
object Swing

[source: scala/swing/Swing.scala]

object Swing
extends AnyRef
Helpers for this package.
Method Summary
def ActionListener (f : (java.awt.event.ActionEvent) => Unit) : java.awt.event.ActionListener
def BeveledBorder (kind : Embossing) : javax.swing.border.Border
def BeveledBorder (kind : Embossing, highlight : java.awt.Color, shadow : java.awt.Color) : javax.swing.border.Border
def BeveledBorder (kind : Embossing, highlightOuter : java.awt.Color, highlightInner : java.awt.Color, shadowOuter : java.awt.Color, shadowInner : java.awt.Color) : javax.swing.border.Border
def Box (min : java.awt.Dimension, pref : java.awt.Dimension, max : java.awt.Dimension) : Component
def ChangeListener (f : (javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent) => Unit) : javax.swing.event.ChangeListener
def CompoundBorder (outside : javax.swing.border.Border, inside : javax.swing.border.Border) : javax.swing.border.CompoundBorder
def EmptyBorder : javax.swing.border.Border
def EmptyBorder (top : Int, left : Int, bottom : Int, right : Int) : javax.swing.border.Border
def EmptyBorder (weight : Int) : javax.swing.border.Border
def EtchedBorder : javax.swing.border.Border
def EtchedBorder (kind : Embossing, highlight : java.awt.Color, shadow : java.awt.Color) : javax.swing.border.Border
def EtchedBorder (kind : Embossing) : javax.swing.border.Border
def Glue : Component
def HGlue : Component
def HStrut (width : Int) : Component
def Icon (image : java.awt.Image) : javax.swing.ImageIcon
def Icon (filename : java.lang.String) : javax.swing.ImageIcon
def Icon (url : : javax.swing.ImageIcon
def LineBorder (c : java.awt.Color) : javax.swing.border.Border
def LineBorder (c : java.awt.Color, weight : Int) : javax.swing.border.Border
def MatteBorder (top : Int, left : Int, bottom : Int, right : Int, color : java.awt.Color) : javax.swing.border.MatteBorder
def MatteBorder (top : Int, left : Int, bottom : Int, right : Int, icon : javax.swing.Icon) : javax.swing.border.MatteBorder
def RigidBox (dim : java.awt.Dimension) : Component
def TitledBorder (border : javax.swing.border.Border, title : java.lang.String) : javax.swing.border.TitledBorder
def VGlue : Component
def VStrut (height : Int) : Component
implicit def block2Runnable (block : => Unit) : java.lang.Runnable
Allows one to use blocks as runnables.
protected[swing] def ifNull [A](o : AnyRef, a : A) : A
implicit def pair2Dimension (p : (Int, Int)) : java.awt.Dimension
implicit def pair2Point (p : (Int, Int)) : java.awt.Point
protected[swing] def toNoIcon (i : javax.swing.Icon) : javax.swing.Icon
protected[swing] def toNull [A <: AnyRef >: Null](a : Option[A]) : A
protected[swing] def toNullIcon (i : javax.swing.Icon) : javax.swing.Icon
protected[swing] def toOption [A](o : AnyRef) : Option[A]
def unwrapIcon (icon : javax.swing.Icon) : javax.swing.Icon
def wrapIcon (icon : javax.swing.Icon) : javax.swing.Icon
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, toString, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Class Summary
sealed abstract class Embossing extends AnyRef
Object Summary
case object EmptyIcon extends javax.swing.Icon with Product
The empty icon. Use this icon instead of null to indicate that you don't want an icon.
case object Lowered extends Embossing with Product
case object Raised extends Embossing with Product
Method Details
protected[swing] def ifNull[A](o : AnyRef, a : A) : A

protected[swing] def toOption[A](o : AnyRef) : Option[A]

protected[swing] def toNull[A <: AnyRef >: Null](a : Option[A]) : A

protected[swing] def toNoIcon(i : javax.swing.Icon) : javax.swing.Icon

protected[swing] def toNullIcon(i : javax.swing.Icon) : javax.swing.Icon

implicit def pair2Dimension(p : (Int, Int)) : java.awt.Dimension

implicit def pair2Point(p : (Int, Int)) : java.awt.Point

implicit def block2Runnable(block : => Unit) : java.lang.Runnable
Allows one to use blocks as runnables.

def ChangeListener(f : (javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent) => Unit) : javax.swing.event.ChangeListener

def ActionListener(f : (java.awt.event.ActionEvent) => Unit) : java.awt.event.ActionListener

def Box(min : java.awt.Dimension, pref : java.awt.Dimension, max : java.awt.Dimension) : Component

def HGlue : Component

def VGlue : Component

def Glue : Component

def RigidBox(dim : java.awt.Dimension) : Component

def HStrut(width : Int) : Component

def VStrut(height : Int) : Component

def Icon(image : java.awt.Image) : javax.swing.ImageIcon

def Icon(filename : java.lang.String) : javax.swing.ImageIcon

def Icon(url : : javax.swing.ImageIcon

def unwrapIcon(icon : javax.swing.Icon) : javax.swing.Icon

def wrapIcon(icon : javax.swing.Icon) : javax.swing.Icon

def EmptyBorder : javax.swing.border.Border

def EmptyBorder(weight : Int) : javax.swing.border.Border

def EmptyBorder(top : Int, left : Int, bottom : Int, right : Int) : javax.swing.border.Border

def LineBorder(c : java.awt.Color) : javax.swing.border.Border

def LineBorder(c : java.awt.Color, weight : Int) : javax.swing.border.Border

def BeveledBorder(kind : Embossing) : javax.swing.border.Border

def BeveledBorder(kind : Embossing, highlight : java.awt.Color, shadow : java.awt.Color) : javax.swing.border.Border

def BeveledBorder(kind : Embossing, highlightOuter : java.awt.Color, highlightInner : java.awt.Color, shadowOuter : java.awt.Color, shadowInner : java.awt.Color) : javax.swing.border.Border

def EtchedBorder : javax.swing.border.Border

def EtchedBorder(kind : Embossing) : javax.swing.border.Border

def EtchedBorder(kind : Embossing, highlight : java.awt.Color, shadow : java.awt.Color) : javax.swing.border.Border

def MatteBorder(top : Int, left : Int, bottom : Int, right : Int, color : java.awt.Color) : javax.swing.border.MatteBorder

def MatteBorder(top : Int, left : Int, bottom : Int, right : Int, icon : javax.swing.Icon) : javax.swing.border.MatteBorder

def CompoundBorder(outside : javax.swing.border.Border, inside : javax.swing.border.Border) : javax.swing.border.CompoundBorder

def TitledBorder(border : javax.swing.border.Border, title : java.lang.String) : javax.swing.border.TitledBorder