
class DottyUnpickler(bytes: Array[Byte], mode: UnpickleMode) extends Embedded with TreeProvider

A class for unpickling Tasty trees and symbols.

A class for unpickling Tasty trees and symbols.

Value Params

the bytearray containing the Tasty file from which we unpickle


the tasty file contains package (TopLevel), an expression (Term) or a type (TypeTree)

trait Embedded
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def enter(roots: Set[SymDenotation])(using Context): Unit

Enter all toplevel classes and objects into their scopes

Enter all toplevel classes and objects into their scopes

Value Params

a set of SymDenotations that should be overwritten by unpickling

override def mightContain(id: String)(using Context): Boolean
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

def rootTrees(using Context): List[Tree]

Get trees defined by this provider. Cache them if -Yretain-trees is set.

Get trees defined by this provider. Cache them if -Yretain-trees is set.

Inherited from
def tree(using Context): Tree

Get first tree defined by this provider, or EmptyTree if none exists

Get first tree defined by this provider, or EmptyTree if none exists

Inherited from

Concrete fields