
class WrappedArray

[source: scala/collection/mutable/WrappedArray.scala]

abstract class WrappedArray[T]
extends IndexedSeq[T] with ArrayLike[T, WrappedArray[T]]

A class representing Array[T]

Martin Odersky, Stephane Micheloud
Direct Known Subclasses:
WrappedArray.ofRef, WrappedArray.ofByte, WrappedArray.ofShort, WrappedArray.ofChar, WrappedArray.ofInt, WrappedArray.ofLong, WrappedArray.ofFloat, WrappedArray.ofDouble, WrappedArray.ofBoolean, WrappedArray.ofUnit

Method Summary
abstract def apply (index : Int) : T
The element at given index
abstract def array : Array[T]
The underlying array
abstract def elemManifest : ClassManifest[T]
The manifest of the element type
abstract def length : Int
The length of the array
protected[this] override def newBuilder : Builder[T, WrappedArray[T]]
Creates new builder for this collection ==> move to subclasses
override def stringPrefix : java.lang.String
Defines the prefix of this object's toString representation.
protected[this] override def thisCollection : WrappedArray[T]
protected[this] override def toCollection (repr : WrappedArray[T]) : WrappedArray[T]
abstract def update (index : Int, elem : T) : Unit
Update element at given index
Methods inherited from ArrayLike
deep, deepToString, deepMkString, deepMkString, deepEquals
Methods inherited from IndexedSeq
Methods inherited from IndexedSeqLike
view, view
Methods inherited from IndexedSeqLike
iterator, isEmpty, foreach, forall, exists, find, foldLeft, foldRight, reduceLeft, reduceRight, zip, zipWithIndex, slice, head, tail, last, init, take, drop, takeRight, dropRight, splitAt, takeWhile, dropWhile, span, sameElements, copyToArray, lengthCompare, segmentLength, indexWhere, lastIndexWhere, reverse, reverseIterator, startsWith, endsWith
Methods inherited from SeqLike
size, isDefinedAt, prefixLength, indexWhere, findIndexOf, indexOf, indexOf, lastIndexOf, lastIndexOf, lastIndexWhere, reverseMap, reversedElements, startsWith, indexOfSeq, indexOfSeq, lastIndexOfSeq, lastIndexOfSeq, contains, union, diff, intersect, removeDuplicates, patch, updated, +:, :+, padTo, sortWith, sortWith, sortBy, toSeq, indices, hashCode, equals, toString, findLastIndexOf, equalsWith, containsSlice, projection
Methods inherited from PartialFunction
orElse, andThen
Methods inherited from Function1
Methods inherited from IterableLike
elements, toIterable, zipAll, toStream, canEqual, first, firstOption
Methods inherited from GenericTraversableTemplate
genericBuilder, unzip, flatten, transpose
Methods inherited from TraversableLike
repr, nonEmpty, hasDefiniteSize, ++, ++, map, flatMap, filter, filterNot, partialMap, remove, partition, groupBy, count, /:, :\, reduceLeftOption, reduceRightOption, sum, product, min, max, headOption, lastOption, copyToBuffer, copyToArray, toArray, toList, toIndexedSeq, toSet, mkString, mkString, mkString, addString, addString, addString, withFilter
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, clone, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Method Details
protected[this] override def thisCollection : WrappedArray[T]

protected[this] override def toCollection(repr : WrappedArray[T]) : WrappedArray[T]

abstract def elemManifest : ClassManifest[T]
The manifest of the element type

abstract def length : Int
The length of the array

abstract def apply(index : Int) : T
The element at given index

abstract def update(index : Int, elem : T) : Unit
Update element at given index

abstract def array : Array[T]
The underlying array

override def stringPrefix : java.lang.String
Defines the prefix of this object's toString representation.

protected[this] override def newBuilder : Builder[T, WrappedArray[T]]
Creates new builder for this collection ==> move to subclasses