
package ast

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Argument(name: String, value: Value, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends NameValue with Product with Serializable
  2. case class AstLocation(sourceId: String, index: Int, line: Int, column: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  3. sealed trait AstNode extends AnyRef
  4. trait AstVisitor extends AnyRef
  5. case class BigDecimalValue(value: BigDecimal, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends ScalarValue with Product with Serializable
  6. case class BigIntValue(value: BigInt, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends ScalarValue with Product with Serializable
  7. case class BooleanValue(value: Boolean, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends ScalarValue with Product with Serializable
  8. case class Comment(text: String, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends AstNode with Product with Serializable
  9. sealed trait ConditionalFragment extends AstNode
  10. case class DefaultAstVisitor(onEnter: PartialFunction[AstNode, VisitorCommand] = {case _ ⇒ VisitorCommand.Continue}, onLeave: PartialFunction[AstNode, VisitorCommand] = {case _ ⇒ VisitorCommand.Continue}) extends AstVisitor with Product with Serializable
  11. sealed trait Definition extends AstNode
  12. case class Directive(name: String, arguments: Vector[Argument], comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends AstNode with WithArguments with Product with Serializable
  13. case class DirectiveDefinition(name: String, arguments: Vector[InputValueDefinition], locations: Vector[DirectiveLocation], description: Option[StringValue] = None, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends TypeSystemDefinition with WithDescription with Product with Serializable
  14. case class DirectiveLocation(name: String, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends SchemaAstNode with Product with Serializable
  15. case class Document(definitions: Vector[Definition], trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None, sourceMapper: Option[SourceMapper] = None) extends AstNode with WithTrailingComments with Product with Serializable
  16. case class EnumTypeDefinition(name: String, values: Vector[EnumValueDefinition], directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty, description: Option[StringValue] = None, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends TypeDefinition with WithTrailingComments with WithDescription with Product with Serializable
  17. case class EnumTypeExtensionDefinition(name: String, values: Vector[EnumValueDefinition], directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends TypeExtensionDefinition with WithTrailingComments with Product with Serializable
  18. case class EnumValue(value: String, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends Value with Product with Serializable
  19. case class EnumValueDefinition(name: String, directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty, description: Option[StringValue] = None, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends SchemaAstNode with WithDirectives with WithDescription with Product with Serializable
  20. case class Field(alias: Option[String], name: String, arguments: Vector[Argument], directives: Vector[Directive], selections: Vector[Selection], comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends Selection with SelectionContainer with WithArguments with Product with Serializable
  21. case class FieldDefinition(name: String, fieldType: Type, arguments: Vector[InputValueDefinition], directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty, description: Option[StringValue] = None, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends SchemaAstNode with WithDirectives with WithDescription with Product with Serializable
  22. case class FloatValue(value: Double, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends ScalarValue with Product with Serializable
  23. case class FragmentDefinition(name: String, typeCondition: NamedType, directives: Vector[Directive], selections: Vector[Selection], variables: Vector[VariableDefinition] = Vector.empty, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends Definition with ConditionalFragment with WithDirectives with SelectionContainer with Product with Serializable
  24. case class FragmentSpread(name: String, directives: Vector[Directive], comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends Selection with Product with Serializable
  25. case class InlineFragment(typeCondition: Option[NamedType], directives: Vector[Directive], selections: Vector[Selection], comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends Selection with ConditionalFragment with SelectionContainer with Product with Serializable
  26. case class InputDocument(values: Vector[Value], trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None, sourceMapper: Option[SourceMapper] = None) extends AstNode with WithTrailingComments with Product with Serializable
  27. case class InputObjectTypeDefinition(name: String, fields: Vector[InputValueDefinition], directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty, description: Option[StringValue] = None, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends TypeDefinition with WithTrailingComments with WithDescription with Product with Serializable
  28. case class InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition(name: String, fields: Vector[InputValueDefinition], directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends TypeExtensionDefinition with WithTrailingComments with Product with Serializable
  29. case class InputValueDefinition(name: String, valueType: Type, defaultValue: Option[Value], directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty, description: Option[StringValue] = None, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends SchemaAstNode with WithDirectives with WithDescription with Product with Serializable
  30. case class IntValue(value: Int, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends ScalarValue with Product with Serializable
  31. case class InterfaceTypeDefinition(name: String, fields: Vector[FieldDefinition], directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty, description: Option[StringValue] = None, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends TypeDefinition with WithTrailingComments with WithDescription with Product with Serializable
  32. case class InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition(name: String, fields: Vector[FieldDefinition], directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends ObjectLikeTypeExtensionDefinition with WithTrailingComments with Product with Serializable
  33. case class ListType(ofType: Type, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends Type with Product with Serializable
  34. case class ListValue(values: Vector[Value], comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends Value with Product with Serializable
  35. sealed trait NameValue extends AstNode with WithComments
  36. case class NamedType(name: String, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends Type with Product with Serializable
  37. case class NotNullType(ofType: Type, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends Type with Product with Serializable
  38. case class NullValue(comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends Value with Product with Serializable
  39. case class ObjectField(name: String, value: Value, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends NameValue with Product with Serializable
  40. sealed trait ObjectLikeTypeExtensionDefinition extends TypeExtensionDefinition
  41. case class ObjectTypeDefinition(name: String, interfaces: Vector[NamedType], fields: Vector[FieldDefinition], directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty, description: Option[StringValue] = None, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends TypeDefinition with WithTrailingComments with WithDescription with Product with Serializable
  42. case class ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition(name: String, interfaces: Vector[NamedType], fields: Vector[FieldDefinition], directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends ObjectLikeTypeExtensionDefinition with WithTrailingComments with Product with Serializable
  43. case class ObjectValue(fields: Vector[ObjectField], comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends Value with Product with Serializable
  44. case class OperationDefinition(operationType: OperationType = OperationType.Query, name: Option[String] = None, variables: Vector[VariableDefinition] = Vector.empty, directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty, selections: Vector[Selection], comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends Definition with WithDirectives with SelectionContainer with Product with Serializable
  45. sealed trait OperationType extends AnyRef
  46. case class OperationTypeDefinition(operation: OperationType, tpe: NamedType, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends SchemaAstNode with Product with Serializable
  47. case class ScalarTypeDefinition(name: String, directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty, description: Option[StringValue] = None, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends TypeDefinition with WithDescription with Product with Serializable
  48. case class ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition(name: String, directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends TypeExtensionDefinition with Product with Serializable
  49. sealed trait ScalarValue extends Value
  50. sealed trait SchemaAstNode extends AstNode with WithComments
  51. case class SchemaDefinition(operationTypes: Vector[OperationTypeDefinition], directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends TypeSystemDefinition with WithTrailingComments with WithDirectives with Product with Serializable
  52. case class SchemaExtensionDefinition(operationTypes: Vector[OperationTypeDefinition], directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends TypeSystemExtensionDefinition with WithDirectives with WithTrailingComments with Product with Serializable
  53. sealed trait Selection extends AstNode with WithDirectives with WithComments
  54. sealed trait SelectionContainer extends AstNode with WithComments with WithTrailingComments
  55. case class StringValue(value: String, block: Boolean = false, blockRawValue: Option[String] = None, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends ScalarValue with Product with Serializable
  56. sealed trait Type extends AstNode
  57. sealed trait TypeDefinition extends TypeSystemDefinition with WithDirectives with WithDescription
  58. sealed trait TypeExtensionDefinition extends TypeSystemExtensionDefinition with WithDirectives
  59. sealed trait TypeSystemDefinition extends SchemaAstNode with Definition
  60. sealed trait TypeSystemExtensionDefinition extends SchemaAstNode with Definition
  61. case class UnionTypeDefinition(name: String, types: Vector[NamedType], directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty, description: Option[StringValue] = None, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends TypeDefinition with WithDescription with Product with Serializable
  62. case class UnionTypeExtensionDefinition(name: String, types: Vector[NamedType], directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends TypeExtensionDefinition with Product with Serializable
  63. sealed trait Value extends AstNode with WithComments
  64. case class VariableDefinition(name: String, tpe: Type, defaultValue: Option[Value], comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends AstNode with WithComments with Product with Serializable
  65. case class VariableValue(name: String, comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends Value with Product with Serializable
  66. sealed trait WithArguments extends AstNode
  67. sealed trait WithComments extends AstNode
  68. sealed trait WithDescription extends AstNode
  69. sealed trait WithDirectives extends AstNode
  70. sealed trait WithTrailingComments extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object AstLocation extends Serializable
  2. object AstNode
  3. object AstVisitor
  4. object AstVisitorCommand extends Enumeration
  5. object Document extends Serializable
  6. object InputDocument extends Serializable
  7. object ObjectValue extends Serializable
  8. object OperationType
