See theCheckCaptures companion class
object CheckCaptures

The capture checker


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Type members


case class Env(owner: Symbol, nestedInOwner: Boolean, captured: CaptureSet, isBoxed: Boolean, outer0: Env | Null)

A class describing environments.

A class describing environments.

Value parameters


the caputure set containing all references to tracked free variables outside of boxes


true if the environment is inside a box (in which case references are not counted)


true if the environment is a temporary one nested in the owner's environment, and does not have a different actual owner symbol (this happens when doing box adaptation).


the next enclosing environment


the current owner


trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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class Pre extends PreRecheck, SymTransformer


class PreRecheck
class Phase
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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final class SubstParamsMap(from: BindingType, to: List[Type])(using x$3: Context) extends ApproximatingTypeMap, IdempotentCaptRefMap

Similar normal substParams, but this is an approximating type map that maps parameters in contravariant capture sets to the empty set. TODO: check what happens with non-variant.

Similar normal substParams, but this is an approximating type map that maps parameters in contravariant capture sets to the empty set. TODO: check what happens with non-variant.


class TypeMap
trait Type => Type
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Value members

Concrete methods

def checkWellformed(ann: Tree)(using Context): Unit

Check that a @retains annotation only mentions references that can be tracked. This check is performed at Typer.

Check that a @retains annotation only mentions references that can be tracked. This check is performed at Typer.


def checkWellformedPost(tp: Type, pos: SrcPos)(using Context): Unit

If tp is a capturing type, check that all references it mentions have non-empty capture sets. Also: warn about redundant capture annotations. This check is performed after capture sets are computed in phase cc.

If tp is a capturing type, check that all references it mentions have non-empty capture sets. Also: warn about redundant capture annotations. This check is performed after capture sets are computed in phase cc.


def disallowRootCapabilitiesIn(tp: Type, what: String, have: String, addendum: String, pos: SrcPos)(using Context): Unit

Warn if ann, which is a tree of a @retains annotation, defines some elements that are already accounted for by other elements of the same annotation. Note: We need to perform the check on the original annotation rather than its capture set since the conversion to a capture set already eliminates redundant elements.

Warn if ann, which is a tree of a @retains annotation, defines some elements that are already accounted for by other elements of the same annotation. Note: We need to perform the check on the original annotation rather than its capture set since the conversion to a capture set already eliminates redundant elements.
