
trait Transformed

[source: scala/collection/mutable/IndexedSeqView.scala]

trait Transformed[B]
extends IndexedSeqView[B, Coll] with Transformed[B]
Direct Known Subclasses:
IndexedSeqView.Sliced, IndexedSeqView.Filtered, IndexedSeqView.TakenWhile, IndexedSeqView.DroppedWhile, IndexedSeqView.Reversed

Values and Variables inherited from Transformed
Method Summary
abstract def update (idx : Int, elem : B) : Unit
Methods inherited from IndexedSeqView
newFiltered, newSliced, newDroppedWhile, newTakenWhile, newReversed, filter, init, drop, take, slice, dropWhile, takeWhile, span, splitAt, reverse
Methods inherited from IndexedSeqViewLike
newAppended, newMapped, newFlatMapped, newZipped, newZippedAll, newPatched, stringPrefix
Methods inherited from SeqViewLike
patch, padTo
Methods inherited from IterableViewLike
zip, zipWithIndex, zipAll
Methods inherited from TraversableViewLike
newBuilder, force, ++, ++, map, flatMap
Methods inherited from IndexedSeq
Methods inherited from IndexedSeqLike
thisCollection, toCollection, iterator, isEmpty, foreach, forall, exists, find, foldLeft, foldRight, reduceLeft, reduceRight, head, tail, last, takeRight, dropRight, sameElements, copyToArray, lengthCompare, segmentLength, indexWhere, lastIndexWhere, reverseIterator, startsWith, endsWith, view, view
Methods inherited from SeqLike
size, isDefinedAt, prefixLength, indexWhere, findIndexOf, indexOf, indexOf, lastIndexOf, lastIndexOf, lastIndexWhere, reverseMap, reversedElements, startsWith, indexOfSeq, indexOfSeq, lastIndexOfSeq, lastIndexOfSeq, contains, union, diff, intersect, removeDuplicates, updated, +:, :+, sortWith, sortWith, sortBy, toSeq, indices, hashCode, equals, toString, findLastIndexOf, equalsWith, containsSlice, projection
Methods inherited from IterableLike
elements, toIterable, toStream, canEqual, first, firstOption
Methods inherited from GenericTraversableTemplate
genericBuilder, unzip, flatten, transpose
Methods inherited from TraversableLike
repr, nonEmpty, hasDefiniteSize, filterNot, partialMap, remove, partition, groupBy, count, /:, :\, reduceLeftOption, reduceRightOption, sum, product, min, max, headOption, lastOption, copyToBuffer, copyToArray, toArray, toList, toIndexedSeq, toSet, mkString, mkString, mkString, addString, addString, addString, withFilter
Methods inherited from PartialFunction
orElse, andThen
Methods inherited from Function1
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, clone, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Methods inherited from Transformed
length (abstract), apply (abstract)
Method Details
abstract def update(idx : Int, elem : B) : Unit