trait Repl extends ReplCore

Interface to the repl for use by the frontend (shell, the UI).

The interface should not depend on symbols and types (the compiler's internal state). At most, expose untyped trees and positions in addition to standard Java types. This decoupling would allow running the shell in a separate thread, or even in a separate process from the compiler. It should also be possible to write a new REPL frontend using this interface, and be compatible across minor compiler releases.

(The first iteration of this interface is only uses Positions and standard JVM types, but we could loosen that.)

Linear Supertypes
Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Repl
  2. ReplCore
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract type Request <: ReplRequest
  2. type Setting = Settings.Setting
  3. type SettingSet = Set[Setting]

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def addUrlsToClassPath(urls: URL*): Unit

    Adds all specified jars to the compile and runtime classpaths.

    Adds all specified jars to the compile and runtime classpaths.


    The list of items to add to the compile and runtime classpaths.


    Currently only supports jars, not directories.

  2. abstract def bind(p: NamedParam): Result
  3. abstract def bind(name: String, boundType: String, value: Any, modifiers: List[String] = Nil): Result

    Bind a specified name to a specified value.

    Bind a specified name to a specified value. The name may later be used by expressions passed to interpret.


    the variable name to bind


    the type of the variable, as a string


    the object value to bind to it


    an indication of whether the binding succeeded

    Definition Classes
  4. abstract def classLoader: AbstractFileClassLoader
  5. abstract def classPathString: String
  6. abstract def clearExecutionWrapper(): Unit
  7. abstract def close(): Unit

    This instance is no longer needed, so release any resources it is using.

    This instance is no longer needed, so release any resources it is using. The reporter's output gets flushed.

  8. abstract def compileSources(sources: SourceFile*): Boolean

    Compile an nsc SourceFile.

    Compile an nsc SourceFile. Returns true if there are no compilation errors, or false otherwise.

  9. abstract def compileString(code: String): Boolean

    Compile a string.

    Compile a string. Returns true if there are no compilation errors, or false otherwise.

  10. abstract def definedTypes: List[String]
  11. abstract def implicitsCommandInternal(line: String): (List[String], String)
  12. abstract def importsCommandInternal(tokens: List[String]): List[String]
  13. abstract def initializeCompiler(): Boolean
  14. abstract def initializeComplete: Boolean
  15. abstract def interpret(line: String, synthetic: Boolean): Result
  16. abstract def interpret(line: String): Result

    Interpret one line of input.

    Interpret one line of input. All feedback, including parse errors and evaluation results, are printed via the supplied compiler's reporter. Values defined are available for future interpreted strings.

    The return value is whether the line was interpreter successfully, e.g. that there were no parse errors.

    Definition Classes
  17. abstract def isPackaged(line: String): Boolean
  18. abstract def kindCommandInternal(expr: String, verbose: Boolean): String
  19. abstract def lastWarnings: List[(Position, String)]
  20. abstract def mostRecentVar: String

    Returns the name of the most recent interpreter result.

    Returns the name of the most recent interpreter result. Mostly this exists so you can conveniently invoke methods on the previous result.

  21. abstract def namedDefinedTerms: List[String]
  22. abstract def namedParam[T](name: String, value: T)(implicit arg0: reflect.api.JavaUniverse.TypeTag[T], arg1: ClassTag[T]): NamedParam
  23. abstract def originalPath(name: String): String
  24. abstract val power: Power[StdReplVals]
  25. abstract def presentationCompile(cursor: Int, buf: String): Either[Result, PresentationCompilationResult]
  26. abstract def quietBind(p: NamedParam): Result
  27. abstract def quietRun(code: String): Result
  28. abstract def reporter: ReplReporter
  29. abstract def requestDefining(name: String): Option[ReplRequest]
  30. abstract def reset(): Unit

    Reset this interpreter, forgetting all user-specified requests.

  31. abstract def setContextClassLoader(): Unit

    Set the current Java "context" class loader to this interpreter's class loader

    Set the current Java "context" class loader to this interpreter's class loader

    Definition Classes
  32. abstract def setExecutionWrapper(code: String): Unit
  33. abstract val settings: Settings
  34. abstract def showDirectory: String
  35. abstract def translateEnclosingClass(n: String): Option[String]
  36. abstract def translatePath(path: String): Option[String]
  37. abstract def typeCommandInternal(expr: String, verbose: Boolean): (String, String)

    TODO - -n normalize -l label with case class parameter names -c complete - leave nothing out

  38. abstract def updateSettings(arguments: List[String]): Boolean
  39. abstract def userSetSettings: SettingSet
  40. abstract def valueOfTerm(id: String): Option[Any]
  41. abstract def visibleSettings: SettingSet
  42. abstract def withLabel[A](temp: String)(body: ⇒ A): A

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. def +(other: String): String
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from Repl to any2stringadd[Repl] performed by method any2stringadd in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  4. def ->[B](y: B): (Repl, B)
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from Repl to ArrowAssoc[Repl] performed by method ArrowAssoc in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  6. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  7. final def beQuietDuring(body: ⇒ Unit): Unit

    The reporter will not print results during execution of body.

    The reporter will not print results during execution of body.

    Definition Classes
  8. def bindValue(name: String, value: Any): Result

    Bind a specified name to a specified value.

    Bind a specified name to a specified value. The type is derived from the run-time class of the value.

    Definition Classes
  9. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  10. def ensuring(cond: (Repl) ⇒ Boolean, msg: ⇒ Any): Repl
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from Repl to Ensuring[Repl] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  11. def ensuring(cond: (Repl) ⇒ Boolean): Repl
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from Repl to Ensuring[Repl] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  12. def ensuring(cond: Boolean, msg: ⇒ Any): Repl
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from Repl to Ensuring[Repl] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  13. def ensuring(cond: Boolean): Repl
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from Repl to Ensuring[Repl] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  14. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  15. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  16. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  17. def formatted(fmtstr: String): String
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from Repl to StringFormat[Repl] performed by method StringFormat in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  18. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  19. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  20. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  21. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  22. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  23. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  24. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  25. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  26. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  27. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  28. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  29. def [B](y: B): (Repl, B)
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from Repl to ArrowAssoc[Repl] performed by method ArrowAssoc in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes

Inherited from ReplCore

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any

Inherited by implicit conversion any2stringadd from Repl to any2stringadd[Repl]

Inherited by implicit conversion StringFormat from Repl to StringFormat[Repl]

Inherited by implicit conversion Ensuring from Repl to Ensuring[Repl]

Inherited by implicit conversion ArrowAssoc from Repl to ArrowAssoc[Repl]
