Uses of Class

Packages that use ConsolFun
org.rrd4j RRD4J is a high performance data logging and graphing system for time series data, implementing RRDTool's functionality in Java. 

Uses of ConsolFun in org.rrd4j

Methods in org.rrd4j that return ConsolFun
static ConsolFun ConsolFun.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static ConsolFun[] ConsolFun.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Uses of ConsolFun in org.rrd4j.core

Methods in org.rrd4j.core that return ConsolFun
 ConsolFun FetchRequest.getConsolFun()
          Returns consolidation function to be used during the fetch process.
 ConsolFun Archive.getConsolFun()
          Returns archive consolidation function ("AVERAGE", "MIN", "MAX", "FIRST", "LAST" or "TOTAL").
 ConsolFun ArcDef.getConsolFun()
          Returns consolidation function.

Methods in org.rrd4j.core with parameters of type ConsolFun
 void RrdDef.addArchive(ConsolFun consolFun, double xff, int steps, int rows)
          Adds single archive definition by specifying its consolidation function, X-files factor, number of steps and rows.
 FetchRequest RrdDb.createFetchRequest(ConsolFun consolFun, long fetchStart, long fetchEnd)
          Prepares fetch request to be executed on this RRD.
 FetchRequest RrdDb.createFetchRequest(ConsolFun consolFun, long fetchStart, long fetchEnd, long resolution)
          Prepares fetch request to be executed on this RRD.
 double FetchData.getAggregate(String dsName, ConsolFun consolFun)
          Returns single aggregated value from the fetched data for a single datasource.
 Archive RrdDb.getArchive(ConsolFun consolFun, int steps)
          Returns Archive object with the given consolidation function and the number of steps.
 int RrdDb.getArcIndex(ConsolFun consolFun, int steps)
          Returns index of Archive object with the given consolidation function and the number of steps.
 double FetchData.getRpnAggregate(String rpnExpression, ConsolFun consolFun)
          Returns aggregated value for a set of values calculated by applying an RPN expression to the fetched data.
static void RrdToolkit.removeArchive(String sourcePath, ConsolFun consolFun, int steps, boolean saveBackup)
          Removes one archive from a RRD file.
static void RrdToolkit.removeArchive(String sourcePath, String destPath, ConsolFun consolFun, int steps)
          Creates a new RRD file with one archive removed.
static void RrdToolkit.resizeArchive(String sourcePath, ConsolFun consolFun, int numSteps, int newRows, boolean saveBackup)
          Modifies existing RRD file, by resizing its chosen archive.
static void RrdToolkit.resizeArchive(String sourcePath, String destPath, ConsolFun consolFun, int numSteps, int newRows)
          Creates new RRD file based on the existing one, but with a different size (number of rows) for a single archive.
static void RrdToolkit.setArcXff(String sourcePath, ConsolFun consolFun, int steps, double newXff)
          Sets single archive's X-files factor to a new value.

Constructors in org.rrd4j.core with parameters of type ConsolFun
ArcDef(ConsolFun consolFun, double xff, int steps, int rows)
          Creates new archive definition object.

Uses of ConsolFun in

Methods in with parameters of type ConsolFun
 void DataProcessor.addDatasource(String name, String defName, ConsolFun consolFun)
          Adds static source (SDEF).
 void DataProcessor.addDatasource(String name, String file, String dsName, ConsolFun consolFunc)
          Adds simple datasource (DEF).
 void DataProcessor.addDatasource(String name, String file, String dsName, ConsolFun consolFunc, String backend)
          Adds simple source (DEF).
 double Aggregates.getAggregate(ConsolFun consolFun)
          Returns single aggregated value for the give consolidation function
 double DataProcessor.getAggregate(String sourceName, ConsolFun consolFun)
          Returns single aggregated value for a single datasource.

Uses of ConsolFun in org.rrd4j.graph

Methods in org.rrd4j.graph with parameters of type ConsolFun
 void RrdGraphDef.datasource(String name, String defName, ConsolFun consolFun)
          Creates a new (static) virtual datasource.
 void RrdGraphDef.datasource(String name, String rrdPath, String dsName, ConsolFun consolFun)
          Defines virtual datasource.
 void RrdGraphDef.datasource(String name, String rrdPath, String dsName, ConsolFun consolFun, String backend)
          Defines virtual datasource.
 void RrdGraphDef.gprint(String srcName, ConsolFun consolFun, String format)
          This method does basically the same thing as RrdGraphDef.print(String, ConsolFun, String), but the result is printed on the graph itself, below the chart area.
 void RrdGraphDef.print(String srcName, ConsolFun consolFun, String format)
          Calculates the chosen consolidation function CF over the given datasource and creates the result by using the given format string.

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