case class VirtualDirectoryClassPath(dir: VirtualDirectory) extends ClassPath with DirectoryLookup[ClassFileEntryImpl]
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait DirectoryLookup[ClassFileEntryImpl]
trait EfficientClassPath
trait ClassPath
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Type members
Value members
Concrete methods
Inherited methods
The whole classpath in the form of one String.
The whole classpath in the form of one String.
- Inherited from:
- ClassPath
override def list(inPackage: PackageName, onPackageEntry: PackageEntry => Unit, onClassesAndSources: ClassRepresentation => Unit): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Inherited from:
- DirectoryLookup
Deprecated and Inherited methods
@deprecated("use asClassPathString instead of this one", "2.11.5")
- Deprecated
- Inherited from:
- ClassPath