Members list
Value members
Concrete fields
How many recursive calls to findMember are performed before logging names starts Note: this threshold has to be chosen carefully. Too large, and programs like tests/pos/IterableSelfRec go into polynomial (or even exponential?) compile time slowdown. Too small and normal programs will cause the compiler to do inefficient operations on findMember. The current value is determined so that (1) IterableSelfRec still compiles in reasonable time (< 10sec) (2) Compiling dotty itself only causes small pending names lists to be generated (we measured at max 6 elements) and these lists are never searched with contains.
How many recursive calls to findMember are performed before logging names starts Note: this threshold has to be chosen carefully. Too large, and programs like tests/pos/IterableSelfRec go into polynomial (or even exponential?) compile time slowdown. Too small and normal programs will cause the compiler to do inefficient operations on findMember. The current value is determined so that (1) IterableSelfRec still compiles in reasonable time (< 10sec) (2) Compiling dotty itself only causes small pending names lists to be generated (we measured at max 6 elements) and these lists are never searched with contains.
How many recursive calls to isSubType are performed before logging starts.
How many recursive calls to isSubType are performed before logging starts.
How many recursive calls to NamedType#underlying are performed before logging starts.
How many recursive calls to NamedType#underlying are performed before logging starts.
If this flag is set, and we compute T1[X1]
& T2[X2]
as a new
upper bound of a constrained parameter, try to align the arguments by computing
S1 =:= S2
(which might instantiate type parameters).
This rule is contentious because it cuts the constraint set.
If this flag is set, and we compute T1[X1]
& T2[X2]
as a new
upper bound of a constrained parameter, try to align the arguments by computing
S1 =:= S2
(which might instantiate type parameters).
This rule is contentious because it cuts the constraint set.
For more info, see the comment in TypeComparer#glbArgs
If true, allow mappping capture set variables under captureChecking with maps that are neither bijective nor idempotent. We currently do now know how to do this correctly in all cases, though.
If true, allow mappping capture set variables under captureChecking with maps that are neither bijective nor idempotent. We currently do now know how to do this correctly in all cases, though.
Check that atoms-based comparisons match regular comparisons that do not take atoms into account. The two have to give the same results, since atoms comparison is intended to be just an optimization.
Check that atoms-based comparisons match regular comparisons that do not take atoms into account. The two have to give the same results, since atoms comparison is intended to be just an optimization.
Check that Name#toString is not called directly from backend by analyzing the stack trace of each toString call on names. This is very expensive, so not suitable for continuous testing. But it can be used to find a problem when running a specific test.
Check that Name#toString is not called directly from backend by analyzing the stack trace of each toString call on names. This is very expensive, so not suitable for continuous testing. But it can be used to find a problem when running a specific test.
If a constraint is over a type lambda tl
and tvar
is one of
the type variables associated with tl
in the constraint, check
that the origin of tvar
is a parameter of tl
If a constraint is over a type lambda tl
and tvar
is one of
the type variables associated with tl
in the constraint, check
that the origin of tvar
is a parameter of tl
Check that reverse dependencies in constraints are correct and complete. Can also be enabled using -Ycheck-constraint-deps.
Check that reverse dependencies in constraints are correct and complete. Can also be enabled using -Ycheck-constraint-deps.
When updating a constraint bound, check that the constrained parameter does not appear at the top-level of either of its bounds.
When updating a constraint bound, check that the constrained parameter does not appear at the top-level of either of its bounds.
Check that each constraint is fully propagated. i.e. If P <: Q then the upper bound of P is a subtype of the upper bound of Q and the lower bound of Q is a subtype of the lower bound of P.
Check that each constraint is fully propagated. i.e. If P <: Q then the upper bound of P is a subtype of the upper bound of Q and the lower bound of Q is a subtype of the lower bound of P.
Check that each constraint resulting from a subtype test is satisfiable. Also check that a type variable instantiation satisfies its constraints. Note that this can fail when bad bounds are in scope, like in tests/neg/i4721a.scala.
Check that each constraint resulting from a subtype test is satisfiable. Also check that a type variable instantiation satisfies its constraints. Note that this can fail when bad bounds are in scope, like in tests/neg/i4721a.scala.
If this flag is set, higher-kinded applications are checked for validity
If this flag is set, higher-kinded applications are checked for validity
Check that variances of lambda arguments match the variance of the underlying lambda class.
Check that variances of lambda arguments match the variance of the underlying lambda class.
If checkLevelsOnConstraints
is true, check levels of type variables
and create fresh ones as needed when bounds are first entered intot he constraint.
If checkLevelsOnInstantiation
is true, allow level-incorrect constraints but
fix levels on type variable instantiation.
If checkLevelsOnConstraints
is true, check levels of type variables
and create fresh ones as needed when bounds are first entered intot he constraint.
If checkLevelsOnInstantiation
is true, allow level-incorrect constraints but
fix levels on type variable instantiation.
If this flag is set, method types are checked for valid parameter references
If this flag is set, method types are checked for valid parameter references
Enable noDoubleDef checking if option "-YnoDoubleDefs" is set. The reason to have an option as well as the present global switch is that the noDoubleDef checking is done in a hotspot, and we do not want to incur the overhead of checking an option each time.
Enable noDoubleDef checking if option "-YnoDoubleDefs" is set. The reason to have an option as well as the present global switch is that the noDoubleDef checking is done in a hotspot, and we do not want to incur the overhead of checking an option each time.
Check that no type appearing as the info of a SymDenotation contains skolem types.
Check that no type appearing as the info of a SymDenotation contains skolem types.
Check that constraint bounds do not contain wildcard types
Check that constraint bounds do not contain wildcard types
Check positions for consistency after parsing
Check positions for consistency after parsing
Check that typed trees don't point to untyped ones
Check that typed trees don't point to untyped ones
Check that re-used type comparers are in their initialization state
Check that re-used type comparers are in their initialization state
If this flag is set, it is checked that class type parameters are only references with NoPrefix or ThisTypes as prefixes. This option is usually disabled, because there are still some legitimate cases where this can arise (e.g. for pos/Map.scala, in LambdaType.integrate).
If this flag is set, it is checked that class type parameters are only references with NoPrefix or ThisTypes as prefixes. This option is usually disabled, because there are still some legitimate cases where this can arise (e.g. for pos/Map.scala, in LambdaType.integrate).
If this flag is set, it is checked that TypeRefs don't refer directly to themselves.
If this flag is set, it is checked that TypeRefs don't refer directly to themselves.
Check that certain types cannot be created in erasedTypes phases. Note: Turning this option on will get some false negatives, since it is possible that And/Or types are still created during erasure as the result of some operation on an existing type.
Check that certain types cannot be created in erasedTypes phases. Note: Turning this option on will get some false negatives, since it is possible that And/Or types are still created during erasure as the result of some operation on an existing type.
If this flag is set, we check that types assigned to trees are error types only
if some error was already reported. There are complicicated scenarios where this
is not true. An example is TestNonCyclic in posTwice. If we remove the
first (unused) import import
in CompilationUnit
we end up assigning a CyclicReference error type to an import expression annotation
before the cyclic reference is reported. What happens is that the error was reported
as a result of a completion in a not-yet committed typerstate. So we cannot enforce
this in all circumstances. But since it is almost always true it is useful to
keep the Config option for debugging.
If this flag is set, we check that types assigned to trees are error types only
if some error was already reported. There are complicicated scenarios where this
is not true. An example is TestNonCyclic in posTwice. If we remove the
first (unused) import import
in CompilationUnit
we end up assigning a CyclicReference error type to an import expression annotation
before the cyclic reference is reported. What happens is that the error was reported
as a result of a completion in a not-yet committed typerstate. So we cannot enforce
this in all circumstances. But since it is almost always true it is useful to
keep the Config option for debugging.
Check that constraints of globally committable typer states are closed. NOTE: When enabled, the check can cause CyclicReference errors because it traverses all elements of a type. Such failures were observed when compiling all of dotty together (source seems to be in GenBCode which accesses javac's settings.)
Check that constraints of globally committable typer states are closed. NOTE: When enabled, the check can cause CyclicReference errors because it traverses all elements of a type. Such failures were observed when compiling all of dotty together (source seems to be in GenBCode which accesses javac's settings.)
It is recommended to turn this option on only when chasing down a TypeParamRef instantiation error. See comment in Types.TypeVar.instantiate.
Assume -indent by default
Assume -indent by default
Type comparer will fail with an assert if the upper bound of a constrained parameter becomes Nothing. This should be turned on only for specific debugging as normally instantiation to Nothing is not an error condition.
Type comparer will fail with an assert if the upper bound of a constrained parameter becomes Nothing. This should be turned on only for specific debugging as normally instantiation to Nothing is not an error condition.
If this flag is set, take the fast path when comparing same-named type-aliases and types
If this flag is set, take the fast path when comparing same-named type-aliases and types
If set, method results that are context functions are flattened by adding the parameters of the context function results to the methods themselves. This is an optimization that reduces closure allocations.
If set, method results that are context functions are flattened by adding the parameters of the context function results to the methods themselves. This is an optimization that reduces closure allocations.
When in IDE, turn StaleSymbol errors into warnings instead of crashing
When in IDE, turn StaleSymbol errors into warnings instead of crashing
Initial capacity of the uniques HashMap. Note: This should be a power of two to work with util.HashSet
Initial capacity of the uniques HashMap. Note: This should be a power of two to work with util.HashSet
If true, print capturing types in the form {c} T
If false, print them in the form T @retains(c)
If true, print capturing types in the form {c} T
If false, print them in the form T @retains(c)
If true, the runWithOwner
operation uses a re-usable context,
similar to explore. This requires that the context does not escape
the call. If false, runWithOwner
runs its operation argument
in a fresh context.
If true, the runWithOwner
operation uses a re-usable context,
similar to explore. This requires that the context does not escape
the call. If false, runWithOwner
runs its operation argument
in a fresh context.
If true, Denotation#asSeenFrom
is allowed to return an existing
instead of allocating a new SingleDenotation
the two would only differ in their prefix
(SymDenotation always
have NoPrefix
as their prefix).
This is done for performance reasons: when compiling Dotty itself this
reduces the number of allocated denotations by ~50%.
If true, Denotation#asSeenFrom
is allowed to return an existing
instead of allocating a new SingleDenotation
the two would only differ in their prefix
(SymDenotation always
have NoPrefix
as their prefix).
This is done for performance reasons: when compiling Dotty itself this
reduces the number of allocated denotations by ~50%.
If set, prints a trace of all symbol completions
If set, prints a trace of all symbol completions
If set, show variable/variable reverse dependencies when printing constraints.
If set, show variable/variable reverse dependencies when printing constraints.
If this flag is on, always rewrite an application S[Ts]
where S
is an alias for
[Xs] -> U
to [Xs := Ts]U
Turning this flag on was observed to give a ~6% speedup on the JUnit test suite.
If this flag is on, always rewrite an application S[Ts]
where S
is an alias for
[Xs] -> U
to [Xs := Ts]U
Turning this flag on was observed to give a ~6% speedup on the JUnit test suite.
In derivedSelect
, rewrite
In derivedSelect
, rewrite
(S & T)#A --> S#A & T#A
(S | T)#A --> S#A | T#A
Not sure whether this is useful. Preliminary measurements show a slowdown of about 7% for the build when this option is enabled.
The recursion depth for showing a summarized string
The recursion depth for showing a summarized string
Show subtype traces for all deep subtype recursions
Show subtype traces for all deep subtype recursions
If set, enables tracing
If set, enables tracing
When explaining subtypes and this flag is set, also show the classes of the compared types.
When explaining subtypes and this flag is set, also show the classes of the compared types.