abstract class LambdaTypeCompanion[N <: Name, PInfo <: Type, LT <: LambdaType]


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def apply(paramNames: List[N])(paramInfosExp: LT => List[PInfo], resultTypeExp: LT => Type)(using Context): LT
def syntheticParamName(n: Int): N
protected def toPInfo(tp: Type)(using Context): PInfo

Concrete methods

protected def addSealed(tparam: ParamInfo, tp: Type)(using Context): Type

If tparam is a sealed type parameter symbol of a polymorphic method, add a @caps.Sealed annotation to the upperbound in tp.

If tparam is a sealed type parameter symbol of a polymorphic method, add a @caps.Sealed annotation to the upperbound in tp.


def apply(paramNames: List[N], paramInfos: List[PInfo], resultType: Type)(using Context): LT
def apply(paramInfos: List[PInfo])(resultTypeExp: LT => Type)(using Context): LT
def apply(paramInfos: List[PInfo], resultType: Type)(using Context): LT
def fromParams[PI <: Of[N]](params: List[PI], resultType: Type)(using Context): Type