
A type comparer that can record traces of subtype operations

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited classlikes

class LevelAvoidMap(topLevelVariance: Int, maxLevel: Int)(using x$3: Context) extends AvoidMap

An approximating map that prevents types nested deeper than maxLevel as well as WildcardTypes from leaking into the constraint.

An approximating map that prevents types nested deeper than maxLevel as well as WildcardTypes from leaking into the constraint.

Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

override def addConstraint(param: TypeParamRef, bound: Type, fromBelow: Boolean)(using Context): Boolean

Add constraint param <: bound if fromBelow is false, param >: bound otherwise. bound is assumed to be in normalized form, as specified in firstTry and secondTry of TypeComparer. In particular, it should not be an alias type, lazy ref, typevar, wildcard type, error type. In addition, upper bounds may not be AndTypes and lower bounds may not be OrTypes. This is assured by the way isSubType is organized.

Add constraint param <: bound if fromBelow is false, param >: bound otherwise. bound is assumed to be in normalized form, as specified in firstTry and secondTry of TypeComparer. In particular, it should not be an alias type, lazy ref, typevar, wildcard type, error type. In addition, upper bounds may not be AndTypes and lower bounds may not be OrTypes. This is assured by the way isSubType is organized.

Definition Classes
override def glb(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Type

The greatest lower bound of two types

The greatest lower bound of two types

Definition Classes
override def hasMatchingMember(name: Name, tp1: Type, tp2: RefinedType): Boolean

Does type tp1 have a member with name name whose normalized type is a subtype of the normalized type of the refinement of tp2? Normalization is as follows: If tp2 contains a skolem to its refinement type, rebase both itself and the member info of tp on a freshly created skolem type.

Does type tp1 have a member with name name whose normalized type is a subtype of the normalized type of the refinement of tp2? Normalization is as follows: If tp2 contains a skolem to its refinement type, rebase both itself and the member info of tp on a freshly created skolem type.

Definition Classes
def lastTrace(header: String): String
override def lub(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, canConstrain: Boolean, isSoft: Boolean): Type

The least upper bound of two types

The least upper bound of two types

Value parameters:

If true, new constraints might be added to simplify the lub.


If the lub is a union, this determines whether it's a soft union.


We do not admit singleton types in or-types as lubs.

Definition Classes
override def recur(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean

The inner loop of the isSubType comparison. Recursive calls from recur should go to recur directly if the two types compared in the callee are essentially the same as the types compared in the caller. "The same" means: represent essentially the same sets of values. recur should not be used to compare components of types. In this case one should use isSubType(_, _). recur should also not be used to compare approximated versions of the original types (as when we go from an abstract type to one of its bounds). In that case one should use isSubType(_, _, a) where a defines the kind of approximation.

The inner loop of the isSubType comparison. Recursive calls from recur should go to recur directly if the two types compared in the callee are essentially the same as the types compared in the caller. "The same" means: represent essentially the same sets of values. recur should not be used to compare components of types. In this case one should use isSubType(_, _). recur should also not be used to compare approximated versions of the original types (as when we go from an abstract type to one of its bounds). In that case one should use isSubType(_, _, a) where a defines the kind of approximation.

Note: Logically, recur could be nested in isSubType, which would avoid the instance state consisting approx and leftRoot. But then the implemented code would have two extra parameters for each of the many calls that go from one sub-part of isSubType to another.

Definition Classes
override def traceIndented[T](str: String)(op: => T): T

A hook for showing subtype traces. Overridden in ExplainingTypeComparer

A hook for showing subtype traces. Overridden in ExplainingTypeComparer

Definition Classes

Inherited methods

protected def addBoundTransitively(param: TypeParamRef, rawBound: Type, isUpper: Boolean)(using Context): Boolean
Inherited from:
protected def addLess(p1: TypeParamRef, p2: TypeParamRef)(using Context): Boolean
Inherited from:
protected def addOneBound(param: TypeParamRef, rawBound: Type, isUpper: Boolean)(using Context): Boolean
Inherited from:

Add type lambda tl, possibly with type variables tvars, to current constraint and propagate all bounds.

Add type lambda tl, possibly with type variables tvars, to current constraint and propagate all bounds.

Value parameters:

See Constraint#add

Inherited from:
final def andType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, isErased: Boolean): Type

Form a normalized conjunction of two types. Note: For certain types, & is distributed inside the type. This holds for all types which are not value types (e.g. TypeBounds, ClassInfo, ExprType, LambdaType). Also, when forming an &, instantiated TypeVars are dereferenced and annotations are stripped. Finally, refined types with the same refined name are opportunistically merged.

Form a normalized conjunction of two types. Note: For certain types, & is distributed inside the type. This holds for all types which are not value types (e.g. TypeBounds, ClassInfo, ExprType, LambdaType). Also, when forming an &, instantiated TypeVars are dereferenced and annotations are stripped. Finally, refined types with the same refined name are opportunistically merged.

Inherited from:
final def approximation(param: TypeParamRef, fromBelow: Boolean)(using Context): Type

Solve constraint set for given type parameter param. If fromBelow is true the parameter is approximated by its lower bound, otherwise it is approximated by its upper bound, unless the upper bound contains a reference to the parameter itself (such occurrences can arise for F-bounded types, addOneBound ensures that they never occur in the lower bound). Wildcard types in bounds are approximated by their upper or lower bounds. The constraint is left unchanged.

Solve constraint set for given type parameter param. If fromBelow is true the parameter is approximated by its lower bound, otherwise it is approximated by its upper bound, unless the upper bound contains a reference to the parameter itself (such occurrences can arise for F-bounded types, addOneBound ensures that they never occur in the lower bound). Wildcard types in bounds are approximated by their upper or lower bounds. The constraint is left unchanged.


the instantiating type

Inherited from:
final def assumedTrue(param: TypeParamRef)(using Context): Boolean

Is param assumed to be a sub- and super-type of any other type? This holds if TypeVarsMissContext is set unless param is a part of a MatchType that is currently normalized.

Is param assumed to be a sub- and super-type of any other type? This holds if TypeVarsMissContext is set unless param is a part of a MatchType that is currently normalized.

Inherited from:
def atLevel(maxLevel: Int, param: TypeParamRef)(using Context): TypeParamRef

If param is nested deeper than maxLevel, try to instantiate it to a fresh type variable of level maxLevel and return the new variable. If this isn't possible, throw a TypeError.

If param is nested deeper than maxLevel, try to instantiate it to a fresh type variable of level maxLevel and return the new variable. If this isn't possible, throw a TypeError.

Inherited from:

The current bounds of type parameter param

The current bounds of type parameter param

Inherited from:
final def canConstrain(param: TypeParamRef): Boolean

Can param be constrained with new bounds?

Can param be constrained with new bounds?

Inherited from:
def checkPropagated(msg: => String)(result: Boolean)(using Context): Boolean

Check that constraint is fully propagated. See comment in Config.checkConstraintsPropagated

Check that constraint is fully propagated. See comment in Config.checkConstraintsPropagated

Inherited from:
override def checkReset(): Unit
Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def compareAtoms(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, knownSingletons: Boolean): Option[Boolean]

If both tp1 and tp2 have atoms information, compare the atoms in a Some, otherwise None.

If both tp1 and tp2 have atoms information, compare the atoms in a Some, otherwise None.

Value parameters:

If true, we are coming from a comparison of two singleton types This influences the comparison as shown below: Say you have singleton types p.type and q.type the atoms of p.type are {p.type}..{p.type}, and the atoms of q.type are {}..{p.type}. Normally the atom comparison between p's atoms and q's atoms gives false. But in this case we know that q.type is an alias of p.type so we are still allowed to conclude that p.type <:< q.type. A situation where this happens is in i6635.scala. Here, p: A, q: B & p.type and we want to conclude that p.type <: q.type.

Inherited from:

Optionally, the constant c such that tp <:< ConstantType(c)

Optionally, the constant c such that tp <:< ConstantType(c)

Inherited from:
Inherited from:
def constrainPatternType(pat: Type, scrut: Type, forceInvariantRefinement: Boolean): Boolean

Derive type and GADT constraints that necessarily follow from a pattern with the given type matching a scrutinee of the given type.

Derive type and GADT constraints that necessarily follow from a pattern with the given type matching a scrutinee of the given type.

This function breaks down scrutinee and pattern types into subcomponents between which there must be a subtyping relationship, and derives constraints from those relationships. We have the following situation in case of a (dynamic) pattern match:

 StaticScrutineeType           PatternType
                   \            /

In simple cases, it must hold that PatternType <: StaticScrutineeType:

            |         \
            |          PatternType
            |         /

A good example of a situation where the above must hold is when static scrutinee type is the root of an enum, and the pattern is an unapply of a case class, or a case object literal (of that enum).

In slightly more complex cases, we may need to upcast StaticScrutineeType:

            /         \

StaticScrutineeType PatternType \ / DynamicScrutineeType

This may be the case if the scrutinee is a singleton type or a path-dependent type. It is also the case for the following definitions:

trait Expr[T] trait IntExpr extends Expr[T] trait Const[T] extends Expr[T]

StaticScrutineeType = Const[T] PatternType = IntExpr

Union and intersection types are an additional complication - if either scrutinee or pattern are a union type, then the above relationships only need to hold for the "leaves" of the types.

Finally, if pattern type contains hk-types applied to concrete types (as opposed to type variables), or either scrutinee or pattern type contain type member refinements, the above relationships do not need to hold at all. Consider (where T1, T2 are unrelated traits):

StaticScrutineeType = { type T <: T1 } PatternType = { type T <: T2 }

In the above situation, DynamicScrutineeType can equal { type T = T1 & T2 }, but there is no useful relationship between StaticScrutineeType and PatternType (nor any of their subcomponents). Similarly:

StaticScrutineeType = Option[T1] PatternType = Some[T2]

Again, DynamicScrutineeType may equal Some[T1 & T2], and there's no useful relationship between the static scrutinee and pattern types. This does not apply if the pattern type is only applied to type variables, in which case the subtyping relationship "heals" the type.

Inherited from:
def constrainSimplePatternType(patternTp: Type, scrutineeTp: Type, forceInvariantRefinement: Boolean): Boolean

Constrain "simple" patterns (see constrainPatternType).

Constrain "simple" patterns (see constrainPatternType).

This function expects to receive two types (scrutinee and pattern), both of which have class symbols, one of which is derived from another. If the type "being derived from" is an applied type, it will 1) "upcast" the deriving type to an applied type with the same constructor and 2) infer constraints for the applied types' arguments that follow from both types being inhabited by one value (the scrutinee).

Importantly, note that the pattern type may contain type variables, which are used to infer type arguments to Unapply trees.

Invariant refinement

Essentially, we say that D[B] extends C[B] s.t. refines parameter A of trait C[A] invariantly if when c: C[T] and c is instance of D, then necessarily c: D[T]. This is violated if A is variant:

trait C[+A] trait D[+B](val b: B) extends C[B] trait E extends DAny with C[String]

E is a counter-example to the above - if e: E, then e: C[String] and e is instance of D, but it is false that e: D[String]! This is a problem if we're constraining a pattern like the below:

def foo[T](c: C[T]): T = c match { case d: D[t] => d.b }

It'd be unsound for us to say that t <: T, even though that follows from D[t] <: C[T]. Note, however, that if D was a final class, we could rely on that relationship. To support typical case classes, we also assume that this relationship holds for them and their parent traits. This is enforced by checking that classes inheriting from case classes do not extend the parent traits of those case classes without also appropriately extending the relevant case class (see RefChecks#checkCaseClassInheritanceInvariant).

Inherited from:
Inherited from:

Can comparing this type on the left lead to an either? This is the case if the type is and AndType or contains embedded occurrences of AndTypes

Can comparing this type on the left lead to an either? This is the case if the type is and AndType or contains embedded occurrences of AndTypes

Inherited from:
def decomposeRefinements(tp: Type, refines: List[(Name, Type)]): Type

Decompose into conjunction of types each of which has only a single refinement

Decompose into conjunction of types each of which has only a single refinement

Inherited from:
def dropTransparentTraits(tp: Type, bound: Type)(using Context): Type

If tp is an intersection such that some operands are transparent trait instances and others are not, replace as many transparent trait instances as possible with Any as long as the result is still a subtype of bound. But fall back to the original type if the resulting widened type is a supertype of all dropped types (since in this case the type was not a true intersection of transparent traits and other types to start with).

If tp is an intersection such that some operands are transparent trait instances and others are not, replace as many transparent trait instances as possible with Any as long as the result is still a subtype of bound. But fall back to the original type if the resulting widened type is a supertype of all dropped types (since in this case the type was not a true intersection of transparent traits and other types to start with).

Inherited from:
def explained[T](op: ExplainingTypeComparer => T, header: String)(using Context): String

The trace of comparison operations when performing op

The trace of comparison operations when performing op

Inherited from:

Full bounds of param, including other lower/upper params.

Full bounds of param, including other lower/upper params.

Note that underlying operations perform subtype checks - for this reason, recursing on fullBounds of some param when comparing types might lead to infinite recursion. Consider bounds instead.

Inherited from:

The full lower bound of param includes both the nonParamBounds and the params in the constraint known to be <: param, except that params with a nestingLevel higher than param will be instantiated to a fresh param at a legal level. See the documentation of TypeVar for details.

The full lower bound of param includes both the nonParamBounds and the params in the constraint known to be <: param, except that params with a nestingLevel higher than param will be instantiated to a fresh param at a legal level. See the documentation of TypeVar for details.

Inherited from:

The full upper bound of param, see the documentation of fullLowerBounds above.

The full upper bound of param, see the documentation of fullLowerBounds above.

Inherited from:
def glbArgs(args1: List[Type], args2: List[Type], tparams: List[TypeParamInfo]): List[Type]

Try to produce joint arguments for a glb A[T_1, ..., T_n] & A[T_1', ..., T_n'] using the following strategies:

Try to produce joint arguments for a glb A[T_1, ..., T_n] & A[T_1', ..., T_n'] using the following strategies:

  • if arguments are the same, that argument.
  • if corresponding parameter variance is co/contra-variant, the glb/lub.
  • if at least one of the arguments if a TypeBounds, the union of the bounds.
  • if homogenizeArgs is set, and arguments can be unified by instantiating type parameters, the unified argument.
  • otherwise NoType

The unification rule is contentious because it cuts the constraint set. Therefore it is subject to Config option alignArgsInAnd.

Inherited from:
final inline def inFrozenConstraint[T](op: => T): T
Inherited from:
def init(c: Context): Unit
Inherited from:
def instanceType(param: TypeParamRef, fromBelow: Boolean)(using Context): Type

The instance type of param in the current constraint (which contains param). If fromBelow is true, the instance type is the lub of the parameter's lower bounds; otherwise it is the glb of its upper bounds. However, a lower bound instantiation can be a singleton type only if the upper bound is also a singleton type.

The instance type of param in the current constraint (which contains param). If fromBelow is true, the instance type is the lub of the parameter's lower bounds; otherwise it is the glb of its upper bounds. However, a lower bound instantiation can be a singleton type only if the upper bound is also a singleton type.

Inherited from:

Defer constraining type variables when compared against prototypes

Defer constraining type variables when compared against prototypes

Inherited from:
def isSameRef(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean

Same as isSameType but also can be applied to overloaded TermRefs, where two overloaded refs are the same if they have pairwise equal alternatives

Same as isSameType but also can be applied to overloaded TermRefs, where two overloaded refs are the same if they have pairwise equal alternatives

Inherited from:
def isSameType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean

Two types are the same if are mutual subtypes of each other

Two types are the same if are mutual subtypes of each other

Inherited from:
final def isSameTypeWhenFrozen(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(using Context): Boolean
Inherited from:
final protected def isSatisfiable(using Context): Boolean

Test whether the lower bounds of all parameters in this constraint are a solution to the constraint.

Test whether the lower bounds of all parameters in this constraint are a solution to the constraint.

Inherited from:
def isSubArgs(args1: List[Type], args2: List[Type], tp1: Type, tparams2: List[ParamInfo]): Boolean

Subtype test for corresponding arguments in args1, args2 according to variances in type parameters tparams2.

Subtype test for corresponding arguments in args1, args2 according to variances in type parameters tparams2.

Value parameters:

The applied type containing args1


The type parameters of the type constructor applied to args2

Inherited from:
def isSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean
Inherited from:
protected def isSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, whenFrozen: Boolean)(using Context): Boolean
Inherited from:
final def isSubTypeWhenFrozen(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(using Context): Boolean
Inherited from:
protected def legalBound(param: TypeParamRef, rawBound: Type, isUpper: Boolean)(using Context): Type

Approximate rawBound if needed to make it a legal bound of param by avoiding wildcards and types with a level strictly greater than its nestingLevel.

Approximate rawBound if needed to make it a legal bound of param by avoiding wildcards and types with a level strictly greater than its nestingLevel.

Note that level-checking must be performed here and cannot be delayed until instantiation because if we allow level-incorrect bounds, then we might end up reasoning with bad bounds outside of the scope where they are defined. This can lead to level-correct but unsound instantiations as demonstrated by tests/neg/i8900.scala.

Inherited from:
def levelOK(level: Int, maxLevel: Int)(using Context): Boolean

Is level <= maxLevel or legal in the current context?

Is level <= maxLevel or legal in the current context?

Inherited from:
def liftIfHK(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, op: (Type, Type) => Type, original: (Type, Type) => Type, combineVariance: (Variance, Variance) => Variance): Type

op(tp1, tp2) unless tp1 and tp2 are type-constructors. In the latter case, combine tp1 and tp2 under a type lambda like this:

op(tp1, tp2) unless tp1 and tp2 are type-constructors. In the latter case, combine tp1 and tp2 under a type lambda like this:

[X1, ..., Xn] -> op(tp1[X1, ..., Xn], tp2[X1, ..., Xn])

Inherited from:
def location(using Context): String
Inherited from:
def lubArgs(args1: List[Type], args2: List[Type], tparams: List[TypeParamInfo], canConstrain: Boolean): List[Type]

Try to produce joint arguments for a lub A[T_1, ..., T_n] | A[T_1', ..., T_n'] using the following strategies:

Try to produce joint arguments for a lub A[T_1, ..., T_n] | A[T_1', ..., T_n'] using the following strategies:

  • if arguments are the same, that argument.
  • if corresponding parameter variance is co/contra-variant, the lub/glb.
  • otherwise a TypeBounds containing both arguments
Inherited from:
final def matchesType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, relaxed: Boolean): Boolean

A function implementing tp1 matches tp2.

A function implementing tp1 matches tp2.

Inherited from:

Do the parameter types of tp1 and tp2 match in a way that allows tp1 to override tp2 ? Two modes: precise or not. If precise is set (which is the default) this is the case if they're pairwise =:=. Otherwise parameters in tp2 must be subtypes of corresponding parameters in tp1.

Do the parameter types of tp1 and tp2 match in a way that allows tp1 to override tp2 ? Two modes: precise or not. If precise is set (which is the default) this is the case if they're pairwise =:=. Otherwise parameters in tp2 must be subtypes of corresponding parameters in tp1.

Inherited from:

Do the parameter types of tp1 and tp2 match in a way that allows tp1 to override tp2 ? This is the case if they're pairwise >:>.

Do the parameter types of tp1 and tp2 match in a way that allows tp1 to override tp2 ? This is the case if they're pairwise >:>.

Inherited from:
def natValue(tp: Type): Option[Int]

Optionally, the n such that tp <:< ConstantType(Constant(n: Int))

Optionally, the n such that tp <:< ConstantType(Constant(n: Int))

Inherited from:

When collecting the constraints needed for a particular subtyping judgment to be true, we sometimes need to approximate the constraint set (see TypeComparer#either for example).

When collecting the constraints needed for a particular subtyping judgment to be true, we sometimes need to approximate the constraint set (see TypeComparer#either for example).

Normally, this means adding extra constraints which may not be necessary for the subtyping judgment to be true, but if this variable is set to true we will instead under-approximate and keep only the constraints that must always be present for the subtyping judgment to hold.

This is needed for GADT bounds inference to be sound, but it is also used when constraining a method call based on its expected type to avoid adding constraints that would later prevent us from typechecking method arguments, see or-inf.scala and and-inf.scala for examples.

Inherited from:
Inherited from:
def nestingLevel(param: TypeParamRef)(using Context): Int
Inherited from:
final def orType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, isSoft: Boolean, isErased: Boolean): Type

Form a normalized conjunction of two types. Note: For certain types, | is distributed inside the type. This holds for all types which are not value types (e.g. TypeBounds, ClassInfo, ExprType, LambdaType). Also, when forming an |, instantiated TypeVars are dereferenced and annotations are stripped.

Form a normalized conjunction of two types. Note: For certain types, | is distributed inside the type. This holds for all types which are not value types (e.g. TypeBounds, ClassInfo, ExprType, LambdaType). Also, when forming an |, instantiated TypeVars are dereferenced and annotations are stripped.

Value parameters:

Apply erasure semantics. If erased is true, instead of creating an OrType, the lub will be computed using TypeCreator#erasedLub.


If the result is a union, this determines whether it's a soft union.

Inherited from:
def provablyDisjoint(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(using Context): Boolean

Are tp1 and tp2 provablyDisjoint types?

Are tp1 and tp2 provablyDisjoint types?

true implies that we found a proof; uncertainty defaults to false.

Proofs rely on the following properties of Scala types:

  1. Single inheritance of classes
  2. Final classes cannot be extended
  3. ConstantTypes with distinct values are non intersecting
  4. TermRefs with distinct values are non intersecting
  5. There is no value of type Nothing

Note on soundness: the correctness of match types relies on on the property that in all possible contexts, the same match type expression is either stuck or reduces to the same case.

Inherited from:

Is tp an empty type?

Is tp an empty type?

true implies that we found a proof; uncertainty defaults to false.

Inherited from:
def recordStatistics(result: Boolean, prevSuccessCount: Int): Unit

Record statistics about the total number of subtype checks and the number of "successful" subtype checks, i.e. checks that form part of a subtype derivation tree that's ultimately successful.

Record statistics about the total number of subtype checks and the number of "successful" subtype checks, i.e. checks that form part of a subtype derivation tree that's ultimately successful.

Inherited from:
def showGoal(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(using Context): Unit

Show subtype goal that led to an assertion failure

Show subtype goal that led to an assertion failure

Inherited from:
final def simplifyAndTypeWithFallback(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, fallback: Type): Type
Inherited from:
def singletonInterval(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Type

If the range tp1..tp2 consist of a single type, that type, otherwise NoType. This is the case iftp1 =:= tp2, but also iftp1 <:< tp2,tp1is a singleton type, andtp2derives fromscala.Singleton` (or vice-versa). Examples of the latter case:

If the range tp1..tp2 consist of a single type, that type, otherwise NoType. This is the case iftp1 =:= tp2, but also iftp1 <:< tp2,tp1is a singleton type, andtp2derives fromscala.Singleton` (or vice-versa). Examples of the latter case:

"name".type .. Singleton "name".type .. String & Singleton Singleton .. "name".type String & Singleton .. "name".type

All consist of the single type "name".type.

Inherited from:
final protected def subsumes(c1: Constraint, c2: Constraint, pre: Constraint)(using Context): Boolean

Constraint c1 subsumes constraint c2, if under c2 as constraint we have for all poly params p defined in c2 as p >: L2 <: U2:

Constraint c1 subsumes constraint c2, if under c2 as constraint we have for all poly params p defined in c2 as p >: L2 <: U2:

c1 defines p with bounds p >: L1 <: U1, and L2 <: L1, and U1 <: U2

Both c1 and c2 are required to derive from constraint pre, without adding any new type variables but possibly narrowing already registered ones with further bounds.

Inherited from:

Is a subtype check in progress? In that case we may not permanently instantiate type variables, because the corresponding constraint might still be retracted and the instantiation should then be reversed.

Is a subtype check in progress? In that case we may not permanently instantiate type variables, because the corresponding constraint might still be retracted and the instantiation should then be reversed.

Inherited from:
Inherited from:
def topLevelSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean
Inherited from:
def tracked[T](op: TrackingTypeComparer => T)(using Context): T
Inherited from:
Inherited from:
def widenInferred(inst: Type, bound: Type)(using Context): Type

Widen inferred type inst with upper bound, according to the following rules:

Widen inferred type inst with upper bound, according to the following rules:

  1. If inst is a singleton type, or a union containing some singleton types, widen (all) the singleton type(s), provided the result is a subtype of bound. (i.e. inst.widenSingletons <:< bound succeeds with satisfiable constraint)
  2. If inst is a union type, approximate the union type from above by an intersection of all common base types, provided the result is a subtype of bound.
  3. Widen some irreducible applications of higher-kinded types to wildcard arguments (see @widenIrreducible).
  4. Drop transparent traits from intersections (see @dropTransparentTraits).

Don't do these widenings if bound is a subtype of scala.Singleton. Also, if the result of these widenings is a TypeRef to a module class, and this type ref is different from inst, replace by a TermRef to its source module instead.

At this point we also drop the @Repeated annotation to avoid inferring type arguments with it, as those could leak the annotation to users (see run/inferred-repeated-result).

Inherited from:

If tp is an applied match type alias which is also an unreducible application of a higher-kinded type to a wildcard argument, widen to the match type's bound, in order to avoid an unreducible application of higher-kinded type ... in inferred type" error in PostTyper. Fixes #11246.

If tp is an applied match type alias which is also an unreducible application of a higher-kinded type to a wildcard argument, widen to the match type's bound, in order to avoid an unreducible application of higher-kinded type ... in inferred type" error in PostTyper. Fixes #11246.

Inherited from:

Inherited fields

protected var caseLambda: Type

Potentially a type lambda that is still instantiatable, even though the constraint is generally frozen.

Potentially a type lambda that is still instantiatable, even though the constraint is generally frozen.

Inherited from:

We are currently comparing type lambdas. Used as a flag for optimization: when false, no need to do an expensive pruneLambdaParams

We are currently comparing type lambdas. Used as a flag for optimization: when false, no need to do an expensive pruneLambdaParams

Inherited from:
protected var frozenConstraint: Boolean

If the constraint is frozen we cannot add new bounds to the constraint.

If the constraint is frozen we cannot add new bounds to the constraint.

Inherited from:
protected var homogenizeArgs: Boolean

If set, align arguments S1, S2when taking the glb T1 { X = S1 } & T2 { X = S2 } of a constraint upper bound for some type parameter. Aligning means computing S1 =:= S2 which may change the current constraint. See note in TypeComparer#distributeAnd.

If set, align arguments S1, S2when taking the glb T1 { X = S1 } & T2 { X = S2 } of a constraint upper bound for some type parameter. Aligning means computing S1 =:= S2 which may change the current constraint. See note in TypeComparer#distributeAnd.

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