
class Table

[source: scala/swing/Table.scala]

class Table
extends Wrapper
Displays a matrix of items. To obtain a scrollable table or row and columns headers, wrap the table in a scroll pane.
See Also
Additional Constructor Summary
def this (rows : Int, columns : Int) : Table
def this (rowData : Array[Array[Any]], columnNames : Seq[Any]) : Table
Value Summary
protected val modelListener : javax.swing.event.TableModelListener
override lazy val peer : javax.swing.JTable
The underlying Swing peer.
Values and Variables inherited from Component
initP, Mouse
Values and Variables inherited from Publisher
Values and Variables inherited from Reactor
Method Summary
def apply (row : Int, column : Int) : Any
Get the current value of the given cell. The given cell coordinates are in view coordinates and thus not necessarily the same as for the model.
def autoResizeMode : Value
def autoResizeMode_= (x : Value) : Unit
protected def editor (row : Int, column : Int) : javax.swing.table.TableCellEditor
def gridColor : java.awt.Color
def gridColor_= (color : java.awt.Color) : Unit
def model : javax.swing.table.TableModel
def modelToViewColumn (idx : Int) : Int
def model_= (x : javax.swing.table.TableModel) : Unit
def preferredViewportSize_= (dim : java.awt.Dimension) : Unit
protected def rendererComponent (isSelected : Boolean, focused : Boolean, row : Int, column : Int) : Component
Supplies a renderer component for a given cell.
def rowCount : Int
def rowHeight : Int
def rowHeight_= (x : Int) : Unit
protected def scrollablePeer : javax.swing.JTable
def selectionBackground : java.awt.Color
def selectionBackground_= (c : java.awt.Color) : Unit
def selectionForeground : java.awt.Color
def selectionForeground_= (c : java.awt.Color) : Unit
def showGrid : Boolean
def showGrid_= (grid : Boolean) : Unit
def update (row : Int, column : Int, value : Any) : Unit
Change the value of the given cell.
def updateCell (row : Int, column : Int) : Unit
Visually update the given cell.
def viewToModelColumn (idx : Int) : Int
Methods inherited from Wrapper
preferredViewportSize, tracksViewportHeight, tracksViewportWidth, blockIncrement, unitIncrement
Methods inherited from Component
xLayoutAlignment, xLayoutAlignment_=, yLayoutAlignment, yLayoutAlignment_=, border, border_=, opaque, opaque_=, enabled, enabled_=, tooltip, tooltip_=, inputVerifier, inputVerifier_=, focusable, focusable_=, requestFocus, requestFocusInWindow, hasFocus, onFirstSubscribe, revalidate, paintComponent, paintBorder, paintChildren, paint, toString
Methods inherited from UIElement
self, foreground, foreground_=, background, background_=, minimumSize, minimumSize_=, maximumSize, maximumSize_=, preferredSize, preferredSize_=, preferredSize_=, font, font_=, locationOnScreen, location, bounds, size, size_=, size_=, locale, toolkit, cursor, cursor_=, visible, visible_=, showing, displayable, repaint, repaint, ignoreRepaint, ignoreRepaint_=, onLastUnsubscribe
Methods inherited from scala.swing.LazyPublisher
scala.swing.LazyPublisher.subscribe, scala.swing.LazyPublisher.unsubscribe
Methods inherited from Publisher
Methods inherited from Reactor
listenTo, deafTo
Methods inherited from Proxy
hashCode, equals
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, clone, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Object Summary
object selection extends Publisher
Additional Constructor Details
def this(rowData : Array[Array[Any]], columnNames : Seq[Any]) : Table

def this(rows : Int, columns : Int) : Table

Value Details
override lazy val peer : javax.swing.JTable
The underlying Swing peer.

protected val modelListener : javax.swing.event.TableModelListener

Method Details
protected def scrollablePeer : javax.swing.JTable

def rowHeight : Int

def rowHeight_=(x : Int) : Unit

def rowCount : Int

def model : javax.swing.table.TableModel

def model_=(x : javax.swing.table.TableModel) : Unit

def autoResizeMode : Value

def autoResizeMode_=(x : Value) : Unit

def showGrid : Boolean

def showGrid_=(grid : Boolean) : Unit

def gridColor : java.awt.Color

def gridColor_=(color : java.awt.Color) : Unit

def preferredViewportSize_=(dim : java.awt.Dimension) : Unit

protected def rendererComponent(isSelected : Boolean, focused : Boolean, row : Int, column : Int) : Component
Supplies a renderer component for a given cell.

protected def editor(row : Int, column : Int) : javax.swing.table.TableCellEditor

def apply(row : Int, column : Int) : Any
Get the current value of the given cell. The given cell coordinates are in view coordinates and thus not necessarily the same as for the model.

def viewToModelColumn(idx : Int) : Int

def modelToViewColumn(idx : Int) : Int

def update(row : Int, column : Int, value : Any) : Unit
Change the value of the given cell.

def updateCell(row : Int, column : Int) : Unit
Visually update the given cell.

def selectionForeground : java.awt.Color

def selectionForeground_=(c : java.awt.Color) : Unit

def selectionBackground : java.awt.Color

def selectionBackground_=(c : java.awt.Color) : Unit