
class GridBagPanel

[source: scala/swing/GridBagPanel.scala]

class GridBagPanel
extends Panel with LayoutContainer
A panel that arranges its children in a grid. Layout details can be given for each cell of the grid.
See Also
Value Summary
override lazy val peer : javax.swing.JPanel
The underlying Swing peer.
Values and Variables inherited from Wrapper
Values and Variables inherited from Component
initP, Mouse
Values and Variables inherited from Publisher
Values and Variables inherited from Reactor
Method Summary
protected def add (c : Component, l : Constraints) : Unit
Adds a component with the given constraints to the underlying layout manager and the component peer.
protected def areValid (c : Constraints) : (Boolean, java.lang.String)
Checks whether the given constraints are valid. Additionally returns an error string that is only fetched if the constraints aren't valid.
protected def constraintsFor (comp : Component) : Constraints
Obtains the constraints for the given component from the underlying Swing layout manager.
implicit def pair2Constraints (p : (Int, Int)) : Constraints
Convenient conversion from xy-coords given as pairs to grid bag constraints.
Methods inherited from LayoutContainer
Methods inherited from Wrapper
Methods inherited from Component
xLayoutAlignment, xLayoutAlignment_=, yLayoutAlignment, yLayoutAlignment_=, border, border_=, opaque, opaque_=, enabled, enabled_=, tooltip, tooltip_=, inputVerifier, inputVerifier_=, focusable, focusable_=, requestFocus, requestFocusInWindow, hasFocus, onFirstSubscribe, revalidate, paintComponent, paintBorder, paintChildren, paint, toString
Methods inherited from UIElement
self, foreground, foreground_=, background, background_=, minimumSize, minimumSize_=, maximumSize, maximumSize_=, preferredSize, preferredSize_=, preferredSize_=, font, font_=, locationOnScreen, location, bounds, size, size_=, size_=, locale, toolkit, cursor, cursor_=, visible, visible_=, showing, displayable, repaint, repaint, ignoreRepaint, ignoreRepaint_=, onLastUnsubscribe
Methods inherited from scala.swing.LazyPublisher
scala.swing.LazyPublisher.subscribe, scala.swing.LazyPublisher.unsubscribe
Methods inherited from Publisher
Methods inherited from Reactor
listenTo, deafTo
Methods inherited from Proxy
hashCode, equals
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, clone, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Class Summary
class Constraints (val peer : java.awt.GridBagConstraints) extends Proxy
The type of component constraints for this container.
Value Details
override lazy val peer : javax.swing.JPanel
The underlying Swing peer.

Method Details
implicit def pair2Constraints(p : (Int, Int)) : Constraints
Convenient conversion from xy-coords given as pairs to grid bag constraints.

protected def constraintsFor(comp : Component) : Constraints
Obtains the constraints for the given component from the underlying Swing layout manager.

protected def areValid(c : Constraints) : (Boolean, java.lang.String)
Checks whether the given constraints are valid. Additionally returns an error string that is only fetched if the constraints aren't valid.

protected def add(c : Component, l : Constraints) : Unit
Adds a component with the given constraints to the underlying layout manager and the component peer.