
class PasswordField

[source: scala/swing/PasswordField.scala]

class PasswordField(text0 : java.lang.String, columns0 : Int)
extends TextField
A password field, that displays a replacement character for each character in the password.
See Also
Additional Constructor Summary
def this : PasswordField
def this (text : java.lang.String) : PasswordField
def this (columns : Int) : PasswordField
Value Summary
override lazy val peer : javax.swing.JPasswordField
The underlying Swing peer.
Values and Variables inherited from Component
initP, Mouse
Values and Variables inherited from Publisher
Values and Variables inherited from Reactor
Method Summary
def echoChar : Char
def echoChar_= (c : Char) : Unit
def password : Array[Char]
override def text : java.lang.String
The text property should not be used on a password field for security reasons.
override def text_= (s : java.lang.String) : Unit
Methods inherited from TextField
columns, columns_=, onFirstSubscribe, onLastUnsubscribe, verifier, verifier_=, shouldYieldFocus, shouldYieldFocus_=
Methods inherited from TextComponent
editable, editable_=, cut, copy, selected, selectAll
Methods inherited from Component
xLayoutAlignment, xLayoutAlignment_=, yLayoutAlignment, yLayoutAlignment_=, border, border_=, opaque, opaque_=, enabled, enabled_=, tooltip, tooltip_=, inputVerifier, inputVerifier_=, focusable, focusable_=, requestFocus, requestFocusInWindow, hasFocus, revalidate, paintComponent, paint, toString
Methods inherited from UIElement
self, foreground, foreground_=, background, background_=, minimumSize, minimumSize_=, maximumSize, maximumSize_=, preferredSize, preferredSize_=, preferredSize_=, font, font_=, locationOnScreen, location, bounds, size, size_=, size_=, locale, toolkit, cursor, cursor_=, visible, visible_=, showing, displayable, repaint, repaint, ignoreRepaint, ignoreRepaint_=
Methods inherited from scala.swing.LazyPublisher
scala.swing.LazyPublisher.subscribe, scala.swing.LazyPublisher.unsubscribe
Methods inherited from Publisher
Methods inherited from Reactor
listenTo, deafTo
Methods inherited from Proxy
hashCode, equals
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, clone, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Additional Constructor Details
def this(text : java.lang.String) : PasswordField

def this(columns : Int) : PasswordField

def this : PasswordField

Value Details
override lazy val peer : javax.swing.JPasswordField
The underlying Swing peer.

Method Details
def echoChar : Char

def echoChar_=(c : Char) : Unit

override def text : java.lang.String
The text property should not be used on a password field for security reasons.

override def text_=(s : java.lang.String) : Unit

def password : Array[Char]