
class NodeBuffer

[source: scala/xml/NodeBuffer.scala]

class NodeBuffer
extends ArrayBuffer[Node]

This class acts as a Buffer for nodes. If it is used as a sequence of nodes Seq[Node], it must be ensured that no updates occur after that point, because scala.xml.Node is assumed to be immutable.

Despite this being a sequence, don't use it as key in a hashtable. Calling the hashcode function will result in a runtime error.

Burak Emir
Values and Variables inherited from ArrayBuffer
Values and Variables inherited from ResizableArray
array, size0
Method Summary
def &+ (o : Any) : NodeBuffer
Append given object to this buffer, returns reference on this NodeBuffer for convenience. Some rules apply: If o is null, it is ignored. If it is an Iterator or Iterable, its elements will be added. If o is a node, it is added as it is. If it is anything else, it gets wrapped in an Atom.
Methods inherited from ArrayBuffer
companion, clear, sizeHint, +=, ++=, +=:, ++=:, insertAll, remove, remove, clone, result, stringPrefix
Methods inherited from ResizableArray
length, apply, update, foreach, copyToArray, reduceToSize, ensureSize, swap, copy
Methods inherited from Builder
Methods inherited from IndexedSeqLike
thisCollection, toCollection, view, view
Methods inherited from IndexedSeqLike
iterator, isEmpty, forall, exists, find, foldLeft, foldRight, reduceLeft, reduceRight, zip, zipWithIndex, slice, head, tail, last, init, take, drop, takeRight, dropRight, splitAt, takeWhile, dropWhile, span, sameElements, lengthCompare, segmentLength, indexWhere, lastIndexWhere, reverse, reverseIterator, startsWith, endsWith
Methods inherited from BufferLike
+:, -=, ++:, ++=:, append, appendAll, prepend, prependAll, prependAll, insert, trimStart, trimEnd, <<, ++=, +, +, ++, ++, -, -, --, --, readOnly
Methods inherited from Shrinkable
-=, --=, --=
Methods inherited from Growable
+=, ++=
Methods inherited from SeqLike
size, isDefinedAt, prefixLength, indexWhere, findIndexOf, indexOf, indexOf, lastIndexOf, lastIndexOf, lastIndexWhere, reverseMap, reversedElements, startsWith, indexOfSeq, indexOfSeq, lastIndexOfSeq, lastIndexOfSeq, contains, union, diff, intersect, removeDuplicates, patch, updated, +:, :+, padTo, sortWith, sortWith, sortBy, toSeq, indices, hashCode, equals, toString, findLastIndexOf, equalsWith, containsSlice, projection
Methods inherited from PartialFunction
orElse, andThen
Methods inherited from Function1
Methods inherited from IterableLike
elements, toIterable, zipAll, toStream, canEqual, first, firstOption
Methods inherited from GenericTraversableTemplate
newBuilder, genericBuilder, unzip, flatten, transpose
Methods inherited from TraversableLike
repr, nonEmpty, hasDefiniteSize, ++, ++, map, flatMap, filter, filterNot, partialMap, remove, partition, groupBy, count, /:, :\, reduceLeftOption, reduceRightOption, sum, product, min, max, headOption, lastOption, copyToBuffer, copyToArray, toArray, toList, toIndexedSeq, toSet, mkString, mkString, mkString, addString, addString, addString, withFilter
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Method Details
def &+(o : Any) : NodeBuffer
Append given object to this buffer, returns reference on this NodeBuffer for convenience. Some rules apply: If o is null, it is ignored. If it is an Iterator or Iterable, its elements will be added. If o is a node, it is added as it is. If it is anything else, it gets wrapped in an Atom.
o - converts to an xml node and adds to this node buffer
this nodebuffer