
trait ScalaNumericConversions

[source: scala/math/ScalaNumericConversions.scala]

trait ScalaNumericConversions
extends scala.math.ScalaNumber with AnyRef
Conversions which present a consistent conversion interface across all the numeric types.
Direct Known Subclasses:
BigDecimal, BigInt

Method Summary
def isValidByte : Boolean
def isValidChar : Boolean
def isValidInt : Boolean
def isValidShort : Boolean
def toByte : Byte
def toChar : Char
def toDouble : Double
def toFloat : Float
def toInt : Int
def toLong : Long
def toShort : Short
protected def unifiedPrimitiveEquals (x : Any) : Boolean
protected def unifiedPrimitiveHashcode : Int
Methods inherited from java.lang.Number
java.lang.Number.intValue (abstract), java.lang.Number.longValue (abstract), java.lang.Number.floatValue (abstract), java.lang.Number.doubleValue (abstract), java.lang.Number.byteValue, java.lang.Number.shortValue
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, toString, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Methods inherited from scala.math.ScalaNumber
scala.math.ScalaNumber.isWhole (abstract)
Method Details
def toChar : Char

def toByte : Byte

def toShort : Short

def toInt : Int

def toLong : Long

def toFloat : Float

def toDouble : Double

def isValidByte : Boolean

def isValidShort : Boolean

def isValidInt : Boolean

def isValidChar : Boolean

protected def unifiedPrimitiveHashcode : Int

protected def unifiedPrimitiveEquals(x : Any) : Boolean