
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package scala
    Definition Classes
  • package scalajs
    Definition Classes
  • package js

    Types, methods and values for interoperability with JavaScript libraries.

    Types, methods and values for interoperability with JavaScript libraries.

    This package is only relevant to the Scala.js compiler, and should not be referenced by any project compiled to the JVM.


    General documentation on Scala.js is available at


    The trait js.Any is the root of the hierarchy of JavaScript types. This package defines important subtypes of js.Any that are defined in the standard library of ECMAScript 5.1 (or ES 6, with a label in the documentation), such as js.Object, js.Array and js.RegExp.

    Implicit conversions to and from standard Scala types to their equivalent in JavaScript are provided. For example, from Scala functions to JavaScript functions and back.

    The most important subtypes of js.Any declared in this package are:

    The trait js.Dynamic is a special subtrait of js.Any. It can represent any JavaScript value in a dynamically-typed way. It is possible to call any method and read and write any field of a value of type js.Dynamic.

    There are no explicit definitions for JavaScript primitive types, as one could expect, because the corresponding Scala types stand in their stead:

    • Boolean is the type of primitive JavaScript booleans
    • Double is the type of primitive JavaScript numbers
    • String is the type of primitive JavaScript strings (or null)
    • Unit is the type of the JavaScript undefined value
    • Null is the type of the JavaScript null value

    js.UndefOr gives a scala.Option-like interface where the JavaScript value undefined takes the role of None.

    A | B is an unboxed pseudo-union type, suitable to type values that admit several unrelated types in facade types.

    Definition Classes
  • package annotation
    Definition Classes
  • package timers

    Non-Standard Non-standard, but in general well supported methods to schedule asynchronous exeuction.

    Non-Standard Non-standard, but in general well supported methods to schedule asynchronous exeuction.

    The methods in this package work in all JavaScript virtual machines supported by Scala.js (currently Rhino, Node.js and PhantomJS).

    Definition Classes
  • package typedarray

    ECMAScript 6 The typdearray package provides facade types for JavaScript ArrayBuffer, TypeArrays and DataView.

    ECMAScript 6 The typdearray package provides facade types for JavaScript ArrayBuffer, TypeArrays and DataView. Further, it provides conversions between primitive Scala arrays and TypedArrays

    Definition Classes
  • AB2TA
  • AC2TA
  • AD2TA
  • AF2TA
  • AI2TA
  • AS2TA
  • ArrayBuffer
  • ArrayBufferInputStream
  • ArrayBufferView
  • DataView
  • DataViewExt
  • Float32Array
  • Float64Array
  • Int16Array
  • Int32Array
  • Int8Array
  • TA2AB
  • TA2AC
  • TA2AD
  • TA2AF
  • TA2AI
  • TA2AS
  • TypedArray
  • TypedArrayBuffer
  • TypedArrayBufferOps
  • TypedArrayStatic
  • Uint16Array
  • Uint32Array
  • Uint8Array
  • Uint8ClampedArray



package typedarray

ECMAScript 6 The typdearray package provides facade types for JavaScript ArrayBuffer, TypeArrays and DataView. Further, it provides conversions between primitive Scala arrays and TypedArrays

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. typedarray
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. implicit final class AB2TA extends AnyVal

    ECMAScript 6 Adds toTypedArray conversion to an Array[Byte]

  2. implicit final class AC2TA extends AnyVal

    ECMAScript 6 Adds toTypedArray conversion to an Array[Char]

  3. implicit final class AD2TA extends AnyVal

    ECMAScript 6 Adds toTypedArray conversion to an Array[Double]

  4. implicit final class AF2TA extends AnyVal

    ECMAScript 6 Adds toTypedArray conversion to an Array[Float]

  5. implicit final class AI2TA extends AnyVal

    ECMAScript 6 Adds toTypedArray conversion to an Array[Int]

  6. implicit final class AS2TA extends AnyVal

    ECMAScript 6 Adds toTypedArray conversion to an Array[Short]

  7. class ArrayBuffer extends Object

    ECMAScript 6 An ArrayBuffer is a block of contiguous, non-resizable memory.

    ECMAScript 6 An ArrayBuffer is a block of contiguous, non-resizable memory.

    @RawJSType() @native() @JSGlobal()
  8. class ArrayBufferInputStream extends InputStream

    ECMAScript 6 A wrapping a JavaScript ArrayBuffer

    ECMAScript 6 A wrapping a JavaScript ArrayBuffer

    This class is extremely similar to a ByteArrayInputStream, but uses ArrayBuffers as the underlying representation. Stream implementations may special case on this stream for better performance and access the underlying buffer directly. (They still need to make sure the internal pointers are properly aligned though).

    This stream has several public members (n.b. buffer, offset, length and pos) in order to allow JavaScript aware applications to special case on this kind of stream and access the underlying ArrayBuffer directly for efficiency. In this case it is the client's responsibility to synchronize pos, as if the stream were read normally (if the context in which it is used requires this).

  9. trait ArrayBufferView extends Object

    ECMAScript 6 An ArrayBufferView allows accessing the data of an ArrayBuffer

    ECMAScript 6 An ArrayBufferView allows accessing the data of an ArrayBuffer

    @RawJSType() @native()
  10. class DataView extends Object with ArrayBufferView

    ECMAScript 6 A DataView allows for extraction of particular data types at specific offsets.

    ECMAScript 6 A DataView allows for extraction of particular data types at specific offsets.

    @RawJSType() @native() @JSGlobal()
  11. class Float32Array extends Object with TypedArray[Float, Float32Array]

    ECMAScript 6 A TypedArray of single precision floats

    ECMAScript 6 A TypedArray of single precision floats

    @RawJSType() @native() @JSGlobal()
  12. class Float64Array extends Object with TypedArray[Double, Float64Array]

    ECMAScript 6 A TypedArray of double precision floats

    ECMAScript 6 A TypedArray of double precision floats

    @RawJSType() @native() @JSGlobal()
  13. class Int16Array extends Object with TypedArray[Short, Int16Array]

    ECMAScript 6 A TypedArray of signed 16-bit integers

    ECMAScript 6 A TypedArray of signed 16-bit integers

    @RawJSType() @native() @JSGlobal()
  14. class Int32Array extends Object with TypedArray[Int, Int32Array]

    ECMAScript 6 A TypedArray of signed 32-bit integers

    ECMAScript 6 A TypedArray of signed 32-bit integers

    @RawJSType() @native() @JSGlobal()
  15. class Int8Array extends Object with TypedArray[Byte, Int8Array]

    ECMAScript 6 A TypedArray of signed 8-bit integers

    ECMAScript 6 A TypedArray of signed 8-bit integers

    @RawJSType() @native() @JSGlobal()
  16. implicit final class TA2AB extends AnyVal

    ECMAScript 6 Adds toArray conversion to a Int8Array

  17. implicit final class TA2AC extends AnyVal

    ECMAScript 6 Adds toArray conversion to a Uint16Array

  18. implicit final class TA2AD extends AnyVal

    ECMAScript 6 Adds toArray conversion to a Float64Array

  19. implicit final class TA2AF extends AnyVal

    ECMAScript 6 Adds toArray conversion to a Float32Array

  20. implicit final class TA2AI extends AnyVal

    ECMAScript 6 Adds toArray conversion to a Int32Array

  21. implicit final class TA2AS extends AnyVal

    ECMAScript 6 Adds toArray conversion to a Int16Array

  22. trait TypedArray[T, Repr] extends Object with ArrayBufferView with Iterable[T]

    ECMAScript 6 A TypedArray allows to view an ArrayBuffer as an array of values of a particular numeric type.

    ECMAScript 6 A TypedArray allows to view an ArrayBuffer as an array of values of a particular numeric type.

    @RawJSType() @native()
  23. final class TypedArrayBufferOps[TypedArrayType <: TypedArray[_, TypedArrayType]] extends AnyVal

    Additional operations on a Buffer with interoperability with JavaScript Typed Arrays.

    Additional operations on a Buffer with interoperability with JavaScript Typed Arrays.

    All Scala.js implementations of Buffer also implement this interface for some TypedArrayType, which depends on the type of elements in the buffer.

  24. trait TypedArrayStatic extends Object

    ECMAScript 6 Static information that exists for any concrete TypedArray

    ECMAScript 6 Static information that exists for any concrete TypedArray

    @RawJSType() @native()
  25. class Uint16Array extends Object with TypedArray[Int, Uint16Array]

    ECMAScript 6 A TypedArray of unsigned 16-bit integers

    ECMAScript 6 A TypedArray of unsigned 16-bit integers

    @RawJSType() @native() @JSGlobal()
  26. class Uint32Array extends Object with TypedArray[Double, Uint32Array]

    ECMAScript 6 A TypedArray of unsigned 32-bit integers

    ECMAScript 6 A TypedArray of unsigned 32-bit integers

    @RawJSType() @native() @JSGlobal()
  27. class Uint8Array extends Object with TypedArray[Short, Uint8Array]

    ECMAScript 6 A TypedArray of unsigned 8-bit integers

    ECMAScript 6 A TypedArray of unsigned 8-bit integers

    @RawJSType() @native() @JSGlobal()
  28. class Uint8ClampedArray extends Object with TypedArray[Int, Uint8ClampedArray]

    ECMAScript 6 A TypedArray of unsigned 8-bit integers whose values are clamped to their max/min rather than wrapped around if they overflow.

    ECMAScript 6 A TypedArray of unsigned 8-bit integers whose values are clamped to their max/min rather than wrapped around if they overflow.

    @RawJSType() @native() @JSGlobal()

Value Members

  1. def byteArray2Int8Array(array: scala.Array[Byte]): Int8Array
  2. def charArray2Uint16Array(array: scala.Array[Char]): Uint16Array
  3. def doubleArray2Float64Array(array: scala.Array[Double]): Float64Array
  4. def float32Array2FloatArray(array: Float32Array): scala.Array[Float]
  5. def float64Array2DoubleArray(array: Float64Array): scala.Array[Double]
  6. def floatArray2Float32Array(array: scala.Array[Float]): Float32Array
  7. def int16Array2ShortArray(array: Int16Array): scala.Array[Short]
  8. def int32Array2IntArray(array: Int32Array): scala.Array[Int]
  9. def int8Array2ByteArray(array: Int8Array): scala.Array[Byte]
  10. def intArray2Int32Array(array: scala.Array[Int]): Int32Array
  11. def shortArray2Int16Array(array: scala.Array[Short]): Int16Array
  12. def uint16Array2CharArray(array: Uint16Array): scala.Array[Char]
  13. object DataViewExt

    Extensions for DataView.

  14. object Float32Array extends Object with TypedArrayStatic

    ECMAScript 6 Float32Array companion

    ECMAScript 6 Float32Array companion

    @native() @JSGlobal()
  15. object Float64Array extends Object with TypedArrayStatic

    ECMAScript 6 Float64Array companion

    ECMAScript 6 Float64Array companion

    @native() @JSGlobal()
  16. object Int16Array extends Object with TypedArrayStatic

    ECMAScript 6 Int16Array companion

    ECMAScript 6 Int16Array companion

    @native() @JSGlobal()
  17. object Int32Array extends Object with TypedArrayStatic

    ECMAScript 6 Int32Array companion

    ECMAScript 6 Int32Array companion

    @native() @JSGlobal()
  18. object Int8Array extends Object with TypedArrayStatic

    ECMAScript 6 Int8Array companion

    ECMAScript 6 Int8Array companion

    @native() @JSGlobal()
  19. object TypedArrayBuffer

    Factory methods to create direct buffers from Typed Arrays.

    Factory methods to create direct buffers from Typed Arrays.

    All buffers created by the methods of this object are direct buffers with the native byte order of the platform.

  20. object TypedArrayBufferOps

    Extensions to Buffers for interoperability with JavaScript Typed Arrays.

  21. object Uint16Array extends Object with TypedArrayStatic

    ECMAScript 6 Uint16Array companion

    ECMAScript 6 Uint16Array companion

    @native() @JSGlobal()
  22. object Uint32Array extends Object with TypedArrayStatic

    ECMAScript 6 Uint32Array companion

    ECMAScript 6 Uint32Array companion

    @native() @JSGlobal()
  23. object Uint8Array extends Object with TypedArrayStatic

    ECMAScript 6 Uint8Array companion

    ECMAScript 6 Uint8Array companion

    @native() @JSGlobal()
  24. object Uint8ClampedArray extends Object with TypedArrayStatic

    ECMAScript 6 Uint8ClampedArray companion

    ECMAScript 6 Uint8ClampedArray companion

    @native() @JSGlobal()

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from scala.Any
