
object MetaData

[source: scala/xml/MetaData.scala]

object MetaData
extends AnyRef
Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Burak Emir
Method Summary
def concatenate (attribs : MetaData, new_tail : MetaData) : MetaData
appends all attributes from new_tail to attribs, without attempting to detect or remove duplicates. The method guarantees that all attributes from attribs come before the attributes in new_tail, but does not guarantee to preserve the relative order of attribs. Duplicates can be removed with normalize.
def getUniversalKey (attrib : MetaData, scope : NamespaceBinding) : java.lang.String
returns key if md is unprefixed, pre+key is md is prefixed
def normalize (attribs : MetaData, scope : NamespaceBinding) : MetaData
returns normalized MetaData, with all duplicates removed and namespace prefixes resolved to namespace URIs via the given scope.
def update (attribs : MetaData, scope : NamespaceBinding, updates : MetaData) : MetaData
returns MetaData with attributes updated from given MetaData
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, toString, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Method Details

def concatenate(attribs : MetaData, new_tail : MetaData) : MetaData
appends all attributes from new_tail to attribs, without attempting to detect or remove duplicates. The method guarantees that all attributes from attribs come before the attributes in new_tail, but does not guarantee to preserve the relative order of attribs. Duplicates can be removed with normalize.

def normalize(attribs : MetaData, scope : NamespaceBinding) : MetaData
returns normalized MetaData, with all duplicates removed and namespace prefixes resolved to namespace URIs via the given scope.

def getUniversalKey(attrib : MetaData, scope : NamespaceBinding) : java.lang.String
returns key if md is unprefixed, pre+key is md is prefixed

def update(attribs : MetaData, scope : NamespaceBinding, updates : MetaData) : MetaData
returns MetaData with attributes updated from given MetaData