Members list
Value members
Concrete methods
appends all attributes from new_tail to attribs, without attempting to detect or remove duplicates. The method guarantees that all attributes from attribs come before the attributes in new_tail, but does not guarantee to preserve the relative order of attribs.
appends all attributes from new_tail to attribs, without attempting to detect or remove duplicates. The method guarantees that all attributes from attribs come before the attributes in new_tail, but does not guarantee to preserve the relative order of attribs.
Duplicates can be removed with normalize
returns key if md is unprefixed, pre+key is md is prefixed
returns key if md is unprefixed, pre+key is md is prefixed
returns normalized MetaData, with all duplicates removed and namespace prefixes resolved to namespace URIs via the given scope.
returns normalized MetaData, with all duplicates removed and namespace prefixes resolved to namespace URIs via the given scope.
returns MetaData with attributes updated from given MetaData
returns MetaData with attributes updated from given MetaData