
trait TraversableClass

[source: scala/collection/generic/TraversableClass.scala]

trait TraversableClass[+A, +CC]
extends AnyRef
Direct Known Subclasses:
Array, Iterable, LinearSequence, Sequence, Traversable, Vector, SetClass, Iterable, LinearSequence, List, Sequence, Stream, Traversable, Vector, ArrayBuffer, Buffer, Iterable, LinearSequence, LinkedList, ListBuffer, ResizableArray, Sequence, Traversable, Vector

Method Summary
abstract def companion : Companion[CC]
The factory companion object that builds instances of class CC
def flatten [B](implicit toTraversable : (A) => Traversable[B]) : CC[B]
abstract def foreach [U](f : (A) => U) : Unit
def genericBuilder [B] : Builder[B, CC[B]]
The generic builder that builds instances of CC at arbitrary element types.
abstract def head : A
abstract def isEmpty : Boolean
protected[this] def newBuilder : Builder[A, CC[A]]
The builder that builds instances of CC[A]
def transpose [B](implicit toTraversable : (A) => Traversable[B]) : CC[CC[B]]
def unzip [A1, A2](implicit toPair : (A) => (A1, A2)) : (CC[A1], CC[A2])
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, toString, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Method Details
abstract def foreach[U](f : (A) => U) : Unit

abstract def head : A

abstract def isEmpty : Boolean

abstract def companion : Companion[CC]
The factory companion object that builds instances of class CC

protected[this] def newBuilder : Builder[A, CC[A]]
The builder that builds instances of CC[A]

def genericBuilder[B] : Builder[B, CC[B]]
The generic builder that builds instances of CC at arbitrary element types.

def unzip[A1, A2](implicit toPair : (A) => (A1, A2)) : (CC[A1], CC[A2])

def flatten[B](implicit toTraversable : (A) => Traversable[B]) : CC[B]

def transpose[B](implicit toTraversable : (A) => Traversable[B]) : CC[CC[B]]