
trait RootPanel

[source: scala/swing/RootPanel.scala]

trait RootPanel
extends Container with AnyRef
The root of a component hierarchy. Contains at most one component.
See Also
Direct Known Subclasses:
Applet.UI, Window

Values and Variables inherited from Publisher
Values and Variables inherited from Reactor
Method Summary
def contents : Sequence[Component]
At most one component.
def contents_= (c : Component) : Unit
abstract def peer : java.awt.Component with javax.swing.RootPaneContainer
The underlying Swing peer.
Methods inherited from UIElement
self, foreground, foreground_=, background, background_=, minimumSize, minimumSize_=, maximumSize, maximumSize_=, preferredSize, preferredSize_=, preferredSize_=, font, font_=, locationOnScreen, location, bounds, size, size_=, size_=, locale, toolkit, cursor, cursor_=, visible, visible_=, showing, displayable, repaint, repaint, ignoreRepaint, ignoreRepaint_=, onFirstSubscribe, onLastUnsubscribe
Methods inherited from scala.swing.LazyPublisher
scala.swing.LazyPublisher.subscribe, scala.swing.LazyPublisher.unsubscribe
Methods inherited from Publisher
Methods inherited from Reactor
listenTo, deafTo
Methods inherited from Proxy
hashCode, equals, toString
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, clone, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Method Details
abstract def peer : java.awt.Component with javax.swing.RootPaneContainer
The underlying Swing peer.

def contents : Sequence[Component]
At most one component.

def contents_=(c : Component) : Unit