
class CachedAnnotatedType(parent: Type, annot: Annotation) extends AnnotatedType
trait Product
trait Equals
trait ValueType
trait TermType
class TypeProxy
class Type
trait Showable
trait Hashable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

def &(that: Type)(using Context): Type
Inherited from
final def <:<(that: Type)(using Context): Boolean

Is this type a subtype of that type?

Is this type a subtype of that type?

Inherited from
final def =:=(that: Type)(using Context): Boolean

Is this type the same as that type? This is the case iff this <:< that and that <:< this.

Is this type the same as that type? This is the case iff this <:< that and that <:< this.

Inherited from

The set of abstract term members of this type.

The set of abstract term members of this type.

Inherited from

The set of abstract type members of this type.

The set of abstract type members of this type.

Inherited from

All members of this type. Warning: this can be expensive to compute!

All members of this type. Warning: this can be expensive to compute!

Inherited from
Inherited from
final def asSeenFrom(pre: Type, cls: Symbol)(using Context): Type

This type seen as if it were the type of a member of prefix type pre declared in class cls.

This type seen as if it were the type of a member of prefix type pre declared in class cls.

Inherited from
def atoms(using Context): Atoms

The singleton types that must or may be in this type. @see Atoms. Overridden and cached in OrType.

The singleton types that must or may be in this type. @see Atoms. Overridden and cached in OrType.

Inherited from

The base classes of this type as determined by ClassDenotation in linearization order, with the class itself as first element. Inherited by all type proxies. Overridden for And and Or types. Nil for all other types.

The base classes of this type as determined by ClassDenotation in linearization order, with the class itself as first element. Inherited by all type proxies. Overridden for And and Or types. Nil for all other types.

Inherited from
final def baseType(base: Symbol)(using Context): Type

The basetype of this type with given class symbol, NoType if base is not a class.

The basetype of this type with given class symbol, NoType if base is not a class.

Inherited from
final def bounds(using Context): TypeBounds

This type seen as a TypeBounds

This type seen as a TypeBounds

Inherited from
final def classSymbol(using Context): Symbol

The least class or trait of which this type is a subtype or parameterized instance, or NoSymbol if none exists (either because this type is not a value type, or because superclasses are ambiguous).

The least class or trait of which this type is a subtype or parameterized instance, or NoSymbol if none exists (either because this type is not a value type, or because superclasses are ambiguous).

Inherited from

The least (wrt <:<) set of class symbols of which this type is a subtype

The least (wrt <:<) set of class symbols of which this type is a subtype

Inherited from
override def computeHash(bs: Binders): Int
Definition Classes
Inherited from

The set of distinct symbols referred to by this type, after all aliases are expanded

The set of distinct symbols referred to by this type, after all aliases are expanded

Inherited from
final def dealias(using Context): Type

Follow aliases and dereferences LazyRefs, annotated types and instantiated TypeVars until type is no longer alias type, annotated type, LazyRef, or instantiated type variable.

Follow aliases and dereferences LazyRefs, annotated types and instantiated TypeVars until type is no longer alias type, annotated type, LazyRef, or instantiated type variable.

Inherited from
final def dealiasKeepAnnots(using Context): Type

Follow aliases and dereferences LazyRefs and instantiated TypeVars until type is no longer alias type, LazyRef, or instantiated type variable. Goes through annotated types and rewraps annotations on the result.

Follow aliases and dereferences LazyRefs and instantiated TypeVars until type is no longer alias type, LazyRef, or instantiated type variable. Goes through annotated types and rewraps annotations on the result.

Inherited from

Like dealiasKeepAnnots, but keeps only refining annotations

Like dealiasKeepAnnots, but keeps only refining annotations

Inherited from
final def decl(name: Name)(using Context): Denotation

A denotation containing the declaration(s) in this type with the given name. The result is either a SymDenotation or a MultiDenotation of SymDenotations. The info(s) are the original symbol infos, no translation takes place.

A denotation containing the declaration(s) in this type with the given name. The result is either a SymDenotation or a MultiDenotation of SymDenotations. The info(s) are the original symbol infos, no translation takes place.

Inherited from
final def decls(using Context): Scope

The scope of all declarations of this type. Defined by ClassInfo, inherited by type proxies. Empty scope for all other types.

The scope of all declarations of this type. Defined by ClassInfo, inherited by type proxies. Empty scope for all other types.

Inherited from
final def deconst(using Context): Type

Widen from constant type to its underlying non-constant base type.

Widen from constant type to its underlying non-constant base type.

Inherited from
def deepenProto(using Context): Type

If this is a prototype with some ignored component, reveal one more layer of it. Otherwise the type itself.

If this is a prototype with some ignored component, reveal one more layer of it. Otherwise the type itself.

Inherited from

If this is a prototype with some ignored component, reveal it, and deepen the result transitively. Otherwise the type itself.

If this is a prototype with some ignored component, reveal it, and deepen the result transitively. Otherwise the type itself.

Inherited from
Inherited from

Does this type have a supertype with an annotation satisfying given predicate p?

Does this type have a supertype with an annotation satisfying given predicate p?

Inherited from
final def derivesFrom(cls: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean

True if this type is an instance of the given cls or an instance of a non-bottom subclass of cls.

True if this type is an instance of the given cls or an instance of a non-bottom subclass of cls.

Inherited from
def dropAnnot(cls: Symbol)(using Context): Type

Drop annotation of given cls from this type

Drop annotation of given cls from this type

Inherited from

Dealias, and if result is a dependent function type, drop the apply refinement.

Dealias, and if result is a dependent function type, drop the apply refinement.

Inherited from

If this is a proto type, WildcardType, otherwise the type itself

If this is a proto type, WildcardType, otherwise the type itself

Inherited from
Inherited from
override def eql(that: Type): Boolean
Definition Classes
Inherited from
final def equals(that: Any, bs: BinderPairs): Boolean

Compare this == that, assuming corresponding binders in bs are equal. The normal equals should be equivalent to equals(that, null). We usually overrideequalswhen we overrideisoexcept if theequals` comes from a case class, so it already has the right definition anyway.

Compare this == that, assuming corresponding binders in bs are equal. The normal equals should be equivalent to equals(that, null). We usually overrideequalswhen we overrideisoexcept if theequals` comes from a case class, so it already has the right definition anyway.

Inherited from
final def exists: Boolean

Is this type different from NoType?

Is this type different from NoType?

Inherited from
final def existsPart(p: Type => Boolean, stopAtStatic: Boolean, forceLazy: Boolean)(using Context): Boolean

Returns true if there is a part of this type that satisfies predicate p.

Returns true if there is a part of this type that satisfies predicate p.

Inherited from
def fallbackToText(printer: Printer): Text

A fallback text representation, if the pattern matching in Printers does not have a case for this showable element

A fallback text representation, if the pattern matching in Printers does not have a case for this showable element

Inherited from
final def fields(using Context): Seq[SingleDenotation]
Inherited from

The final result type of a PolyType, MethodType, or ExprType, after skipping all parameter sections, the type itself for all others.

The final result type of a PolyType, MethodType, or ExprType, after skipping all parameter sections, the type itself for all others.

Inherited from
final def findDecl(name: Name, excluded: FlagSet)(using Context): Denotation

A denotation containing the declaration(s) in this type with the given name, as seen from prefix type pre. Declarations that have a flag in excluded are omitted.

A denotation containing the declaration(s) in this type with the given name, as seen from prefix type pre. Declarations that have a flag in excluded are omitted.

Inherited from
final def findMember(name: Name, pre: Type, required: FlagSet, excluded: FlagSet)(using Context): Denotation

Find member of this type with given name, all required flags and no excluded flag and produce a denotation that contains the type of the member as seen from given prefix pre.

Find member of this type with given name, all required flags and no excluded flag and produce a denotation that contains the type of the member as seen from given prefix pre.

Inherited from

The parameter names in the first parameter section of a generic type or MethodType, Empty list for others

The parameter names in the first parameter section of a generic type or MethodType, Empty list for others

Inherited from
final def firstParamTypes(using Context): List[Type]

The parameter types in the first parameter section of a generic type or MethodType, Empty list for others

The parameter types in the first parameter section of a generic type or MethodType, Empty list for others

Inherited from
def firstParent(using Context): Type

The first parent of this type, AnyRef if list of parents is empty

The first parent of this type, AnyRef if list of parents is empty

Inherited from
final def forallParts(p: Type => Boolean)(using Context): Boolean

Returns true if all parts of this type satisfy predicate p.

Returns true if all parts of this type satisfy predicate p.

Inherited from
final def foreachPart(p: Type => Unit, stopAtStatic: Boolean)(using Context): Unit

Performs operation on all parts of this type

Performs operation on all parts of this type

Inherited from
final def frozen_<:<(that: Type)(using Context): Boolean

Is this type a subtype of that type?

Is this type a subtype of that type?

Inherited from
final def frozen_=:=(that: Type)(using Context): Boolean
Inherited from
final def hasAnnotation(cls: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Boolean

Does the type carry an annotation that is an instance of cls?

Does the type carry an annotation that is an instance of cls?

Inherited from

Is this type of kind AnyKind?

Is this type of kind AnyKind?

Inherited from
final def hasClassSymbol(cls: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean

Same as this.classSymbols.contains(cls) but more efficient

Same as this.classSymbols.contains(cls) but more efficient

Inherited from
final def hash: Int
Inherited from
final override def hashCode: Int
Definition Classes
Inherited from
override def hashIsStable: Boolean
Definition Classes
Inherited from

The upper bound of a TypeBounds type, the type itself otherwise

The upper bound of a TypeBounds type, the type itself otherwise

Inherited from
Inherited from
final def implicitMembers(using Context): List[TermRef]

The set of implicit term members of this type

The set of implicit term members of this type

Value Params

A subset of {Implicit, Given} that specifies what kind of implicit should be returned

Inherited from
def isAny(using Context): Boolean
Inherited from
Inherited from
def isAnyRef(using Context): Boolean
Inherited from

True iff symd is a denotation of a class type parameter and the reference `

True iff symd is a denotation of a class type parameter and the reference `

 . ` is an actual argument reference, i.e. `pre` is not the
ThisType of `symd`'s owner, or a reference to `symd`'s owner.'
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from

Is this a Method or PolyType which has contextual parameters as first value parameter list?

Is this a Method or PolyType which has contextual parameters as first value parameter list?

Inherited from

Is this a higher-kinded type lambda with given parameter variances?

Is this a higher-kinded type lambda with given parameter variances?

Inherited from
def isDirectRef(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean

Is this type a (neither aliased nor applied nor annotated) reference to class sym?

Is this type a (neither aliased nor applied nor annotated) reference to class sym?

Inherited from

Is this a MethodType for which the parameters will not be used?

Is this a MethodType for which the parameters will not be used?

Inherited from

Is some part of the widened version of this type produced as a repair for an error?

Is some part of the widened version of this type produced as a repair for an error?

Inherited from
final def isError(using Context): Boolean

Is this type produced as a repair for an error?

Is this type produced as a repair for an error?

Inherited from

Is this type exactly Any (no vars, aliases, refinements etc allowed)?

Is this type exactly Any (no vars, aliases, refinements etc allowed)?

Inherited from

Is this type exactly Nothing (no vars, aliases, refinements etc allowed)?

Is this type exactly Nothing (no vars, aliases, refinements etc allowed)?

Inherited from

Is this type exactly Null (no vars, aliases, refinements etc allowed)?

Is this type exactly Null (no vars, aliases, refinements etc allowed)?

Inherited from
Inherited from
final def isGround(using Context): Boolean

Does this type not refer to TypeParamRefs or uninstantiated TypeVars?

Does this type not refer to TypeParamRefs or uninstantiated TypeVars?

Inherited from

Is this a Method or PolyType which has implicit or contextual parameters?

Is this a Method or PolyType which has implicit or contextual parameters?

Inherited from
def isMatch(using Context): Boolean

Is this a match type or a higher-kinded abstraction of one?

Is this a match type or a higher-kinded abstraction of one?

Inherited from

Same as hasClassSmbol(MatchableClass), except that we also follow the constraint bounds of type variables in the constraint.

Same as hasClassSmbol(MatchableClass), except that we also follow the constraint bounds of type variables in the constraint.

Inherited from
final def isNotNull(using Context): Boolean

Is this type guaranteed not to have null as a value?

Is this type guaranteed not to have null as a value?

Inherited from
final def isNothingType(using Context): Boolean

Is this (an alias of) the scala.Nothing type?

Is this (an alias of) the scala.Nothing type?

Inherited from
final def isNullType(using Context): Boolean

Is this (an alias of) the scala.Null type?

Is this (an alias of) the scala.Null type?

Inherited from

Is this the type of a method with a leading empty parameter list?

Is this the type of a method with a leading empty parameter list?

Inherited from
final def isParameterless(using Context): Boolean

Is this either not a method at all, or a parameterless method?

Is this either not a method at all, or a parameterless method?

Inherited from

Is this type still provisional? This is the case if the type contains, or depends on, uninstantiated type variables or type symbols that have the Provisional flag set. This is an antimonotonic property - once a type is not provisional, it stays so forever.

Is this type still provisional? This is the case if the type contains, or depends on, uninstantiated type variables or type symbols that have the Provisional flag set. This is an antimonotonic property - once a type is not provisional, it stays so forever.

Inherited from
def isRef(sym: Symbol, skipRefined: Boolean)(using Context): Boolean

Is this type a (possibly refined or applied or aliased) type reference to the given type symbol?

Is this type a (possibly refined or applied or aliased) type reference to the given type symbol?

Inherited from
Inherited from

Is this a type of a repeated parameter?

Is this a type of a repeated parameter?

Inherited from

Is this type a (possibly aliased) singleton type?

Is this type a (possibly aliased) singleton type?

Inherited from
final def isStable(using Context): Boolean

Does this type denote a stable reference (i.e. singleton type)?

Does this type denote a stable reference (i.e. singleton type)?

Like in isStableMember, "stability" means idempotence. Rationale: If an expression has a stable type, the expression must be idempotent, so stable types must be singleton types of stable expressions.

Inherited from
Inherited from
final def isTypeAlias: Boolean

Is this an alias TypeBounds?

Is this an alias TypeBounds?

Inherited from
def isValueSubType(that: Type)(using Context): Boolean

Is this type a primitive value type which can be widened to the primitive value type that?

Is this type a primitive value type which can be widened to the primitive value type that?

Inherited from
final def isValueType: Boolean

Is this type a value type?

Is this type a value type?

Inherited from

Is this a value type or a type lambda?

Is this a value type or a type lambda?

Inherited from

Is this a value type or a wildcard?

Is this a value type or a wildcard?

Inherited from

Is this the type of a method that has a repeated parameter type as last parameter type?

Is this the type of a method that has a repeated parameter type as last parameter type?

Inherited from
override def iso(that: Any, bs: BinderPairs): Boolean
Definition Classes
Inherited from

The lower bound of a TypeBounds type, the type itself otherwise

The lower bound of a TypeBounds type, the type itself otherwise

Inherited from
def lookupRefined(name: Name)(using Context): Type

If this normalizes* to a refinement type that has a refinement for name (which might be followed by other refinements), and the refined info is a type alias, return the alias, otherwise return NoType. Used to reduce types of the form

If this normalizes* to a refinement type that has a refinement for name (which might be followed by other refinements), and the refined info is a type alias, return the alias, otherwise return NoType. Used to reduce types of the form

P { ... type T = / += / -= U ... } # T

to just U. Does not perform the reduction if the resulting type would contain a reference to the "this" of the current refined type, except in the following situation

(1) The "this" reference can be avoided by following an alias. Example:

P { type T = String, type R = P{...}.T } # R  -->  String

(*) normalizes means: follow instantiated typevars and aliases.

Inherited from
def mapReduceAnd[T](f: Type => T)(g: (T, T) => T)(using Context): T

Map function f over elements of an AndType, rebuilding with function g

Map function f over elements of an AndType, rebuilding with function g

Inherited from
final def mapReduceOr[T](f: Type => T)(g: (T, T) => T)(using Context): T

Map function f over elements of an OrType, rebuilding with function g

Map function f over elements of an OrType, rebuilding with function g

Inherited from
def matches(that: Type)(using Context): Boolean

Is this type close enough to that type so that members with the two types would override each other? This means:

Is this type close enough to that type so that members with the two types would override each other? This means:

  • Either both types are polytypes with the same number of type parameters and their result types match after renaming corresponding type parameters
  • Or both types are method types with =:=-equivalent(*) parameter types and matching result types after renaming corresponding parameter types if the method types are dependent.
  • Or both types are =:=-equivalent
  • Or phase.erasedTypes is false, and neither type takes term or type parameters.

(*) when matching with a Java method, we also regard Any and Object as equivalent parameter types.

Under explicit nulls, this function will always use unsafe-nulls semamtics to check the types. This is because we are using a relaxed rule (ignoring Null types) to check overriding Java methods.

Inherited from
def matchesLoosely(that: Type)(using Context): Boolean

This is the same as matches except that it also matches => T with T and vice versa.

This is the same as matches except that it also matches => T with T and vice versa.

Inherited from
final def member(name: Name)(using Context): Denotation

The member of this type with the given name

The member of this type with the given name

Inherited from
final def memberBasedOnFlags(name: Name, required: FlagSet, excluded: FlagSet)(using Context): Denotation

The member with given name and required and/or excluded flags

The member with given name and required and/or excluded flags

Inherited from

The set of member classes of this type

The set of member classes of this type

Inherited from
Inherited from
final def memberInfo(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Type

The info of sym, seen as a member of this type.

The info of sym, seen as a member of this type.

Inherited from
final def memberNames(keepOnly: NameFilter, pre: Type)(using Context): Set[Name]

The set of names of members of this type that pass the given name filter when seen as members of pre. More precisely, these are all of members name such that keepOnly(pre, name) is true.

The set of names of members of this type that pass the given name filter when seen as members of pre. More precisely, these are all of members name such that keepOnly(pre, name) is true.

Inherited from
final def membersBasedOnFlags(required: FlagSet, excluded: FlagSet)(using Context): Seq[SingleDenotation]

The set of members of this type that have all of required flags but none of excluded flags set.

The set of members of this type that have all of required flags but none of excluded flags set.

Inherited from

The parts of this type which are type or term refs and which satisfy predicate p.

The parts of this type which are type or term refs and which satisfy predicate p.

Value Params

The predicate to satisfy

Inherited from
def narrow(using Context): TermRef

A prefix-less refined this or a termRef to a new skolem symbol that has the given type as info.

A prefix-less refined this or a termRef to a new skolem symbol that has the given type as info.

Inherited from

The set of abstract type members of this type.

The set of abstract type members of this type.

Inherited from
final def nonPrivateDecl(name: Name)(using Context): Denotation

A denotation containing the non-private declaration(s) in this type with the given name

A denotation containing the non-private declaration(s) in this type with the given name

Inherited from
final def nonPrivateMember(name: Name)(using Context): Denotation

The non-private member of this type with the given name.

The non-private member of this type with the given name.

Inherited from
final def normalized(using Context): Type

The result of normalization using tryNormalize, or the type itself if tryNormlize yields NoType

The result of normalization using tryNormalize, or the type itself if tryNormlize yields NoType

Inherited from
final def normalizedPrefix(using Context): Type

The normalized prefix of this type is: For an alias type, the normalized prefix of its alias For all other named type and class infos: the prefix. Inherited by all other type proxies. NoType for all other types.

The normalized prefix of this type is: For an alias type, the normalized prefix of its alias For all other named type and class infos: the prefix. Inherited by all other type proxies. NoType for all other types.

Inherited from
def occursIn(that: Type)(using Context): Boolean

Does this type occur as a part of type that?

Does this type occur as a part of type that?

Inherited from
inline def orElse(inline that: Type): Type

This type, if it exists, otherwise that type

This type, if it exists, otherwise that type

Inherited from
final def overrides(that: Type, matchLoosely: => Boolean, checkClassInfo: Boolean)(using Context): Boolean

Is this type a legal type for member sym1 that overrides another member sym2 of type that? This is the same as <:<, except that

Is this type a legal type for member sym1 that overrides another member sym2 of type that? This is the same as <:<, except that

Value Params

if true we check that ClassInfos are within bounds of abstract types


if true the types => T and ()T are seen as overriding each other.

Inherited from
final def paramInfoss(using Context): List[List[Type]]

The parameter types of a PolyType or MethodType, Empty list for others

The parameter types of a PolyType or MethodType, Empty list for others

Inherited from
final def paramNamess(using Context): List[List[TermName]]

The parameter names of a PolyType or MethodType, Empty list for others

The parameter names of a PolyType or MethodType, Empty list for others

Inherited from
final def parentSymbols(include: Symbol => Boolean)(using Context): List[Symbol]

The least (wrt <:<) set of symbols satisfying the include predicate of which this type is a subtype

The least (wrt <:<) set of symbols satisfying the include predicate of which this type is a subtype

Inherited from
def parents(using Context): List[Type]

The full parent types, including all type arguments

The full parent types, including all type arguments

Inherited from

Returns the set of methods that are abstract and do not overlap with any of java.lang.Object methods.

Returns the set of methods that are abstract and do not overlap with any of java.lang.Object methods.

Conceptually, a SAM (functional interface) has exactly one abstract method. If an interface declares an abstract method overriding one of the public methods of java.lang.Object, that also does not count toward the interface's abstract method count.


the set of methods that are abstract and do not match any of java.lang.Object

See also
Inherited from
Inherited from
def recoverable_&(that: Type)(using Context): Type

this & that, but handle CyclicReferences by falling back to safe_&.

this & that, but handle CyclicReferences by falling back to safe_&.

Inherited from
def relaxed_<:<(that: Type)(using Context): Boolean
Inherited from

If this is a repeated type, its element type, otherwise the type itself

If this is a repeated type, its element type, otherwise the type itself

Inherited from
def resultType(using Context): Type

The resultType of a LambdaType, or ExprType, the type itself for others

The resultType of a LambdaType, or ExprType, the type itself for others

Inherited from

If this is an ignored proto type, its underlying type, otherwise the type itself

If this is an ignored proto type, its underlying type, otherwise the type itself

Inherited from
def rewrapAnnots(tp: Type)(using Context): Type
Inherited from
def safe_&(that: Type)(using Context): Type

Safer version of &.

Safer version of &.

This version does not simplify the bounds of the intersection of two TypeBounds. The simplification done by & requires subtyping checks which may end up calling & again, in most cases this should be safe but because of F-bounded types, this can result in an infinite loop (which will be masked unless -Yno-deep-subtypes is enabled). pos/i536 demonstrates that the infinite loop can also involve lower bounds.

Inherited from
def select(name: TermName, sig: Signature, target: Name)(using Context): TermRef
Inherited from
def select(name: TermName)(using Context): TermRef
Inherited from
def select(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Type

The type <this . sym>, reduced if possible

The type <this . sym>, reduced if possible

Inherited from
def select(name: Name, denot: Denotation)(using Context): Type

The type <this . name> with given denotation, reduced if possible.

The type <this . name> with given denotation, reduced if possible.

Inherited from
def select(name: Name)(using Context): Type

The type <this . name> , reduced if possible

The type <this . name> , reduced if possible

Inherited from
def show(using Context): String

The string representation of this showable element.

The string representation of this showable element.

Inherited from
def showIndented(margin: Int)(using Context): String

The string representation with each line after the first one indented by the given given margin (in spaces).

The string representation with each line after the first one indented by the given given margin (in spaces).

Inherited from
def showSummary(depth: Int)(using Context): String

The summarized string representation of this showable element. Recursion depth is limited to some smallish value. Default is Config.summarizeDepth.

The summarized string representation of this showable element. Recursion depth is limited to some smallish value. Default is Config.summarizeDepth.

Inherited from

Utility method to show the underlying type of a TypeProxy chain together with the proxy type itself.

Utility method to show the underlying type of a TypeProxy chain together with the proxy type itself.

Inherited from

The signature of this type. This is by default NotAMethod, but is overridden for PolyTypes, MethodTypes, and TermRef types. (the reason why we deviate from the "final-method-with-pattern-match-in-base-class" pattern is that method signatures use caching, so encapsulation is improved using an OO scheme).

The signature of this type. This is by default NotAMethod, but is overridden for PolyTypes, MethodTypes, and TermRef types. (the reason why we deviate from the "final-method-with-pattern-match-in-base-class" pattern is that method signatures use caching, so encapsulation is improved using an OO scheme).

Inherited from
def simplified(using Context): Type

A simplified version of this type which is equivalent wrt =:= to this type. This applies a typemap to the type which (as all typemaps) follows type variable instances and reduces typerefs over refined types. It also re-evaluates all occurrences of And/OrType with &/| because what was a union or intersection of type variables might be a simpler type after the type variables are instantiated. Finally, it maps poly params in the current constraint set back to their type vars.

A simplified version of this type which is equivalent wrt =:= to this type. This applies a typemap to the type which (as all typemaps) follows type variable instances and reduces typerefs over refined types. It also re-evaluates all occurrences of And/OrType with &/| because what was a union or intersection of type variables might be a simpler type after the type variables are instantiated. Finally, it maps poly params in the current constraint set back to their type vars.

NOTE: Simplifying an intersection type might change its erasure (for example, the Java erasure of Object & Serializable is Object, but its simplification is Serializable). This means that simplification should never be used in a MethodicType, because that could lead to a different signature. Since this isn't very useful anyway, this method handles this by never simplifying inside a MethodicType.

Inherited from
override def stripAnnots(using Context): Type
Definition Classes
Inherited from

Strip LazyRef wrappers

Strip LazyRef wrappers

Inherited from
def stripPoly(using Context): Type

Strip PolyType prefixes

Strip PolyType prefixes

Inherited from
override def stripTypeVar(using Context): Type
Definition Classes
Inherited from
override def stripped(using Context): Type
Definition Classes
Inherited from
final def subst(from: BindingType, to: BindingType)(using Context): Type

Substitute all types of the form TypeParamRef(from, N) by TypeParamRef(to, N).

Substitute all types of the form TypeParamRef(from, N) by TypeParamRef(to, N).

Inherited from
final def subst(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Type])(using Context): Type

Substitute all types that refer in their symbol attribute to one of the symbols in from by the corresponding types in to.

Substitute all types that refer in their symbol attribute to one of the symbols in from by the corresponding types in to.

Inherited from
final def substApprox(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Type])(using Context): Type

Substitute all occurrences of symbols in from by corresponding types in to. Unlike for subst, the to types can be type bounds. A TypeBounds target will be replaced by range that gets absorbed in an approximating type map.

Substitute all occurrences of symbols in from by corresponding types in to. Unlike for subst, the to types can be type bounds. A TypeBounds target will be replaced by range that gets absorbed in an approximating type map.

Inherited from
final def substParam(from: ParamRef, to: Type)(using Context): Type

Substitute a bound type by some other type

Substitute a bound type by some other type

Inherited from
final def substParams(from: BindingType, to: List[Type])(using Context): Type

Substitute bound types by some other types

Substitute bound types by some other types

Inherited from
final def substRecThis(binder: RecType, tp: Type)(using Context): Type

Substitute all occurrences of RecThis(binder) by tp

Substitute all occurrences of RecThis(binder) by tp

Inherited from
final def substSym(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol])(using Context): Type

Substitute all occurrences of symbols in from by references to corresponding symbols in to

Substitute all occurrences of symbols in from by references to corresponding symbols in to

Inherited from
final def substThis(cls: ClassSymbol, tp: Type)(using Context): Type

Substitute all occurrences of This(cls) by tp

Substitute all occurrences of This(cls) by tp

Inherited from
final def substThisUnlessStatic(cls: ClassSymbol, tp: Type)(using Context): Type

As substThis, but only is class is a static owner (i.e. a globally accessible object)

As substThis, but only is class is a static owner (i.e. a globally accessible object)

Inherited from
def superType(using Context): Type

The closest supertype of this type. This is the same as underlying, except that

The closest supertype of this type. This is the same as underlying, except that

  • instead of a TyperBounds type it returns its upper bound, and
  • for applied types it returns the upper bound of the constructor re-applied to the arguments.
Inherited from
final def termSymbol(using Context): Symbol

The term symbol associated with the type

The term symbol associated with the type

Inherited from
def toFunctionType(isJava: Boolean, dropLast: Int)(using Context): Type

Turn type into a function type.

Turn type into a function type.

Value Params

The number of trailing parameters that should be dropped when forming the function type.

Inherited from
def toText(printer: Printer): Text

Convert to text

Convert to text

Inherited from

Same as superType, except that opaque types are treated as transparent aliases

Same as superType, except that opaque types are treated as transparent aliases

Inherited from

If this type can be normalized at the top-level by rewriting match types of S[n] types, the result after applying all toplevel normalizations, otherwise NoType

If this type can be normalized at the top-level by rewriting match types of S[n] types, the result after applying all toplevel normalizations, otherwise NoType

Inherited from

The set of type alias members of this type

The set of type alias members of this type

Inherited from
final def typeConstructor(using Context): Type

The type constructor of an applied type, otherwise the type itself

The type constructor of an applied type, otherwise the type itself

Inherited from
final def typeHash(bs: Binders, tp: Type): Int
Inherited from

The set of type members of this type

The set of type members of this type

Inherited from

The type parameter with given name. This tries first decls in order not to provoke a cycle by forcing the info. If that yields no symbol it tries member as an alternative.

The type parameter with given name. This tries first decls in order not to provoke a cycle by forcing the info. If that yields no symbol it tries member as an alternative.

Inherited from
def typeSize(using Context): Int

The number of applications and refinements in this type, after all aliases are expanded

The number of applications and refinements in this type, after all aliases are expanded

Inherited from
final def typeSymbol(using Context): Symbol

The type symbol associated with the type

The type symbol associated with the type

Inherited from
override def underlying(using Context): Type
Definition Classes
Inherited from
def underlyingClassRef(refinementOK: Boolean)(using Context): Type

If this is a (possibly aliased, annotated, and/or parameterized) reference to a class, the class type ref, otherwise NoType.

If this is a (possibly aliased, annotated, and/or parameterized) reference to a class, the class type ref, otherwise NoType.

Value Params

If true we also skip refinements.

Inherited from

Useful for diagnostics: The underlying type if this type is a type proxy, otherwise NoType

Useful for diagnostics: The underlying type if this type is a type proxy, otherwise NoType

Inherited from

The iterator of underlying types as long as type is a TypeProxy. Useful for diagnostics

The iterator of underlying types as long as type is a TypeProxy. Useful for diagnostics

Inherited from

Is this type unusable for implicit search or overloading resolution since it has embedded errors that can match anything? This is weaker and more ad-hoc than isErroneous. The main differences are that we always consider aliases (since these are relevant for inference or resolution) but never consider prefixes (since these often do not constrain the search space anyway).

Is this type unusable for implicit search or overloading resolution since it has embedded errors that can match anything? This is weaker and more ad-hoc than isErroneous. The main differences are that we always consider aliases (since these are relevant for inference or resolution) but never consider prefixes (since these often do not constrain the search space anyway).

Inherited from
final def widen(using Context): Type

Widen from singleton type to its underlying non-singleton base type by applying one or more underlying dereferences, Also go from => T to T. Identity for all other types. Example:

Widen from singleton type to its underlying non-singleton base type by applying one or more underlying dereferences, Also go from => T to T. Identity for all other types. Example:

class Outer { class C ; val x: C } def o: Outer <o.x.type>.widen = o.C

Inherited from
final def widenDealias(using Context): Type

Perform successive widenings and dealiasings until none can be applied anymore

Perform successive widenings and dealiasings until none can be applied anymore

Inherited from

Perform successive widenings and dealiasings while rewrapping annotations, until none can be applied anymore

Perform successive widenings and dealiasings while rewrapping annotations, until none can be applied anymore

Inherited from

Perform successive widenings and dealiasings while rewrapping refining annotations, until none can be applied anymore

Perform successive widenings and dealiasings while rewrapping refining annotations, until none can be applied anymore

Inherited from
final def widenExpr: Type

Widen from ExprType type to its result type. (Note: no stripTypeVar needed because TypeVar's can't refer to ExprTypes.)

Widen from ExprType type to its result type. (Note: no stripTypeVar needed because TypeVar's can't refer to ExprTypes.)

Inherited from
final def widenIfUnstable(using Context): Type

Widen type if it is unstable (i.e. an ExprType, or TermRef to unstable symbol

Widen type if it is unstable (i.e. an ExprType, or TermRef to unstable symbol

Inherited from
final def widenSingleton(using Context): Type

Widen from singleton type to its underlying non-singleton base type by applying one or more underlying dereferences.

Widen from singleton type to its underlying non-singleton base type by applying one or more underlying dereferences.

Inherited from

Widen all top-level singletons reachable by dealiasing and going to the operands of & and |. Overridden and cached in OrType.

Widen all top-level singletons reachable by dealiasing and going to the operands of & and |. Overridden and cached in OrType.

Inherited from
final def widenSkolem(using Context): Type

If this is a skolem, its underlying type, otherwise the type itself

If this is a skolem, its underlying type, otherwise the type itself

Inherited from
final def widenTermRefExpr(using Context): Type

Widen from TermRef to its underlying non-termref base type, while also skipping Expr types.

Widen from TermRef to its underlying non-termref base type, while also skipping Expr types.

Inherited from
def widenUnion(using Context): Type

Widen this type and if the result contains embedded soft union types, replace them by their joins. "Embedded" means: inside type lambdas, intersections or recursive types, in prefixes of refined types, or in hard union types. If an embedded soft union is found, we first try to simplify or eliminate it by re-lubbing it while allowing type parameters to be constrained further. Any remaining union types are replaced by their joins.

Widen this type and if the result contains embedded soft union types, replace them by their joins. "Embedded" means: inside type lambdas, intersections or recursive types, in prefixes of refined types, or in hard union types. If an embedded soft union is found, we first try to simplify or eliminate it by re-lubbing it while allowing type parameters to be constrained further. Any remaining union types are replaced by their joins.

For instance, if A is an unconstrained type variable, then

  ArrayBuffer[Int] | ArrayBuffer[A]

is approximated by constraining A to be =:= to Int and returning ArrayBuffer[Int] instead of ArrayBuffer[? >: Int | A <: Int & A]

Exception (if -YexplicitNulls is set): if this type is a nullable union (i.e. of the form T | Null), then the top-level union isn't widened. This is needed so that type inference can infer nullable types.

Inherited from
Inherited from
def |(that: Type)(using Context): Type
Inherited from

Inherited fields

protected var myHash: Int
Inherited from