
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def pickleQuote(tree: Tree)(using Context): List[String]

Pickle the tree of the quote into strings

Pickle the tree of the quote into strings

def quotedExprToTree[T](expr: Expr[T])(using Context): Tree

Transform the expression into its fully spliced Tree

Transform the expression into its fully spliced Tree

def quotedTypeToTree(tpe: Type[_ <: AnyKind])(using Context): Tree

Transform the expression into its fully spliced TypeTree

Transform the expression into its fully spliced TypeTree

def unpickleTerm(pickled: String | List[String], typeHole: (Int, Seq[Any]) => Type[_ <: AnyKind], termHole: (Int, Seq[Any], Quotes) => Expr[_])(using Context): Tree

Unpickle the tree contained in the TastyExpr

Unpickle the tree contained in the TastyExpr

def unpickleTypeTree(pickled: String | List[String], typeHole: (Int, Seq[Any]) => Type[_ <: AnyKind], termHole: (Int, Seq[Any], Quotes) => Expr[_])(using Context): Tree

Unpickle the tree contained in the TastyType

Unpickle the tree contained in the TastyType