
package generic

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. generic
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait AtomicIndexFlag extends Signalling

    A mixin trait that implements index flag behaviour using atomic integers.

    A mixin trait that implements index flag behaviour using atomic integers. The setIndex operation is wait-free, while conditional set operations setIndexIfGreater and setIndexIfLesser are lock-free and support only monotonic changes.

  2. trait CanCombineFrom[-From, -Elem, +To] extends Parallel

    A base trait for parallel builder factories.

    A base trait for parallel builder factories.


    the type of the underlying collection that requests a builder to be created.


    the element type of the collection to be created.


    the type of the collection to be created.

  3. class DefaultSignalling extends Signalling with VolatileAbort

    This signalling implementation returns default values and ignores received signals.

  4. class DelegatedContext extends DelegatedSignalling

    Class implementing delegated signalling.

  5. trait DelegatedSignalling extends Signalling

    An implementation of the signalling interface using delegates.

  6. trait GenericParCompanion[+CC[X] <: ParIterable[X]] extends AnyRef

    A template class for companion objects of parallel collection classes.

    A template class for companion objects of parallel collection classes. They should be mixed in together with GenericCompanion type.

  7. trait GenericParMapCompanion[+CC[P, Q] <: ParMap[P, Q]] extends AnyRef
  8. trait GenericParMapTemplate[K, +V, +CC[X, Y] <: ParMap[X, Y]] extends GenericParTemplate[(K, V), ParIterable]
  9. trait GenericParTemplate[+A, +CC[X] <: ParIterable[X]] extends GenericTraversableTemplate[A, CC] with HasNewCombiner[A, CC[A]]

    A template trait for collections having a companion.

    A template trait for collections having a companion.


    the element type of the collection


    the type constructor representing the collection class

  10. trait GenericTraversableTemplate[+A, +CC[X] <: ParIterable[X]] extends HasNewBuilder[A, CC[A]]

    A template class for companion objects of regular collection classes that represent an unconstrained higher-kinded type.

    A template class for companion objects of regular collection classes that represent an unconstrained higher-kinded type.


    The type of the collection elements.


    The type constructor representing the collection class.

  11. trait HasNewBuilder[+A, +Repr] extends Any
  12. trait HasNewCombiner[+T, +Repr] extends AnyRef
  13. abstract class ParFactory[CC[X] <: ParIterable[X] with GenericParTemplate[X, CC]] extends GenericParCompanion[CC]

    A template class for companion objects of ParIterable and subclasses thereof.

    A template class for companion objects of ParIterable and subclasses thereof. This class extends TraversableFactory and provides a set of operations to create ParIterable objects.

  14. abstract class ParMapFactory[CC[X, Y] <: ParMap[X, Y] with ParMapLike[X, Y, CC, CC[X, Y], Sequential[X, Y]], Sequential[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y] with MapOps[X, Y, Sequential, Sequential[X, Y]]] extends GenericParMapCompanion[CC]

    A template class for companion objects of ParMap and subclasses thereof.

    A template class for companion objects of ParMap and subclasses thereof. This class extends TraversableFactory and provides a set of operations to create ParMap objects.

  15. abstract class ParSetFactory[CC[X] <: ParSet[X] with ParSetLike[X, CC, CC[X], _] with GenericParTemplate[X, CC]] extends GenericParCompanion[CC]

  16. trait Signalling extends AnyRef

    A message interface serves as a unique interface to the part of the collection capable of receiving messages from a different task.

    A message interface serves as a unique interface to the part of the collection capable of receiving messages from a different task.

    One example of use of this is the find method, which can use the signalling interface to inform worker threads that an element has been found and no further search is necessary.

  17. trait Sizing extends AnyRef

    A trait for objects which have a size.

  18. class TaggedDelegatedContext extends DelegatedContext

    Class implementing delegated signalling, but having its own distinct tag.

  19. trait VolatileAbort extends Signalling

    A mixin trait that implements abort flag behaviour using volatile variables.

Deprecated Type Members

  1. type CanBuildFrom[-From, -A, +C] = BuildFrom[From, A, C]

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use scala.collection.BuildFrom instead

  2. type Clearable = mutable.Clearable

    (Since version 2.13.0) Clearable was moved from collection.generic to collection.mutable

  3. type Growable[-A] = mutable.Growable[A]

    (Since version 2.13.0) Growable was moved from collection.generic to collection.mutable

  4. type IsTraversableLike[Repr] = IsIterable[Repr]

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use IsIterable instead

  5. type IsTraversableOnce[Repr] = IsIterableOnce[Repr]

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use IsIterableOnce instead

  6. type Shrinkable[-A] = mutable.Shrinkable[A]

    (Since version 2.13.0) Shrinkable was moved from collection.generic to collection.mutable

Value Members

  1. object GenericParCompanion
  2. object GenericParMapCompanion
  3. object IdleSignalling extends DefaultSignalling

    An object that returns default values and ignores received signals.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
