBufferSize() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
WriteOptions - Class in org.rocksdb
Options that control write operations.
WriteOptions() - Constructor for class org.rocksdb.WriteOptions
Construct WriteOptions instance.
writeThreadMaxYieldUsec() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
writeThreadMaxYieldUsec() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
The maximum number of microseconds that a write operation will use a yielding spin loop to coordinate with other write threads before blocking on a mutex.
writeThreadMaxYieldUsec() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options
writeThreadSlowYieldUsec() - Method in class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
writeThreadSlowYieldUsec() - Method in interface org.rocksdb.DBOptionsInterface
The latency in microseconds after which a std::this_thread::yield call (sched_yield on Linux) is considered to be a signal that other processes or threads would like to use the current core.
writeThreadSlowYieldUsec() - Method in class org.rocksdb.Options