
object None

[source: scala/None.scala]

case object None
extends Option[Nothing]
This case object represents non-existent values.
Martin Odersky
1.0, 16/07/2003
Method Summary
override def canEqual (arg0 : Any) : Boolean
A method that should be called from every well-designed equals method that is open to be overridden in a subclass. See Programming in Scala, Chapter 28 for discussion and design.
def get : Nothing
get the value of this option. @requires that the option is nonEmpty.
def isEmpty : Boolean
True if the option is the None value, false otherwise.
override def productArity : Int
return k for a product A(x_1,...,x_k)
override def productElement (arg0 : Int) : Any
for a product A(x_1,...,x_k), returns x_(n+1) for 0 <= n < k
override def productPrefix : java.lang.String
By default the empty string. Implementations may override this method in order to prepend a string prefix to the result of the toString methods.
protected def readResolve : AnyRef
override final def toString : java.lang.String
Returns a string representation of the object.
Methods inherited from Option
isDefined, getOrElse, orNull, map, flatMap, filter, exists, foreach, partialMap, orElse, iterator, toList, toRight, toLeft
Methods inherited from Product
productIterator, productElements
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Method Details
def isEmpty : Boolean
True if the option is the None value, false otherwise.

def get : Nothing
get the value of this option. @requires that the option is nonEmpty.
Predef.NoSuchElementException - if the option is empty.

override final def toString : java.lang.String
Returns a string representation of the object.

The default representation is platform dependent.

a string representation of the object.

override def productPrefix : java.lang.String
By default the empty string. Implementations may override this method in order to prepend a string prefix to the result of the toString methods.

override def productArity : Int
return k for a product A(x_1,...,x_k)

override def productElement(arg0 : Int) : Any
for a product A(x_1,...,x_k), returns x_(n+1) for 0 <= n < k
n - the index of the element to return
IndexOutOfBoundsException -
The element n elements after the first element

override def canEqual(arg0 : Any) : Boolean
A method that should be called from every well-designed equals method that is open to be overridden in a subclass. See Programming in Scala, Chapter 28 for discussion and design.

protected def readResolve : AnyRef