Uses of Class

Packages that use ConsolidationFunctionType
org.rrd4j.core.jrrd This package provides read-only access to natives RRD file. 

Uses of ConsolidationFunctionType in org.rrd4j.core.jrrd

Methods in org.rrd4j.core.jrrd that return ConsolidationFunctionType
 ConsolidationFunctionType Archive.getType()
          Returns the type of function used to calculate the consolidated data point.
static ConsolidationFunctionType ConsolidationFunctionType.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static ConsolidationFunctionType[] ConsolidationFunctionType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in org.rrd4j.core.jrrd with parameters of type ConsolidationFunctionType
 Iterator<Archive> RRDatabase.getArchives(ConsolidationFunctionType type)
          Returns an iterator over the archives in this database of the given type in proper sequence.
 DataChunk RRDatabase.getData(ConsolidationFunctionType type)
          Returns data from the database corresponding to the given consolidation function and a step size of 1.
 DataChunk RRDatabase.getData(ConsolidationFunctionType type, Date startDate, Date endDate, long step)
          Returns data from the database corresponding to the given consolidation function.
 DataChunk RRDatabase.getData(ConsolidationFunctionType type, long start, long end, long step)

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