object Decorators

This object provides useful extension methods for types defined elsewhere


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete fields

inline val MaxFilterRecursions: 10



extension [T <: AnyRef](arr: Array[T])(arr: Array[T])
def binarySearch(x: T | Null): Int
extension (it: Iterator[Symbol])(it: Iterator[Symbol])
final def findSymbol(p: Symbol => Boolean): Symbol

Implements a findSymbol method on iterators of Symbols that works like find but avoids Option, replacing None with NoSymbol.

Implements a findSymbol method on iterators of Symbols that works like find but avoids Option, replacing None with NoSymbol.


extension (names: List[String])(names: List[String])
def containsPhase(phase: Phase): Boolean

Test whether a list of strings representing phases contains a given phase. See config.CompilerCommand#explainAdvanced for the exact meaning of "contains" here.

Test whether a list of strings representing phases contains a given phase. See config.CompilerCommand#explainAdvanced for the exact meaning of "contains" here.


extension (pn: PreName)(pn: PreName)

Extension methods for toType/TermName methods on PreNames.

Extension methods for toType/TermName methods on PreNames.


Extension methods for toType/TermName methods on PreNames.

Extension methods for toType/TermName methods on PreNames.


extension (s: String)(s: String)
def concat(name: Name)(using Context): SimpleName
def indented(width: Int): String
def sliceToTermName(start: Int, end: Int)(using Context): SimpleName

Create a term name from a string slice, using a common buffer. This avoids some allocation relative to termName(s)

Create a term name from a string slice, using a common buffer. This avoids some allocation relative to termName(s)


def sliceToTypeName(start: Int, end: Int)(using Context): TypeName
def splitWhere(f: Char => Boolean, doDropIndex: Boolean): Option[(String, String)]
extension (sc: StringContext)(sc: StringContext)
def em(args: Shown*)(using Context): NoExplanation

Interpolator yielding an error message, which undergoes the formatting defined in Message.

Interpolator yielding an error message, which undergoes the formatting defined in Message.


def i(args: Shown*)(using Context): String

General purpose string formatting

General purpose string formatting


extension (str: => String)(str: => String)

Convert lazy string to message. To be with caution, since no message-defined formatting will be done on the string.

Convert lazy string to message. To be with caution, since no message-defined formatting will be done on the string.


extension (text: Text)(text: Text)
def show(using Context): String
extension [T](x: T)(x: T)

Returns the simple class name of x.

Returns the simple class name of x.


def showing[U](op: WrappedResult[U] ?=> String, printer: Printer)(using c: Conversion[T, U] | Null): T
def tryToShow(using Context): String

Instead of toString call show on Showable values, falling back to toString if an exception is raised.

Instead of toString call show on Showable values, falling back to toString if an exception is raised.


extension [T](x: T)(x: T)
extension [T](xs: List[T])(xs: List[T])
final def eqElements(ys: List[AnyRef]): Boolean

Implements filterConserve, zipWithConserve methods on lists that avoid duplication of list nodes where feasible.

Implements filterConserve, zipWithConserve methods on lists that avoid duplication of list nodes where feasible.


def filterConserve(p: T => Boolean): List[T]

Like xs filter p but returns list xs itself - instead of a copy - if p is true for all elements.

Like xs filter p but returns list xs itself - instead of a copy - if p is true for all elements.


final def hasSameLengthAs[U](ys: List[U]): Boolean

True if two lists have the same length. Since calling length on linear sequences is Θ(n), it is an inadvisable way to test length equality. This method is Θ(n min m).

True if two lists have the same length. Since calling length on linear sequences is Θ(n), it is an inadvisable way to test length equality. This method is Θ(n min m).


def mapWithIndexConserve[U <: T](f: (T, Int) => U): List[U]

Like xs.lazyZip(xs.indices).map(f), but returns list xs itself

Like xs.lazyZip(xs.indices).map(f), but returns list xs itself

  • instead of a copy - if function f maps all elements of xs to themselves.


final def mapconserve[U](f: T => U): List[U]

Implements filterConserve, zipWithConserve methods on lists that avoid duplication of list nodes where feasible.

Implements filterConserve, zipWithConserve methods on lists that avoid duplication of list nodes where feasible.


def reduceBalanced(op: (T, T) => T, seqLimit: Int): T

Reduce left with op as long as list xs is not longer than seqLimit. Otherwise, split list in two half, reduce each, and combine with op.

Reduce left with op as long as list xs is not longer than seqLimit. Otherwise, split list in two half, reduce each, and combine with op.


def setUnion(ys: List[T]): List[T]

Union on lists seen as sets

Union on lists seen as sets


def zipWithConserve[U, V <: T](ys: List[U])(f: (T, U) => V): List[V]

Like xs.lazyZip(ys).map(f), but returns list xs itself

Like xs.lazyZip(ys).map(f), but returns list xs itself

  • instead of a copy - if function f maps all elements of xs to themselves. Also, it is required that ys is at least as long as xs.


extension [T <: AnyRef](xs: ::[T])(xs: ::[T])
def derivedCons(x1: T, xs1: List[T]): List[T]
extension [T, U](xss: List[List[T]])(xss: List[List[T]])
def nestedExists(p: T => Boolean): Boolean
def nestedMap(f: T => U): List[List[U]]
def nestedMapConserve(f: T => U): List[List[U]]
def nestedZipWithConserve(yss: List[List[U]])(f: (T, U) => T): List[List[T]]