
object Plugin
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


type AnyClass = Class[_]

Value members

Concrete methods

Instantiate a plugin class, given the class and the compiler it is to be used in.

Instantiate a plugin class, given the class and the compiler it is to be used in.

def load(classname: String, loader: ClassLoader): Try[AnyClass]

Use a class loader to load the plugin class.

Use a class loader to load the plugin class.

def loadAllFrom(paths: List[List[Path]], dirs: List[Path], ignoring: List[String]): List[Try[Plugin]]

Load all plugins specified by the arguments. Each location of paths must be a valid plugin archive or exploded archive. Each of paths must define one plugin. Each of dirs may be a directory containing arbitrary plugin archives. Skips all plugins named in ignoring. A classloader is created to load each plugin.

Load all plugins specified by the arguments. Each location of paths must be a valid plugin archive or exploded archive. Each of paths must define one plugin. Each of dirs may be a directory containing arbitrary plugin archives. Skips all plugins named in ignoring. A classloader is created to load each plugin.