Uses of Class

Packages that use RrdDb

Uses of RrdDb in org.rrd4j.core

Methods in org.rrd4j.core that return RrdDb
 RrdDb FetchRequest.getParentDb()
          Returns the underlying RrdDb object.
abstract  RrdDb RrdDbPool.requestRrdDb(RrdDef rrdDef)
          Requests a RrdDb reference for the given RRD file definition object.
abstract  RrdDb RrdDbPool.requestRrdDb(String path)
          Requests a RrdDb reference for the given RRD file path.
abstract  RrdDb RrdDbPool.requestRrdDb(String path, String sourcePath)
          Requests a RrdDb reference for the given path.

Methods in org.rrd4j.core with parameters of type RrdDb
abstract  int RrdDbPool.getOpenCount(RrdDb rrdDb)
          Returns the number of usage for a RRD.
abstract  void RrdDbPool.release(RrdDb rrdDb)
          Releases RrdDb reference previously obtained from the pool.

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